02050171be F—a a �N YMO MO g 0 i } ce �e C? �3 O z F ai W' 5 U yOy L•^ U. CITY OF CUPERTINO - - , -•" "' " "' - " BUILDING DIVISION PERMI0 - BULLOA`G ADDRESS: P PERMIT NO. 19028 STEVENS CREEK BLVD A ANH HOANG DESIGN 0 02050171 OWNER'S NAME: A APPLICATION SUB DATE ALPHA INVESTMENT INC ( #A,B) 1 1272 LORELEI CT 0 05/28/2002 ' PHONE: S SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)374 -8285 ARCHITECDENGINEER: B BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LJ S Jab Description 0 therebyy pp�M that1am licensedunit provisions of Chapter 9(commencing - - is In full fO nd C ucey cl.a tae.. G41 - Z8� I<n ✓`• RCHffECT'S DECCARAT ON� J 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records OLicensed Professional OWNER - BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contin ant's License Law for the following reason. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county C which requires a p $3500 pemdt w P that he is licensed punatiot to the provisions of the Contractors License law(Chapmr9 S SQ pL wI^ Or ea . • . V Valuation Professions C 3'7J lil'U.1,• s of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subject, the applicant m a civil penalry � �.�,,m�' Occupancy Type ❑ I. m owner of the property, .,my employees with wages as their axle ccoh,haadon, will ne she work, and the W,: statuctom ri C not sior'. d m offered for tale (Sec. on 1 10 4 — REBAR Required Inspections owner Of property Who loilds or improves thereon, and who does such work i intended m or through his own employers, provided that such improvements menu art ram intended m 1 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS offered for sale. It. howeveUhe building or improvement n sold within one year of completion, the ownerbuildcr will have the burden of proving that he did not Wild or 3 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL ' improve forparpes,ofsale.). 5 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ❑1. as owner of the propany, annexcmai. aycomracdng with licensed contractors to - - 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS construct the does nt (See, 7044, owner and Professions Cede:) The improves thereon, License law does not apply man owner of property who builds errd n nose a t Commission, am axe License IoW. . $J1 am exempt under Sec. , B der P C for rcnson � � Q Owner Date • Q 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury One of the following declarations: ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Cenificate of Consent to self-insum for Worker's Compensation, as provided far by Section 3700 of the labor Coda, for the Performance of the Work for which this permit is issued. O 1 have end will maintain Worker's Compensation Worance. u required by Section 3700 of the Labor Cade, for the performance of she work for which this permit is sued. My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number are: Curie6" Policy No.: ' CERTIFICATION OFEXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE' -- . . .. -... .. ....... ._.. ..._ .. ... ..... ___._" .... gads section nerd not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($1 Wt or less) 'I certify that in the perfam once the work for which this permit is issued, 1 , , employ Ony rson i t/ APpliceq/ ere l - NOTIC AP kr g h C nfica,of Exemption, you should fiction subjec a Workers Compensation provisions of the labor Code, you most .:. .. " - OFFICE- , .. .. 1 ...., ... APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY 06 UPERTI DES AN ORDINANCE` Ii1L �If�r -1 EL�ya•T�oN Silo III =2, ` -O" 90PI This set of piai kept on tt. - °1 at all times and it is un lewvful to make ny changes or alteration O O on same witho t written permission from the building DErt., City of Cupertino. I Ths $to-nping 6. this plan and specifications SFSALC NOT bq held to permit or o �sion �� be an apY..: ' G thh�'. G a, U of a110, I O _ ., !YII;n2rICe Cf Sta -- . --- PpOr(T OFF1Gfr SiGI'f FL- ffVAT10r -{ e, l - 1a' - o" r PLO's PIANz, STf~Vf�:ri cR*'-Ea'— 6Lvd . I i W �IQ ICJ n = 5Y °cc° a THREADED PIPE- U.L. USMD TwVYSrOMNZ BOX -� COnoulT TG niwER Swlrcll TR.4N 5 foRM cR I-M LR DETAILS _ no scale ., a onnI 0 1 �3 a. tr 1 A t Z o �Its' i i 22 6Ad&F MP—TAt - -5' R�7URNER _ SQL- ,,,F�L 3 /40TRIM C.