02060095 OF TINO ct BUILDING DIIVIiSSI iONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 1166 STAFFORD DR SCHAUMANN AIR CONDITIONING, ONDITIONI G, 02060095 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE HAVENS RICHARD A ET AL HEATING k PLUMBING INC 06/17/2002 PHONE: (408) 428-0640 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. 00 ARCHITECTTNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO w G- BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH u 1-'-I 1-1 L_1 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 5� I hereby aferm that l am licensed under Job Description pz_o tPmt.of..Coxi9mommendng REPLACE FURNACE/ADD AC UNIT t..,_Ew with Section 7000)of Divisionlof me Business and Pmlcssions Cale, myliena 'Y27 is in full force' .7 oe m a Lice, las 0, Llc.a ed 3 LL N Dal S 'in[IOr �a ARCHITECPS as pub' NAL E® O 5 I undcnranJ my plans mall be used m pub' Ieri ds lith a.8Y �a o Lie<mxd Pmfeaainrr°1 JUN 2 6 2002 v LL OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby ofNm that I am exempt from the Contracrnr's License Law for the t 3< following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Prom,vions Code:Any city or county $6000 Y F o which requires a permit to consumer,eller,improve,demolish,or repair any stricture prior to its issuance,also requires the applicant for such permit to Gk a signed statement that nq is I'mosed Pursuant to t�hp pry.....a,of me Ommucmrs License Law(Chapter 9 (eommen ngwimseclinn7D�)ofDi„.inn3ofine��VVme,pd�ipr9ssian.Cne) +36' ;� %%E3�3� f z[''I;\`'S(' Valuation ."hot he is ciempl themfinin and the basis for the all(ged immpl m.Any violation L{” - ] .. _ l.w s x i s' of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for o permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty ..��{E��ss,�.as�sJJ.�pp�� of not more man rive hundred dollars(SSW). 3 01 APNAbigt5T1 PLUMB IN I o%:;, Occupancy Type CI 1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. 3 01 - ROUGH ' will do the work'and the structure is not intended ffered for sale(See:'7044 -" 'Business and Professions Cade The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an 304 - ROUGH ELEC fTReEQ&Iections' ', " r owner of property Who Wilds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself 5 01 - FINAL ELECTRICAL,_ ENERGY or ired fa his own employes.provided that such vementemems are not intended or oRered for sale IL howbvcr,me building or improvement is said within Dire year of --- '"_.. _...__ ...... ...... ._...__._... ........__-._........ 502 - FINPL PLUMBING ENERGY': improcdopletion,the vefor purpose of sale.). will have the Horden of proving that he did not build or - 503 FINAL MECHANICAL' ENERGY o 1.a_wnero _Pm y ..._--Y-----i_,_. .. ..maim .._ ... ...-505 -------FINAL; ELECTRICAL 'mownwn¢of IL< xduslvel commotio w11M1 lice ad conlrumors l0 the project(Sec.low,Business and Profusion.Code:)The Conium,x 507 - F I NAL PLUMBING License Law does not apply to an owner of propeny who builds or improves thereon, ..i -.and who contracts for.such,projects.with.a.contractors).rcensid.parmant.m.mc --__..__.-- .5'0'8-' 'FINAL -MECHANICAL..._..__...-.._............ ._._._...-.._..._..._.._... . ..-. Camracmes License Law. _ ❑loth exempt unVlcr See 119 %k rcuson : 'J;:i.l'Ita!ui Owner ''Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm undrrpe'aally cf pµrjLY one rime following declamlions:' ❑ 1 have and will maintain is Certificoic of Consent to self-insum for Worker's J Compensmam.iias provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Coale, for the pirfmmaner of the work for which this perms is issued, ❑I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance.os required by Section 37W of da,LadW,Code,Ro'mi perfmmance of the work for which his permit is ins' JM Yrke .0 .all Instar - croi Pot y h n ��/ppy�r Policy '- 9+4(f s i01 Ce , ,rCERTIFICATIONO XEMPTION'MOM W R ER61: ��? ± ••? Lf.. h' '�7 fh1 ,MY all I1y V COMPENSATION IYSURANCEs^ .......... .......____._-_...,..—._._._-...._.__....._...._..-..... _... ' Trans uilibn neJ not be compleieJ if the permit is for urt<hundred dalton "' "" - (EIOO)orarlcsa) -t ceriify,ihat in iAe peiFmr;ancc of the wosk for which this permn rs lsxard.1 . 1 .ih,ll not employ any,person m any manner.so as m become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws or Carromia.Dale ..AnPtieam .. NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making his Cenilicam M Exemption,you should become subject to the Warkees Compensaiioo Provisions of the Labor Cale,you must Q O fo llb comply with such provi.vians or his permit shall Im deemed rrvoke& "CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I thereby affirint that(firm isaronstweilon ciedinagency for the perfama nce th W..� fwork far which tM pc t J(S 3097C C) n .. y'tz Le d N V:Q is t ri fy lh'tln halleppl t nt.fl mon Ira information,, n W'U to orrcn.I agree tr comply M':tbrd ,all oily a d, repreordinances and sate lows relining QV 'hembongcenstmnion.acay foin,peconurePresntalives of thiscitytoenmrupon }.LP7 'he b c t eledp c.nYf and P rm .. E' G (We)agreets do peandk ph 1 ss theCity f craca aiagains g� / h Cit I 1 1 Jb 1 J sponse hicheras may m anY Y cc gams)said (•/\/ V'z Clyconsequence Dfrim grantingnfthpe il. r. SOURCERLGULA'0 SNDSAYDWILLCOMPLYWITHALL\Op�FO1N1' Issued by: �+ Date Slgnure of ApM plicaCnm naacr - Date Re-roofs m y p �MATERIALS DISCLOSURE r CI Y" ipoCnds,Chapt t renin w na,�dna.nd material Type of Roof. .._ ... .__.. _ .... .---._._. _. .__.... Code.definedbyCu nnoM CW Chapter 1.12.and mcH Health and Sulry I Code Section 255b(b) i tj 4YI'§r j ' k:[;@'ni^+1j , a' �. _ ' r " ` All roofs shall be.ms ected npr.tgan roofin Will the appl c 1 fume .:, p- _ p y, g•material.beinginstalled. Will the applicant orfuturebuildingoccupantuseequipmentordevice;which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove con,hd ani« lamruams sdefined by the Bay Are,Air Quality Management 'ban", ,., all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with Y- all-non- Din[Source CB ulations. v I'hxvc read the hoeardommateriAs requircmenls under Chapter 5.95 OI me California Health&Safety Code:Sections 25505.25533 and 25534.1 understand that ifthchilding does nm currently have a moanphm it is MY responsibility to notify the """' oecdpi d f the requirements whigl��r�rnttun be mel prior to issuance Of a Certificate %W( // /o j'���//ti Signature of Applicant Date ... GL'` �� ... . . _. _. .. ._..... nut Miue'ag�ent .. Datp.. All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better at t •....' .:__ :.:. :. .. .. .. ... .. ... . ..OFFICE..