24149 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification PERMITNgf/,T Building Addres:O Y 10 (.N 4 1 4 9 sonar Mme: one CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION cantrattor.Name: L Llc.Na: APPLICATION I PERMIT rasaIr� C.� A Altect/En neer. �t&'1 BUILDING-ELECTRICAL PLUMBINC-MECHANICAL CATEGORY L �" Lic No: L o 6 - QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address: 4 u v IJ - _ 'K'R115 - PERMIT ISSUANCE l ❑ ❑ Ram that LICENSEDCONTR under r vi LARATION Iherebyam,7000l ivRcenxd underprovtslonsoffeuma.9(commme- APPLIANCESRF.SIDENTUL ]OB DLSCRIPDON Incense is In fullM 0)ofd died.3o(the Buslneesand Profesdona Code,and my Ilcenx la In full rqLce and erfect. PANELS Limns Class Luc Date O - Date Contractor —IT IQ 2MAMPS ARCHITECTSDECLARATI 701-1000 AMPS FQ+anx Iunderstand my plans shall be used as public records, OVER1000AMPS I. .(LOQR AREA S/SQ.Fr. E od� Licensed Professional SIGNS ELECTRICALJaW lu( Ili. •17 G;6N OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SIrECULCR T/ Ihereby affirm that!am exempt from the Contmeor's License law for the pp following reason.(Section 7MIS,Business and Professions Code:Any city or Z f. TEMP.M• INST _ cmnlywhichrequbesapemdt(omrutr d Oter,Imprave,dem)'I sh,orrepalr q anystmd mpr rtoltslesuamgalsorequirestheapplimntfmsuchpertN[to D PJ file a signed statement that he Is Revoked pursuant to the pro is!, of the Ow Contractor's License Law(Cha plan 9(mmmentlngwith Settlors 700l DIN- SOS don3ofthe Bualnessand Profewbm Code)orthathebexmptthemfromand SW1MhRNG LELE VALUATION the barb for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 70115 by any < appllantlora perMbubjeda the applicant too dull pnnaity ofnd morethan OUTLETSSWITCHESH flt�undred dollan($500). NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR Sl STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sale 7s, corepensalion,wW dothe work,and thestructure b not Intended or offered for O sale(Sec.7064,Business and Professions Cade:The Contractors License law does not apply to m owner of property who Wilds or improves thereon,and OCC.CROUP RFS.UNITS whadmsuch work homseeorthrough hlsawn employees,provided that such improvements arc not intended oroffered for sale.If,however thebullding or TO Improvementissold withlnaneyearofcomplell.Ntheowner-bu0derwN have IL NZ7.,r th�+rden of provingthat he did not build or improve for purpose of sale.). QTy. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN L_j L as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed mntramm to construct the project(Sec.7064,Business and Profeaslons Code: PERMIT ISSUANCE The Contractor's License law does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT (IvU bullae or Improves thereon,and who contrafor surd pd - laje a with a c LJ - ,n[[ador(a)licensed Pursuant to the Contractors License Law. PEE SUMMARY ee I am exempt under SB &P C for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y N. FITS Owner Date RECEIPT a WORKMAN NSATION DECLARATION N— � rm I hereby affithat I havehave.a certificate of consent to self-Insure,or FTXTITRES PER TRAP SCHOOLTAX Y a RECEIPT,N 3800 ate of Worken'Compewtian Wunnce macertl(led copy thereof(Sm. GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 INCA 3800,Lab PARK F� Y— N Pollry N -O'9 RECEIPT p Cram an GASEA.SYSTM-OVER4(EA) ; Y BUILDING DIVISION FEES I I Genuflect copy is here tumecityhed. CREASE/1NDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE e2 6fyo Ia�E—lCediOed copy is filed with the city inspection division. L► �C CERTIFICATE OF EXE7NPFION FROM WORKERS' CREASETRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.20OFf. Da[e Recel ted (TNssedian need no[ed completed if the perMt is(or one hundred dollars Wall that WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGYFEE Y N ]certify thatothe person In the work fo as to became cleated, — I shall not employ any person In any manner n es res become abject to the WATER SYSTEM TREATING Worken'Compensation Lawe of 011fomW. Date. / PAID Applicant Z 2 NOTICETO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFr. Date Recei ted Hshould become subject to the Workers'Compeivatlon provisions of the Labor TOTAL: CC N Code,you mustforthwith comply with such proWiam arthis permit shell be deed voked. - I I 'E demreCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I herebyaffirm that there is a constmdlon lending agency for the perform- ELECTRIC FEE M Z ante of the work far which this permit is issued(Sen.3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL: L (� O lenders Name PLUMBING FEE LL E— ]enders Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE ME L OW I certilythat I have realthis appllatianand statethatthe above information 1 is correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEE relatingtobuilding comtmtllon,and herobyauthoreen reprexntatives of this —1{ ) 1— Z city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. Date $eCLj 1N — (We)agree to save,Indemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cu ped ono P against liaabilit/iters,,judg rts,mks and 'exp/eI the BranJni/rase$s_}�'hlchnuyle.eywayaya'cccrru/tee AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL' agaim hlw/IY u ( a/ f A permit �iA /i4S/`9 AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER lO,OW CFM) CONSTRUCT ION TAX I A pct t/ Dorn rFlats EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or Emote building occupant store or handle havardoas HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTU) Date ' ted material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safdy Code Section 25532(a)2 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) M Yes �No Will the applicant orfuturn Wilding occupant use equipment or devices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE MEID) ISSUANCE DATE which craft haeardous air mntaMnants ate de0ned by the Bay Area Air - Quality Management District? BOILER-COMP GHP OR 100,000 BTU) [ply es 9 No ave madtheb. out materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of BOILER-COMP(OVER100,W0 gni) the California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534. I understand that if the building don not comently have a tenant,that it is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFr � rapomibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be rnet prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. ' w Owner or authorlaed agent Date ISSUED BY: TOTAL: OFFICE COPY CITY Ur wrtHIINU