+.p �• W T6 2�y6 Y'�'lf@i$'6 I .� IVzON TUBE suPFb27 Neon GTO CAbiZ 'CRi=wS (AT IZAST TAR MTir=R I i W �IQ ICJ n = 5Y °cc° a THREADED PIPE- U.L. USMD TwVYSrOMNZ BOX -� COnoulT TG niwER Swlrcll TR.4N 5 foRM cR I-M LR DETAILS _ no scale ., a onnI 0 1 �3 a. tr 1 A t Z o �Its' 1 , I 0 d C o_ Z 3 � gy Ir N X ;p r4 '9'-1 ii � ►- 7 0 4- �I1 00 N : 6> a •' L o KM61 -L m L • Ambrosian Angel AKM62 -L September Blush i KM63 -L Shula Satin KM64 -M Peach Blossom KM65 -M Plain Pei c a c T' A z e Z , 4 1 I 1 ' � 1 I I 1 1 I ' 1 I 1 I 1 , I I a •' L o KM61 -L m L • Ambrosian Angel AKM62 -L September Blush i KM63 -L Shula Satin KM64 -M Peach Blossom KM65 -M Plain Pei c a c T' A z e Z , 4 11 • • c m CUPERTINO 0 0 CITY OF CUPERTINO 6 Lv SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # 379-H - 0 71 Date: 5 � Energy Zg 0 2 Building Address: 0102$ STFV�ni CR.t711- &vA S A 9� g CvP o cA . �15U14 Owner's Name: Phone #: ^I-QNA4 IHVtSTM�T *:[--ML &FV -qLFt�j -o°160 Contractor: ANt} ti-o,&4461 nzalOrl License #: C49- &41 Contact: 1� ry l F ii-o �J Cs Phone #: 4 0 - TY Applicant/Contractor: BUILIDNG m ing rmit Info: Bldg Elect Plumb Mech Job D cription: I N ST�Ci -1- A t� aw S l6 h) idential: t; :.., Commercial,; _ _ �. Sq.Ft. Floor Area: $ /Sq.Ft.: Architect/Engineer: Valuation: 3 t7 Type of Construction: Occupancy Group: Qty. if ADnlianble Fre M Fee T� �7 BENERGY Energy BUILIDNGu BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILIDNG BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILIDNG BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILIDNG EPERMPI FEE Elect Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNAD Rmdl Signs Add Branch ELECTRICAL BREMSIGNS Rmdl Sings, Marquee ELECTRICAL BUSLIC Business License BUILIDNG �7 CI PENNO DNG CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUI DIVISION PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 19028 STEVENS CREEK BLVD ANH HOANG DESIGN 02050171 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE ALPHA INVESTMENT INC (#A,B) 1272 LORELEI CT 05/28/2002 'HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)374 -8285 ARCHITECDENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CON he'd R'S DECLARATION I hertIs Rrm chat 1 am licassed undo provisions of Chapmr9 (commencing with section ofj�Deitwision lof Ne Bound ProfessionsoCodn, nd my titan N "�° INSTALL NEW SIG isinffall far ad eft.. Lice# `��}1-2.80 0 9 2003 Co li..A ✓` JAN RCHITECr'S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records WILDING Licensed Pmfessiotml OWNER - BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm mar 1 exempt from me Contractor's License Law for the following reason (Section ]o3 L5, Business and Professions Cos : 1. Code: Any city or county' de o which requires a permit to conarmct, alter, improve, demolish, repair any structure improve, demolish, $3500 fi tech Permit License pdorwim tensed gales rtgoims movisio - - - - - - soffor aw(Chapter9 Ihapheislicensedpursrtibmto the provismnsoftheCon .anorsLicenselaw(Chapmr9 (coarmencmg with Section.70f1(1)nf Division 3 of the Btrincss Professions Code) or ea. ppI g �T ��'`' ° 9' " f'S, %� i' t Valuation ' and or that he is the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation fi sany �gg �t: 3.75�11'.b`/.1i:.0.0_rr,f.:_ ._(t'ti: 31.5 F wrur of Section ]Ol L5 by any epplican'1for a pemds subjects me applicant to a civil permhy •of not more than five hundred dollors(S500). �.�,,r��,�, 101 APNFOOND5ATION '° r'' Occupancy Type ° h as owner of the property. or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, - - Required Inspections' ' 104 - REBAR 9 p ' - -will - e the work, an as Coal n YS not chir', i en offered for sate (see . to an Cale: The roommaoeo License Law does not apply w an pro owner property owner of property Who builds m improves thereon, mpr who does such work himself and or through his own employes, provided that such improvements menm art not intended or 105 -..ANCHOR, BOLTS__., -� _ _. __ _- .. -_ _._— sold within one year of ':offered for sale.wer havetorimen _ ,�1sy,: (. ,. .. Wilder will completion, the ownerbuilder will have the burden of proving char he did not build or of proving 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL' improve forpurposva( solo)' 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL — - as r -. _ ,.. exclusively _... an - - _ _ _ . _ .... cant with J<omm�tam° ❑1,mownecofthepS..7.emBuinsa g _ .. - .._._..... . -.... ___._..