06050089CITY OF CUPERTINO T' Tt�a,�y �xs=ar� - "j�"I��y�^`" IR BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT dl..®��pv"^'l�O BUILDING ADDRESS: PALISADE BUILDERS INC PERMIT No. 06050089 19501 STEVE OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE MENLO EQUITIES 909 ALMA STREET rj6/o9/2no6 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. Ir (650)470-4700 ARCHITEC (ENGINEER: - BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH n o 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION IOL DCSCi1pI1On 1 hereby affirm Nat 1 am licensed under provide. of Chapter 9 (commencing with Sic ]IXk3)ofondsian Sof Ido, Business and Professium Codc, and my lice... nlnnfn.ea.derr«t. REVISION-CANTILEVOR.AROUND BLDG Lhamm Class Lim.# Dam Commum RFI FOR PLANTING NEW TREE-ORIG #04090240 ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION NO NEW PERMIT nd my plans shall he u.d as public rords 1 understand ec ( Licensed Pmressional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hreaso .(Sere the 11. exempt from Nc Contractor's Liccn. Law for the i mason. (Section BI31.5. Business and Code: My city m county my ere. dedone which a re conswcL a@r, impmw, erre eery swnum 1 which t squires ,also h permit i a sig Of for sucContrarmiva ril nM 1.2 N sammem primer its ceased W the the Sq. FL Floor Area Valuation nt provisions pursuant sli<ensedpursuam7")orDvsio3NeheBuinessaddProlLAw(Chap¢r9 tthat curn (commcnring rith Sauon]0003 of Division lnf dtc Business add Profeaiatu Code) or $0 that he is eumpt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of APN Number Occupancy e P Y TYP Section ]031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more Nan Ove hundred dollars (S5ML ❑ 1.uowtterof J¢property,termycmploycuwithwagsuNeG.lecampeu don, Required Inspections will do the work and the strumum is not intended or offered forsale (Sec. ]ON, But. and Profndou Code: The Contractors License Law docs twI apply m an owner of property who builds orimproves Narcan, and who daessuch work himself or through his Own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If. however. the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion. Ne owner - builder will have the, burden of proving that M did not build ter improve for purpose of anlc.) ❑ 1. as awns of a property, . Business exclusively cofessio g with licensed .tract rs i. centre Ne project (pec. too14, Code) The Li- (\ a who Wilds es theme, no(apply Pr m an owner of property whe builds or impmvn thereon. and. chrofand property cone Law cdoesontracts for for such projects with a cantrecmr(s) licensed pursuant m One Contractors whence Lacts License Law. am i] 1 ore evempt undo Sec 0 3 P C for this ..on V Owner Dam \ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 01 I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declaalions: hire and will maintain. Ccnificaa of Gmsu m to self -intim for W.ftesComfort. setmo, u provided for by Section 3700 of the Inbar Cede, fee use poofarmance of dte work for which this permit is issued. ❑ I have and will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 3700 of Ne Labor Cole, for Ne performance of the wart for which this permit is issued My Workers Compensation Laurance artier and Policy number are: Camcr: Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Ibissection need net beeemplewd if the permit is formic hundred doll= (5100) or loss.) I certify the in the performance of the work for which this Permit is isued. I shell not employ any person in any manner. as m become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws or California. Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, altar making this Cenifcam or Exemption, you should became subject to the Worker's Compertsatimn provisions or the Labor Code, you must foMwith comply with such provisions or Nu permit shall he deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby a1Brm that there is p conswnien lending agency for the performan¢ of the work for which Nu permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ, C.) Lender's Name Lenders Addacss 1 certify Nat 1 have mad this application and state Nat the above information is comet, I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and stale laws misting to building construction, and hereby amhorrre repraena6vcs of this city to enter upon the ahovm-memidgm propertyoat or inspection purpoharmless 4 (We) agree Ire save, indemnify and keep h less Ne City of Cupertino against es. ts,the craving expcmcsmit. may in any way same against mid City inqunce or mf granting of this permit. A APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS ' APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS ANO WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REGUL.AT \ Re -roofs Type of Roof ignammplantt{{{ ohuacmr Dam AZAROOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will Ned pliant orfumm building occupantsmvv re of handle hardrusmerud as defined Wits, Ne Cupertino Municipal Cade. Chapter 9.13, and the Health and Safety Code. seNa. zssu(.)] ❑rte �Dfd All roofs shall be inspected prior to an roofing material bei. P P Y g being installed. OrWill Ne applicant or future building occupant use, equipment or devices which Oricn If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove hanNnu air crnaminamts u defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. ❑Yes ON. I haw read Ne harsom., materials ac,immera under Chapmr595 orthe Califor- nia Health h SafelyCode. Savors 25505, 25533 smI 5534,1 understood IhxtifNe building Docs not cuncmly haw, a ¢rant, that it is my rapmuibility to notify the occupant of the mqu Khmhh�bemIptjgrIHi