S 2069APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMuwc- MEcxnNICAI. NUIIAING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION PE IT NO. 2069 BUILDING ADDRf:Ss. SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE yrs- �S"�a���� OWNE lq E Pit( es �li CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO: NIC ❑ CON 'BOLp /ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: LIC NO'. �7 ADDRESS1114, : eAl eve caNTna': PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) ELECTPLUMB MECH ❑aZ 1^ U dUCJ y4,11 4CC phz Zip LICENSED CONTRAC'TOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm drat I am Beensal ruder loci,ioa, of Chatter o mammenciag withSsfion9BlHq of Divixi.n3of thcRminOvs anJ Pr..fkssi.ns Cade, unJ mylicemcis in full (ors and Liansc Cles Chain 1 4/n Dnl CanlmCln ARCHITECTS DECLARATION Icode ... Gamy Plans shall be .,oil as none me 1,M1 QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL: ❑ SPDWI. ❑ KI'I'CHIiN REMODEL ❑ADDITION [I PLUMBING RE-PIPE El MULTI-UNIT ❑STRI] RAL '[CATION El INTERIOR CHIMNEY REPAIR PERMIT' ISSUANCE APPLIANCES PANELS UP TO 200 AMPS i ij O G U 3 m m ijOd my•1 dO {y Qo q admW til ..y Hyp. �dElIasownenIfB W m IMPROVEMENT SWIMMING POOLS [I BATH RF;MODIiVRIiPA1R El DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER Cj/L/�+yi /Z[I�ls/L Lact... it Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby closer dim 1 am radio, roam Inc Cmnrmhurs License Law for the following reason. (Senior ]0311, Business and Przdeasiane C.du: Any cit.... .nuns,SIGNS whim requires a pumit t. construct, alln,, improve, demolish, ar repklr hey errcfu a poiorlea,,,maneG also requires the applicant batch permit to file it signedxWtemcnt that heis licensed pursuant to the provisions ..fthe Contractor 's License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 offle Business and Pmtcssion, Code)or that to is exempt therefrom and the basic for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Nation?031.5 by anyappli7m far apcountnibla¢ theupplioant Carr civil penalty of nal marc,ban tied hundred dollars ($500). - y reproperty, or memploys, I in wage as their coloeterco,atirn, will dothe work, and the snncmm is nor intended or offered for sam(Sec. 904, Business and Professions Cade: The Contractor's License Law does not apply In an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however. the building or impmvem..n(issold within one year ofcomplGiae the cf-builder will nave (he brander of to Air, Ibal he did had huild or improve for par- 201- Bud) AMPS OVER IfHH1AMl'S ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCIIITIMISC. a "I EMP METER OR POLE INS'K COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION ❑'rE:NANI' ❑FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ❑OTHER POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOLELGCTRIC OUILHTS-SWITCHES-FIX'1'UR NEW RESIDNNTIA), F.LECTR P1'. SQ. FB FLOOR ARTA VSQ.pr. pow of ,ala). ❑ L, ac owner of the property, am exelrowely corwming with licensed mnnfor mb m TAI' cold...[ the prjsl (Sec ]M, Buslkeas and Profeounts C.de) The Contractor's L1- nse Law does no, apply toxrowv,ol properly who build, or improve, mercon,aad QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT _FEJP who chambers for such projects with a contractions) licensed Inicamon to the Contract., s PERMIT ISSUANCE License Law. ❑ I am exempt under Sec. ,B& P C for this reason Owner [IIIc ALTER - DRAIN & VENT - WA'T'ER (EA) VALUATION WOR KERS COM DE CL BACK PLOW PROTECT. UEVICIi ll unn ender peachy of my on folhavON a", or Pon, of the fol having declarrWorkers Co ve and w ofComene [have parvidl for by Sectirli 3700 of the Labor Code. bum for Worker'e Camped- smirk, as hwOhd for by Sermon 1700 of the Labor Codd, far the