25309 yrya:^rspI'M 11.wra e-1.I... .v.•vr.m....v..-......u.-....r r„ �- ... ...... . �.......r. - tt'•, CITY OF CUPERTINOPLUMBIN'- ' ERMITNO. 25309 F BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT G-MECHANICAL d I PUILDINC1,01DIRCIn IDo IJUITOADDRESS: ,e sae SANITARY NO. APRJCATIONSUBMRTALDATI �t I 1 f.`IW '11W..Cp.' Q UNITM LO N 3 NAME: IONS: -79 CO R'3 I: 'IS411E 11N1 CONIAOL 1' AR /PNOI E : LIC NO: D O I N o ►h ONTA� PHONE: k 0 WpBRhIIT,INFO, � s�.l7!irV,' L E1,[!Cj' ME MliCll 3) i a5 ' PERMIT ISSUANCE �� li LICPNSe ONTRACIOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-MID L TOE DPS IPfION �`}}' Kx Iherby allMnthulem llavdunderprovidonwfChapler9lcommmdng with Be mire 700B)of d_�Nd lRof the Lic.. end f ion .ylQ mat limos isle PANELS O r fullrmce eau' I 41!•F UPT0200AMP3 �� License w Cont 7" Den Cont 201- 000 M S SQ.FT,FLOOR RHA fISQ.FT. CHITT.CI9 DHCL TIO CZ'3 1 understand my plane shell be used u public¢lords. I /M1 gym❑ 1 CAL JVgJ �sdd uamd Professional p4 OWNER-BUILDER f� qOBUILDER OEM S CIA N R/MISC. O I harsh, Hio that I ant exepfrom the Communes License Lew ler the aLLy rtseum(Section 7031.3,Business wProfessions Code:Any dry or rmy Te METER which rmes pennll o construct,alter,Improve,demolish,or repairany emctua n Y� Worohat...nco,alwmqulaethe applicant(.ouch pemdt le RleadgxdstsnmenI POWER DHV Cpthan be 1.license punumt he the prooldwsof the Contactor.License law(ChWer 9(cmm In&with Section 7000)of Divider,3 of the Business NO Professios,Code) SWIMMING CIRIC VALUATION y mthea he tseaempt thwefrodsed the bolt(or the dlege aemWon.Mrvldwonof 1 >^ Scolbn 7031.7 by am applicmtfaapmnit wbjecb the applluntbsdvilOmdryd ounADS;.s ES-ISXTURES IY amort than Ave hundred dellen($300). NEW RESIDENTIALELECfit _S PT.n❑ 1,newnrk,and epm)eM.mmarilmo lad rothwegaulM1elde(Sm.70mpevwon, Q' TOR P CON 17l CIiOh + will dothewons Crain: The nisreUnnnde,Law df.etaWly.70 M.Business and Professions Crile:71se Conireclors Uaoe Law ilea net apply to an.war of pe ."whobuildsorlmpeva thneon,end whodoeeeuch work himself.throughbts OCC.ORO PUNITS -T ownemplryea,provlddthal.uchlmprovmientseae nothoendedooffered for We.if, however,the bulklm,or impovemem Iseult]within.I.electrified.,then... # builder will have the holden of psovinf that he did not build re Improve fo purpose or h sale.6 I OODZ APN ❑ I,"moffortha property,amencludvely connecting with licensed contractorsre 4. construct the project(Ser.7041,Buttons and Profaslons Code:)The Connector's f PERMIT ISSUANCE Licence,Lewdoes not Wlyoanownerefpm ropywho Wilde orlmpmva therand who contracts her such projects white conmmm(e)Ilcenee pursuant to the Co eruct]. e U.-U.. ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(HA) ❑ l.m-meopl uner Ser. ,B d P C fm tMs reason BACK FLOW PROTECT,DEVICE TSIVE FEE SANITARY Y N Owner Dso _ REIPr N ,..� •t �'• WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION D R SCHOOL TAX Y N ;t1 Ihereby efnrm that l have a cmi0cam ofconom m self-nsuse,me ceninate of -.. REC N err CompenWltan Imuran.ne a awned copy,Baroof(Sm.3800,Lab C.)which Fl RPS PP.RTRAP ' waste PARK FEE Y N rover all employee'.0 IhlStft.. GA �Y••,�,•l REC.IPfN Company- pny 1JlAAA d, s STEM BUILDING I IS FEESsab . w _/e/eb1 A/ �Ii CA/ OAS-EA.SYSTEM-O PI.ANCIIP.CK FEE .