01030086 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. wo ��. 010300e6 OWNER'S NAME APPLICATION SUIT DATE zo9 44]�Y, 03/15/2001 ' PHONE: SANT I'ARY NO. CONT!ROL NO, °rcZ ARCHI'IPCLUNGINHER: BUILDING PINMI'IINTO 00 BI. It]IPC1 1'LIIM MIiCH N LICENSED CONT'RACTOR'S DECLARATION .lob Description - I hertbY IJlirnl that I an li v eat unJtt pruvisia,x of CM1llpmr 9(cummm�cing °y�-° will Section Val, Dl...... 9 nfthe 13uxiness utul Hofuvinn%C and m licrnm axf� wu mrfe '( � '? REPIPE NEW FURNACE, BATHROOM REMODEL. rc 6 Licen Clans_ _,n r 'c°LL„ D°"(p--�� f'-C1._s'FOLAR ;D REMOVE NON BEARING WA f-LLJ° 1:Il,daraml n,y tion,shill he used u,puhlic mcnnh ae Ear a a 50 Licensed atonal x o OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ` W= I homily eathy allied,that 1 Inn eB d boon the Cosion, o Elevate Law li,r,he C Z 6 following alma it ISnolal 7113 L5, 1, h ev Incl or.Sim,%ll.or Any city nr county '2❑ which layuimsapermi,In cnnhwct,allnr,inq,rove,Jemnlish,or nTuir any.urufmrc itm pfarmits iamnfe.also rcyuircx,he oPPlicam for well per„duo nleavigneJ am¢•„tem 'bar The is licensed Lictical-au,(ChaptIr') Sq. Ft. Floor Area Y&Iuation (con,mfncing with Section 7)I()of Division 3 of the Bu%ince and Professions Code) or that he i,e,empl Ibembiour It the hurl,rot the ull<ged exemption Any violation of Section 00315 by uny:tpi llnal lite a permit nuhj"ll the apprennt ton civil penally of not mam,dn five hundred dollars IS5101. APN Number Occu06H5ye@j& ❑1,a,aw oo of Ihf pmpenY.nr n,y<mployecs with vatic,as their vJe scon,l vation. will Jo the work,and the,louse i,not intended or offered for vale(Sec.7(54, Btlxine%.,and Pmmndon,Code The Canlrnmor,Lieoo,1-aw doe.mit nn,,I,to an 3662401A 00quired Inspections ,ir or NoNuy Who build,or int.nwa thenen,dal who Joos such walk hlnrnell t though his own nophtoee,.pnwided that such improvements are nn,intended or olfertd for sale.If.however.the building or impmvemem i%sold within one year or �impletion.the owner-huilder will have the burden of proving that he did nal build or 101 — FOUNDATION ...la%afa......... nal..1. 102 — PIERS ❑I.Its owner of the poppy,ilio exfludvcly Iummcrng with licensed cmnmeton to 103 — UFER nnznuc, he protan(See.7)4m ,Busine%v and Ped..to.,C de)The Comctors License Law docs not apply to an owner of pmI who huilds or impri thereon, and who contract,for such projects with a conetalaI licensed pastamt m the 104 — REBAR Co.ntmaor',LI%cnhc Law. f as e%rn,pl.„de,See. .It ea PC Car al,rca%a; 105 — ANCHOR BOLT Owner Date 106 _ SEWER & WATER WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 202 UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING I hfrehy eninonmler petmly'If perltoylure of the lbuawlllg dell"alion- 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL 0 1 have and will maintain a certificate or Consent in ,cleinxare for Worker% 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME Compensation, os provided for by Section 3700 of the Error Code, for the perfore anceoftheworkforwhichthispardini.siswaL 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION ❑1 have and will inamtafn Wed&,Can.en,lltiolI m,.macf,a,r,,loued by Scram” 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING 37)1 of the Labor Coda,for