__ _.._-_.. ..., .. 514 - FINAL PUBLIC WORKS she at ISa. 7W1 Business and Profession, Code:) The Contractor's - •, t . , . License License mc5 does nm apply men owner, of property who builds or impmvs thereon, _ m .ad who commens for-such Protects with a conwesor(s) licensed.pursuam to this C vazwh . exempt exempt under Sa:- t � . B & PC for M1is reason .. Owner.',.. Date •. - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty, of perjaiy one of the following declarations: - ° 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Contend to self - insure for Worker's Compensation; as provided for by- Section 9700 of the labor Cade, for the performance of she work for which this permit is issued. 111 have and will mainuin Worker's Compcnsmion Insurance, as required by Section ' 3700 of the Labor Cale, for the performance of the work.for which this permit is issued My Worker's C p ns ti d on Insurance comer anti Policy ' number am: Cnme IY I ^gyp t ),tf, r (!`f Pdlhcy No: ' ' rr' CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS I ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE c - -_._ ... ..- _._ - -. ... _. ..__ _. - -. ...... . -...._ .• (Thcs section"need not. complete fshe . . ... ..... ... Ic permit is tot one hundred dollars .. _... ._., -. ...,..... 1 (SID(d or less) I d n fy shai ih Perf anon,- �Ijthe o k f w h h th pemc t i. tied 1 - - _ ' ! if. d II t rapt y any r o m lylP[IFalr i Ira b) t Wo kers C tape��fiso on Les Cal 000000JJJJJJffffff s c. d APPIwaA NOTIC a kc g Cen l¢am ps should c me Iwfiom n bjcc o t Workers Compensm on prov s tins of the 1 obor CWe, you muds n sla. Y o t (onhwim cornDlY wim such pmvisions or his permit shall be deemed revoked. _.. _._.__....__k CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY' -' I hereby afrou mat dram is a c.a -vo nioo lending agency far tha la rfumiaace r of she work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 309], Civ. C.) ' -lad N - ... _.. .__ ._..._ _ _. .__._ ..: ..... ..... ...n -_. _... .- Land Address - 1 NatIh arc thatthe bo f Tonis I agree all city and county admances and scam laws c. to comply all city andi county ordinances Wit g con d he rte Wilding ronamcGon. and hereby authorize reprtdenmtives of this city w emer upon enter upon ,the abme me11. td propvny fnr,Iny and keep p ficases. (We) tdgme save. indemnify and hamayto tae City of Cupertino against t liabilities judgments, casts amt expenses which may in any way accme against soil City in consequence of grgming of this permit. l°PLICA _GIN ERSTAND,S AND WJLL COhIPLI'WITH AL NON -DINT OURCE REG "'' / • ,_}' p Issued by: Date ATIO. ., ,Signal a plimrtJ nmracwr ,..- Re -roofs .Dare; HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSUR c Will the sppl c nt o f c re hued ng nocaparilsman u handle hinNous material 7�pe Of Roof _ _. - _... .-.. a dern d by m Cupcm o M ipal Cod Ch pt 9 1? and ch H Ira and Safety Cod Sauon 25532(e) °Y" r yc.7 ,,; . - •. . \ , av s t t �s All roofs. shall be inspected prior,to roofing material being. installed WII the applicant future Wilding upans use equipment or devices which -any -. If a roof is installed' without first obtamirig an' inspection; I agree to remove 'earth d Management D tare contaminants ms a.e r ac me Bay A aA r Quality Man , r v r all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with- all non - point source regulanons -`.. I have read me Intrinsic.,. materials fequiremu en under Chapter 6.95 of the 6. llfomia Health & Safety Code. Sections 25505, 35533 and 25534. 1 understand that i(tae building does nm currently haveatenam. thin it is my msponsibillry m'nmify me - or p ns of the qurc emswm tan mesp riot w .Dance of a Cenlfcate of _ _ 6 Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class `B" or better net a mor;aN a am n,e :. - ...� .. ..... .... .. - .. - OFFICE. .. ... . _ .. ........._ .... ... .._