58301 7772 Squirehill Ct. PLAN 402-A Tract No. 4505 Lot No. 9 CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ����/ Date July 18 , 19 68 Permit No. Application is hereby made for a permit to Build a 2 story, Type V-Residential B • i Use Zone at 7772 Sguirehill i / /r Occupancy _ to be occupied only as One mi ly Parking Space Z-- in accordance with Plans, Specifications an f�Ian fil a re S rinkler Estimated Value of Improvements, $ V0 I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. O ;����REC�C�RD TE ASSOC. INC_ Address 1175 S.Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd, Address San Jose,Ce,95129 (y F INSPECTION Founda#ionR Z '��'� Frame Stucco /8 —� Gi,,qQn/i ' _ - , Finish WOl 89/L 1-OH w,oA 8hS0i�� # asuva!j asau!sne A}!p osop ups •uo!ivo!ldde s!yi sav!yoyinp Apedoid pup iaei}e pup aosoi In} w s! 196£61 j—$ # asuoa!l 5J04avx4u00 v!woi!Ivo io a}v}s s!y ivy} s}seµo }uvmlddy ❑ pall} iuewa}vis ❑ Jou.wo sv :}uvmldde Ay paw!vle Agaxo4 sl esuao!, s xoicvwiuoo xoi v!ulo}!IQD Jo v}vis +o} ivawas!nbax wosi uo!idwex3