❑ CmiOd orgy b herby fudehd. DA ❑ CeniHe ropy is file with thedty lmpecflondlvidon. REASPJINDUSTR ORADINO FEEteal, b won^ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP SOILS FTP i, COMPENSATION INSURANCE t 'rndzseetion mad not be completed iflhe permit Is for ons hwdredoll.n(3100) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.200Pr. ENERGY i aim) Icerdfytheindwparfmrnmvofdowmkfmwhlch Ni.permlllsluued,ldtdl WATER HRATER W/VENTA?LECIR rad employ any Peron In any manna w u m become subject to the Workers' PAID CompenxtlonUws of Cdlfomia. Data WATER SYSTEM/TREATING ate 8.1140 00 Applicant y NOTICE TO APPLICANT:IL efeermding this Catlflanof RxemW.n,youdeuld NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMR. SQ.Fr. TpT G FP become subject o mwp the Worker.Canpem ovldom of the Uen bor Cade,ymum fenhwiN comply with sea Frovidom o Nn permit dust he damned mvokd. UILDIND FT 0 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC j Z1 hartby affirm tiw tea Is a conrmellon lending 4emY f.tha pedomaas of 0 the work Am which this pmth is bound(Sm.3097,Clv.C.) P.LP.CfR FEe .� B O �+ Lendal theme 99 [" leder,Address N T" n PI.0 INO FEE /mm 0 ill!!! I conify thea 1 have read this application and some that tie.have infrrmealon Is r- a cmrtct.I agree o creep? with dldry sad mmtry ddironm ae.l.n law.rtl.dngo PERMIT ISSUANCE MI .HANICAL FEE lLl-^Jy j bulldingaonuction,ad hereby rvdvdortparnhtivaofdd,chy omtaupon the WSTRUCIION TAX 7 om e-mtiend propmy for ivpee0opup..rp . ALTER OR ADDTO MECH. F7 (We)gree an save,Inderndfy and kap heamlm the Clry of Cupertino against IlsMdhla,judgments,evars. a whicM1 ma In any wayiere.sgdnat said City AIR HANDLING UNIT GO,10,"CFM) I`a .can r he gr Lingo b II. 3' AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,04M CFM) -n seen I It" ma Si .PAppli t/ContrMo EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCI) PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIS SURE HEATING UNIT(T0100,000 BTU) Dee Reaipl0 Will the anpllomm fuorebulldingaNpent. hands hazardous ensimal u define by the Cupertino Municipal Cede,Chapter 9.12,an the Edo and Safety HEATING UNIT(OVER IN,"BTU) TOTAL: Code,Seellon 25332(.)7 CI Ya 13 No VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE RR31D) t r BOILER-COMPDHPOR 100100 BTU) Neu ESS,D DATE Will 0e.Pyllnm ntfuort m buildingopma luequlpmm sntdevica , whichemll f {� D 1 ha ordoue.1.tudnann 4B re md by the BayAna An Queliry Mwge rsom BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) Won? ��- ❑Yea ❑No NEW RESIDENTIAL MEC1L SQ.F`L US 9 �a9 sS� 3 M ( I have reed the hnardwe materials requirements under Chapter 6.93 of the J i - Califmnie ilalth R Safnry Cde,SaOons 23503,23333 and 23534.I understand then CII t (✓ If tie building dm tel amity have.tenent,that it Is my rtspondbility to artily the h (:Uh'thfIIIVU oceopanr,of Lha"id emenn which mull be and price n lax.of•Cenifiao of Occupancy. owner m amhodad agent Date ISSUED BY: