DRC 02-19-03Design Review Committee February 19, 2003 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITrEE HELD ON FEBRUARY 19, 2003 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Committee Members absent: Staff present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 15, 2003 Taghi Saadati, Chairperson Angela Chen, Commissioner Gilbert Wong, Commissioner Peter Gilli, Senior Planner Gary Chao, Assistant Planner Minutes of the January 15, 2003 Design Review Committee were approved with the following corrections: Page 6, paragraph 2, sentence 2 should read '...were a lot of signs.' Page 6, paragraph 4, sentence 5, bring should be changed to being. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: ORAL COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application: Applicant: Location: R-2003-01 Mike Chen (Chow Residence) 10518 Gascoigne Drive 2 Design Review Committee February 19, 2003 Residential Design Review of a new 2,827 square foot, two-story residence. Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed Staff Presentation: Gary Chao, Assistant Planner, briefly described the project. Mr. Chao explained that Larry Cannon, Architectural Consultant, has reviewed the plans and recommends approval. Staff is recommending a minor change to the front porch element to add another column to the right of the entry door to allow better symmetry and proportion. In addition, staff recommends the addition of a railings feature. The applicant has agreed to the changes and has amended the plan. The project meets the privacy planting requirements and the applicant will be required to obtain a covenant on the property to maintain those screening trees prior to building permit issuance. Staff recommends approval. Angela Chen, Commissioner, asked to review the privacy-planting plan. Mr. Chao explained that the second story window on the rear of the home is the only new window that would require the privacy planting. Three trees will screen this window. The window on the left side elevation will also be screened. Taghi Saadati, Chairperson, asked how long it would take for the trees to provide privacy protection. Mr. Chao stated that the privacy protection trees are required to be no less than eight feet tall and a minimum 24" box at the time of planting. There were no concerns from the neighbors. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Chen moved to approve R-2003-01. Chairperson Saadati. None None 2-0 Application: Applicant: Location: R-2002-02 Robert Zehm 10541 Randy Lane Residential Design Review of a new 640 square foot second living unit in a P(A1) zone. Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed Staff Presentation: Peter Gilli, Senior Planner, stated that 10541 Randy Lane was located in the neighborhood referred to as Linwood Acres and was rezoned to a planned development by the City Council back in September 2002 while the neighborhood group reviews possible changes to their regulations. An interim ordinance is in place 3 Design Review Committee February 19, 2003 with a mix of R1 and A1 policies and applies the stricter of the two regulations. The accessory structure ordinance is the exactly same in both the RI and A1 regulations. The review of this accessory structure is mostly compatibility and neighborhood impacts. Mr. Gilli briefly explained that the structure meets the daylight plane on all sides of the unit. The applicant has been working with neighbors and they are supportive of the project. Staff encourages second dwelling units and is recommending approval. Commissioner Chen asked if this project was within the Linwood Acres review area. Mr. Gilli stated that it was and because of the interim ordinance this project was subject to Design Review. The Linwood Acres neighborhood group has reviewed the plan, but it was not necessary. The applicant has worked hard to meet the city's requirements and also the neighborhood group's request to keep the heights down. Commissioner Chen asked if this property had any sidewalks. Mr. Gilli said no and explained that 98- 99% of all the properties in Linwood Acres had no sidewalks. However, the applicant is aware that the Public Works Department may require bonding when a building permit is tiled, but wait on requiring the installation until after the neighborhood group has agreed upon what course it would like to take. The bond will be released if no sidewalks are required. Chairperson Saadati asked about the possibility of a future owner wanting to build a second story to the main residence. Mr. Gilli stated that the second unit would count towards floor area. Carl Orr, 10524 Randy Lane, stated that the existing house is small and there are currently many mature trees. Mr. Orr was glad that the home is staying in the applicant's family and that Robert Zehm, applicant, is making good use of the property and it's a good idea. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Chen moved to approve R-2003-02. Chairperson Saadati. None None 2-0 Respectfully submitted: Kiersa Witt Administrative Clerk g:planning/DRC Committee~Minutes021903