peri iron.. of the war Worker's reame n Insurance, as required by Section kem,canch turret oriental. aster �havc and will DRAINS-FLOOR, ROOF,AREA, COND. ORIpS 'L TYPE CONSTRUCTION /� ✓ FIXTURES-PER rod,, for 3'100 nr the Lebon Cude, for the perfomance of rhe work lbs which this permit is issued. nDIE, GAS-EA.SYS'[EM-I INC.40U'I'IE'TS OCC.GHOUP APN My Wrrk Cninpmrsmjan Insurance enrriernnA Policy number arc: Car rieA/Hua- Policy No.d2l'�-29D30^� GAS -EA. SYS'I HMOVER4(EA) CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' INSURANCE: CRIiASRIINDIISTRL WASTE INTERCEPTORCOMPHNSAI'ION " BUILDING E N SION_PEES' (This section haul not becomplmcd ifthe Perini( is intone hundred dollars(S100) ar les,.) GREASETRAP - PLANCHECK FEE I certify that in,hepenbrdnanee offer work form hich this permit is issued, I sthdl annerso as subject to the Workers' Comped- not employ any person in any me b SEWER-SANITARY-STORM IA. 200 FL ENERGY F[N Oz rE^ M :1..0 UW Q z U O D” H � U H0. rti h :.)Z aalion Luwaof Callfnnia. Date _ WATER I IEAGIR WNIiNTIEL laiii2itGRAT NG FEE NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If.utlermakikgthis Commraeor Esemphr I, you should become subject to (hes Work,,', Compensation provisions of the Lati Code, you mus, forhwith comply with such pr..vi4me..nhis penni(sM1nll bedecked reversed. Cattle isacIONLENUINCACENCY Ihereby affirm hdelfachdreiaawnsfee 3097, Ce, agency fine. perfommnsof me w.', far which thio terndt a„aw (sea. 3pH), cie. c.) Lender's ddre WAI HR SYSTEVPTREATING FEE WA'F'ER SERVICE 1 Urate RsciplN c NEW RESIUENTIALPLMB. GGIFV 1 TOTAL: n padre=s'rargl.: LewerA .I ING PHH "! •Oo SEISMIC FEE I srtily that l have read (Insapplication and slate thin One have inrabouli i is correct, I agrectoa.nply with all city and county omlkunces and share laws relating to budding cob,tmction. and hereby awhnnrercpmsenlalivesol di, oilym enter upon the _ QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEE above-ormlibi al propety for inspection putpow, ify and keep harless the Cil, of Cupertino againstELPUTRIC , indnnm (We) agree m sivam ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. PLUMBING FEB Iiabl fies,judgments,cna,e and expenses which may in any way accrue against said City anenee of the granting of des pann(.i In ..r.y AIR HANDLING UNIT CFO 10,010 CPM) MECHANICAL FRP. - APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL. NON-POINT SOUR%REGULATIONS. AIR HANDLING UNI 'I'(OVER 10,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX � /IW ®/p�q�p. V V, &gnmure of Applies bnuneror Date AZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE EXHAUST HOOD OVIDUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HEATING UNIT CIO ((10,010 H' IVF Willme applicant or future haildingasrrolidsme, handle hsvmloasnuuenal is dermal by the Catoctin. Mericiprd Cade, Chapter 9,12, and (hes Ilealth and Safely Coda Section 25532(x)9 ­1 Y" E] No Will the Dmad, or fume had Ding.aupam use ema,unem or devices which chahairdens air concomitants; as refund by [tic lin, Area Air Quality Management ❑Ycs ❑N. HHATINO UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) ] PAIIII�6%51_k2 Dae Resif, p VENTILATION PAN SINGLE REBID) BOILER- COMP (THP OR 100,000 BTU) IOTAL.�,r Sq BOILER- COMP (OVER 100,000 BTU) AIR CON Of I'ION EH I have hwmdonc underC fl95 of the Call- ISSUANCE DATE NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH, SQ. PI'. Safer n..materials 5, 2553 a 1 mid ,hocif Ono the building does nomurandy hove a mnanh,bm it is my msponsibilify fa notify the auvpanr IN. Heals&SnfrreCode,Sections,fouri 25533and 25534.1 to notify t nf,he requiraneat, which mrd be mel poor,. lasmn.e or. Certificate of Occupan, s I�tObsadccr NSUEDBY:�e- 'T"�'�-C TOTAL: or authoI agent Dare OFFICE