the parhm„ance of the work for which this penni,is I...d.lay,!oker n,ath.n Insurance carie,and Policy,number are: 302 — TUD & OR SHOWER Carie= lU/\ Gr Policy No: 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL Clto it CAn5N Oil Exi'M1,1'ION FROM WUItKIiRs' COMPENSATION INSURANCE 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL_ ('Illi%section need not ba complete,rnhe perms is roe one humlml dollars 305 — FRAME (b I)B ar le"j 306' — HOEDOWNS (Q 1 campy neat in the pc us an, drat Ihf wark rat widen IMS portrait a kwcd,I ?07 — INSULATION shall sol employ w, nerals in Ivry manner w as m Mcome bugle,In the Waders' Compensation Law,if California.Dae Npn — c�av, 30a SHEET"ROCK NUT]CE Tne'l ,,Ili,,W kI,nuermulaliohis Ccnlheate of L Labor iom year should 309 — EXTERIOR LATH balhwdh.b rnpl, hi Worked Canlaa,aIli,Too' turl shall the Luber navokean nntxt •� p C a,nllwilhcomplyw'ITh%.cnpro,ida,,.vmmi,pfm,i,hnanofdefined,f,akf`I' 31.0 — INTERIOR LATH F' amCONS'MUCI'ION LENDING AGENCY Iherebylfhnnthat them isconvtchonleadingac — geneyrartl perburmrce 311 SCRATCH COAT 'It the wad foe whieh th in.moil is issued see.3))7,Civ.C.1 y p Lendcr',None 313 — ROOF NAIL D z LcndfrxAdores, 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY C.7 O I certify[flat I have mad this application and%tate that the above information is — , cme,,.I a,ma I,coloply wilhull6t,add eountyordimuse,;,oil me law,relml.g JOG' FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY OU L� lx bdldingeonhtrmdon,andl:mchyaan,ori.crpmwatative,aln,i%city toenter npon 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY ma a ,vvinl:mlonfd propfny ro,oopecaon ptlq,a... E., a 1W'e)agrccn,save.indedrily add kespharndco,heCity ofCupeninoogainst Q O04 — FINAL_ BUILDING ENERGY Z) liabilities,prim ems,cast,and c,penses which may in any way accmc gairta said v z cityS TEST— mfon%equ ann<gmn, ,nni,pnna. 565 .—. FINAL ELECTRICAL AI'PLIC E AN NDWILLCOMPLYWII'HALLNON801NT IssuedI •- Date M t. n I 5➢gnm.mt nppran 'Irc`I [)am Re-roofs 507 — FINAL PLUMBING IIA]ARD s MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the:Ippllcx it orf biding axnpao, locator handle haraNnus material Type of Roof 808 — FINAL- MECHANICAL Ix d.Iined by the Reirlmo Rd Code.Ch:lmet 4.11,and the Health and Safety . calf,se"io1,255320)4 509 — FINAL GRADE ❑Yes C3 No All roofs shall b�1 �tjecled,pr(,�� �ny� ppFff %{kl`,t rial being installed. e Will thea Iieanl or boort buildin ml ,me,adaptation deice,which �1 ILr. ' 14 .Y,�HIVI IIVL�. lir dby pan 1 ,roan If a roof is instal P- W(thou I� t Q talp�❑�nJpy e� gree to remove mit htuuNnuvnironmatniwm%m Alined by,he Bary Are,,Air Quality Managemem 1 (,, nj�{,1 p !-'IJt5L 1.LpWcomply rope ? all new materials cif Ins ec t R IIc'IIIC un(lerstan s m❑❑❑ will cam I with OYe, Cl No all non-point source regulations. I have read,he hazwmous material%requirements under Chapter 6.95 of The California Health A,safety Calc.Scoions 355115,25533 and 25534.1 understand that it'the huildin"Joe,nl fatly`ay.3lfnun1,mat it is my ruptm%ibility In na,ify the eapant if r .%t he met poor m i„unntc of a Ccninate at ,xcopa Signature of Applicant Date owner a a sial,. ' Dale All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better OFFICE