emoraC-SomaCcccpmcy. �� �E Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better 0-6c, r mon.ndegept, ❑ue Z. : <C :pC .zi 0 2 Z C CITY OF CUPERTINO ONTRACTQR�INFO RMATIQN BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: PALISADE BUILDERS INC PERMRN0.06050059 19501 STEVENS OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE MENLO EQUITIES 909 ALMA STREET 06/09/2006 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (650)470-4700 ARCHITECT/ NGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I hereby affirm Nal 1 am licensed under provisions Of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7") of Divialon Sof de Busiess and Professions Code.and my licence u in full force and effect. REVISION-CANTILEVOR BLDG License Class `J Dam CaMvacmr .AROUND RFI FOR PLANTING NEW TREE-ORIG 404090240 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION NO NEW PERMIT 1 undersand my plans shall he used as public records Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby alum that I am Caceopt from tM Convazlofs License law for One,following eman. (Secdoa 7031.5. Business and uns ny ProfeasiCade: Acity or.unty which ¢quirts a permit to construct, alcor, improve, demolish. or repair any structure ! prior to its issuance, also inquires the applicant forsuch permit to Glc a signed statement Conuacmrs Liccnm Law 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation Nat he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the (Chapter (commencing with section 7000) of Division 3 or Ne Business and Professions Code) or 0 1 Nat he u exempt therefore roand the basis for the alleged exemption. Any vloladon of APN Number Occupancy e P Y IYP Section 9031.5 by arty applicant fa a permit subjects the applicanuo a civil penally of not more than five hundred dollars (5500). O I, u ownerr of the property, a my employees with wages as the"v sok campensomm. Required Inspections will on the work and dusvuaum u not intended or afemA far ale (Sec. 1044, Bud. Cam License Law does and Pnefessiou Cade The xc o x ooh apply to . Ower Of property who bunds orimproves thereon. and whodausuch werkhimselfor Wough his own employees, provided Natsuch improvements Meet intended aoffemd furnace. If. however, the building or improvement is sold within ane year of completion, the owner, builder will have the bard. of pawing Nat he did om build or improve for papom of talo.). - Q, ^ \. 1, as owner of the property un exclusively convudng with licensed ¢outran m ca atruct the project (Sec. 7044. Business; and professions Code:) The Commodes V. V (� cense law does Out apply m in ouxr of property who builds or improves then.n, and . who cmdacts for such projects with a conuacands) thersed pursuant ad the Convector's License law. ❑ I am exempt under See B k P C for this mason Owner Data WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury tee of the following declan0ons: ❑ I ham and will maintain a Culifiamof Conacnt as self -insure far WorkcfsCompen- ad., u provided for by Section 37M of the latter Code. for the performance, of Ne wort for which this permit is issued. ❑ 1 have and will meimain Worker's Compensation Issuance, az mgmovd by Scedon 3700 of Ne lather Code. for Ne performance of the work for which this pemnil is issued. My Worker Compensation War.. artier and Policy number are: Carrier,Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thu sec bms land Out bu completed if the permit is fmonc hundred dollars ($I00) ter less.) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this Permit is issued. ) shall not cmplcy any persen in my manneras as on become, subject to de Workers' Compensation Laws or California. Dae Applicam NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. after malting this Ccrtinate of Exemption. you should become subject m Ne Workers Compensation Provisions of the Labor Code, you crop faMwith Comply with such provision or Our permit shall be doemed revoked. I j CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm Nat Here is a conswctinn lending agency for the performance of Oc work for which this permit u issucd (See. 3097, Civ, C.) lendeh Name Lattices Add. I certify Nat 1 have reed this appRcadm and waste that the above ittrwor en u cam M I agree a comply with all city and county ordinances and sam laws relating to building conauunion, and hereby authodm reprammatives of this tiny to enter upon de abbvememioned property for inspection . I.rpte (Wer) agree to save, indemnify and krcp harmless Ne City of CuPcnino against cram and Oxpcnsesmit. may in any way carve against aid City which m incoideajose or th, or IND APPLICANThe Aranting WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE RECUTA s ^ �a `^!/ Re -roofs Type of Roof ignmum lion dnZO prem AZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Willplica¢ a fuwre Wilding ecup.lsrort or basic haurdm ous nunah az defied b Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.12, and the HcaIN and Safety coca. Borden25532(.)?❑y. ONg All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or future Wilding dexpam use cquipm.t Or dwi.s which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove mit huardom air Com minana u &rjmd by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District, 1]Ya ONO I law maJ the haaNnus maternismquiremcn s under Chapter6.95 Of thc Called, nia Hesith k Safety Cada SaCtiass 13505,25533 and 25534.1 undersand thlifthe building does not Carmody hot a tenant, that it u my rome cubility m OMiry the aTap.l Or the rtyvim whichmuvbcmd tufa-reamara= Signature of Applicant Date / b All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better ow c, or mth.rimd Date