25477nwz PlOC Frz a ti v zoyz Oz—❑ _= LL C < KOa� to deo 0 v. C m s a 00 7 C7,1 Q �z VO OU Fa U7z7 s�- APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES • USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO "xill" NC-RI:RL°TRRIC.A. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PING PROJECT IDHANIElC BUILDING PR03RCT IDEN'ITPIf,A'TION PERMITNO. 2 C /1 % 7 LJL� r BUILDING ADDRESS: SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DAT f�{�/� 1 LOT# Lqrq31 OW dKS CK I NAM]?: ` P Ir r N1-73 CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LIC NIC CONIROLN ARCHITECDENGINEER: LIC NO '03t7 AD S: .S.L CONTACT: PHONE: �-s � (� � �p F --TS-1 1! 00 I I IO��Q� 3-7-7--TS-12."' I w:3 Y'. ra A rY `I` ey k p M1 ^ QTYn t.,�AL�C'F RIC PERMIT'> REE" -'BUILDING PE INFO PLUM � 1 PLUMB MOH PERMITISSUANCE LICENSED CON3'RACTOR'S 611CLARATION I hereby tiff rm that I am licensed under prov isions of Chapter 9 (commenci ng wi th APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL JOB DFSCRIPI'ION Section70BBnf Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code, and my ]loan. is in PANELS fail force and Li.hcClasseffece License Class Liak UP T02tJ0AMPS Amory /� ,/-3`�ff•�ls �x .IV4_[ Date Contract 201 - I" AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records. OVER IDBOAMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ, IT. SIGNS ELECTRICAL Lccnsod Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. I hereby affirm that I and exempt form the Contractors License law for the TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. following reazon. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city .,..my which requires x Permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure prion its issuaxcC,also maalrea the applicant fnrsuch permit to file a signed statement POWER DEVICES that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Convectors License Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 9(108) of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Cade) or that he is exempttherefr0m and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Smiiat 9031S by any applicant for a pemlit subjects the applicant 0 a civil penaltyof SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATIO �• 1 O� �1� V`, OUTLETS not more than five hundred dollar, ❑ I,esownernf thepropeny,0rmyemployeeswithwegexustheirbolecomprnsetifn, NEW RPSIDFNTLAL ELECTR S .FT. Q STORIES TYPECONSTRUCTION will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7344, Buchem and Professions Cole: The Cotametors License Law does not apply to an owner of comedy whobuilds or improves thereon,and who does such workhimselforthough his own employees, providedthxt such improvements we not intended woffered postale. If, OCC. GROUT' RES. UNITS TOTAL: however, diebuildifg mintprovement is sold within one yearofcompla ion, Ne owner builder will have the burden of that he did not build or improve for f proving P purpose Qwy o .N, PLUMBING PERMIT' i} FEE; s)I, un excluslvelycomcting withwm ❑ os Ownendlho property, m licensedntraot radocci the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code:) The Convectors .00DZONE APN License Lawdoesnot apply loan ownerofpropeny whobuildsorimpmveathamn,and PERMIT ISSUANCE who contracts fnrsuch pmjmts with acenuacians) licensed pursuanun the Communes License law. ALTER - DRAIN &VENT-WATFR(EA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ xm exempt under Sec. , B & P C for thio reason BACK ELOW PROTECT. DEVICE Oil IY FEESN Owner Date DRAINS-FLOOH,ROOF.ARFA,COND. DE SANITARY RECEIPT WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX Y N ❑ Thereby affirm tbmlbave acefifica¢of consent to sel4insore, orucenificae of Workers'Compensntion Insurance ora certified copy thereof(Sm. 3800, Luh C.) which FIX3'IJRES-PER 3'RAP RECEIPTN PARK FEE Y N covers all employee's under this permitW�jRECEIPT' 1,T Palsy N GAS - EA. SYSTEM -1 INC,d OUTLETS N OUILDING DIVISION REPS Company- �ib�.(- E]DC111 ICd Copy I.e hereby lumtahed. Certified copy is filed with the city inspection division. GAS -PA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) PLcNCHFCK FEE GRfiSWINDUSTRI, WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING PER CERTIFICATE OP EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASETRAP SOILS FEE SEWER - SANITARY - STORM EA. 2001§'. ENERGY FEE (Elis section food not be completed ifthe permit is foronalandreddollms($100) or]Css.) WATER HEATER W/VEW/ELECTR I certifythm in the perfotronmof the work forwhich this permit is issued,]shall not employ any person in any manner an as to became subject to But Workers' PAID Compensation Lewsnf California. Date WATER SYSTF:M/HREATING Date RmciptN Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this CevNcate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the labor Code, you must NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ. FT. TOTAL: forthwith comply with such provisions or this Permit shall be doemW revoked. BUILDING FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that them is o construction lending agency for the performance of SEISMIC FEE ` TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3099, Civ. C.) lender's Name- Lcndet'sAddress Q'I'IY,++. '3 -', NCCIIANICALPHRIMIT�r„ "Flat, - PLUMBING FEE I certify that I have read this application and state Had the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county frdsinaossand slate laws m1ming to PERMIT ISSUANCE. MECHANICAL FCE building construction, and hereby authorize repreunatives of this city to enmruport the above-mentioned property for inspection puryoses. AIA ER OR ADD TO MECH. CONSTRUCTION TAX (We) agree costive. indemnify and keep churchless the City of Cupertino against liehilities,jodgmente,costs andexpenseswldch mayin any way accrueagainst said City AIR HANDLING UNIT ITO 10.000 CFM) mvequenmof -g ting of this permit /� V' AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER I0.00) CFM) Signaareof Applicullcishowwr ])me EXI MUST HOOD(W/DUCT) PAID HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 RTU) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Date Rxeipt N Will the applicant or cache building chapant stare or handle hazardous material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: VEN'ULATION FAN (SINGLE RFSID) Code. Section 25532(10'! 11 Yes ❑ No Will the applicant or future building occupant sex equipment or devices which emit BOILER - COMP (3HP OR 100,000 BTU) ISSUANCE DATE BOILER - COMP(OVER 1110,000 BTU) hxznrd0ux air cmilwhinums sex defined by 0he Day Area Air Quality Management District? ❑ Yes 11 No pp�� w P A NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH.—SQ. FT. I have read the hazardous mamms, requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the undempard not cyColy has afinnew.that itis my nd if building does 1itytontif that if thebuildingdoesnot currentlyhave tist thallus my responsibilityenotify the ��� O8 199 �i/ occupant0mupo of the requirements which must be met prior m issaan¢ of a Cenif to of thea occupancy. ISSUED BY: Owner 0r emh0rized agent Dae TOTAL: vr'rllat