00090168OFFICE CITY CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING IONPERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS. WATER HEATERS & MOR 17"PEUMBIN6000901.68 7716 SOUIREHILL CT OWNER'S NAME' M 11.63 CHESS DR, SUIT PI CATIONSIl4j4'.7/ aaa ' W KKI — SHEEHY PATRICK E AND PAU HI PIIONE: SANITARY NO. CON 'IRol. NO. (650)525-9287 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PEIIMI I'INFO O O BLDG EI ECr PlLUMB MECII <f �- CON('RACI'OR'S DECLARATION LICIthatI Job Description ' . am fm I nerehy m)mh that I afialan,ed under pmvi,lorh, of ehapmr n a,rneneing Ce, with Scnion7(NI(I)ofUivisinn3oflheBusim,nndProf es,io,Ced,lindmylicenm WATER HEATER in full force and dyed. w% License Cl,' Liee a Dale Conwcmr , c fir ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION g I underarad fay plans shall he used a, public recoils Liolort Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION n ur or 1 hereby a1Tmn that I a untpl han the Clueracr's License law list iso Business and Pmctxions Code: Any city or cnonly a following reason, (Section 7031.5 ' Fpwhich require, a purnut is condrua, aper, inymwe, de,unlish, or repair any structure o 3ca prior to its issuance, also require, the applicant for well pemliuo file a signed statement Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valu4645 Ihatneisreen.edpnr,trum,,'hepmvlafnft,onheeoatuemrnl.lcen,elaw(Chaper9 (mmmeecing with Section lap) ofGoidon 3 of the Business aad pfofeaiom Code) or thin he is unapt Ihenct'rom and the hulls for the alleged eve muton. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the stiff cam ma civil penalty live Intel dol APNNt - Occupancy Type ,if mnnmile than vel an(5500). 3E'?c a3E. as ❑ I, as ower of the ors"cf IA ar fir unhpll, re, ,,It wager a, emir aisle conTro,olion, lrhI i will do the work, and the ,tmctum is not intended or offered four sale (Sec. 7 W. havinlass unit ('miss. or' Old':'I'he Coutrumor, License law dna all at , an of papery Who Wild, or mail thereon. and who duan such work himself ownerR 502 — F I NM_r'W1VYW ENERGY mugh his own mnpleyrr,, provided ntat,nen imprn.•emem, are urn intended our �aF — GAS TEST offered for sale. If, however. the building or Inhpmverecnt is sold within one year of 5 � completi,"'r the ownerfbuiildr, will have the burden of pnwing mm he did not hold our Sal — FINAL PLUMBING hnpmse parlo ❑ 1, as owner of the nopeny, am exclusively contracting with licensed contmcton to construct the pmjeci (See. 7044, (theins, and Professions CminU The Contractor', , License law Jrcs sol apply a an owner of property xhn builds ar imprnce, Iherenn. .all who mrnaets for shun nrnjecn with a countleons) licervmd ...strata Rs he Courtroom, LLicenseLaw. El i exeng& ,f under See. . II P C forms reason (hwnur Date O WORKER COh1Pr:NSA'I'[ON IlEC1,ARA1'[ON i thereby under penalty of Rluof -se ofdue Je<lfor W.. nself-int will el m f Workers ❑Iia and ill maintain C Sec f L provided 1 by Sar lisp of IM1e Label C dc, for the out t y 3 f pert 4 I In k 1 I'ch flas pc I'is issued. e ❑ I have and will memmn Wo,ken', Clanalwalume Insurance. rBuredby Section 37N) of the Lahor Cosa, or the performance of the work for which this permit is / issued. My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number are: Carries Polley No.: vO C17RI'IFICATION Oil EXISIFTION FROM WORKERS' COMPHNSAI']ON INSURANCE (['his Saban need nod W euro, ed it'thelvmdl lx for one handfed dollar, ($ 100) or less I certify that in the Ivrtbnn:mce of the work for which this permit i, issued. I shall not employ any psrson in any mmaher so as to become subject to the Workers' C.... ntinn lawsofbdifornis. Date Applicant NOTICH TO APPLICANT: If, her making this Ccnilicme of Exemption. no should become subject to the Worker', Cn rNa,mimf provisinns "Itlm Lahor Coude, you au,l O fonhwill cmirpl, with ouch provisions our his permit shall W droned revoked '+ 7 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCI' clion lending agency for the pedur sec C iI hereby antran them is a consfnm of the work for which This permit i, issued (sec. 3TN7, Co.. C.) Q lander'., Naas . J Z Leader's Address I clarify that 1 have read this application and ,are that the aborti information i, cancer. 1 agree m O) ly with all cry and manly ordlnumex road date lows relating (� to holding construction, and hereby ambo wteprewnlalis- of this city to enter toxin tire abnveaentiort .loosely for iospeetimt purpose,. / , hahless the City of Cunia against . C. (we) agree lo,arc, indemnify and lost, pc else against raid m liahillar'. jadgn eat.. cow aad enpen,e, which may an any wry acra i City in convectional of the graming of this Imrmit. 00 APPLICANT' UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT 11111 Issued Q,i Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. Re -roofs Signature of Applicanecomrucmr Date HAZARDOUS MArERUM.S DISCLOSURE Nil'theapplicant afuture Wildingsccupane,lore or handle haaWae,material Type of Roof ;is defined by the Caperton Munidpal Cod, Chapter 9.12. and the Health and Safety Cala, Section2553204'1 0 yes 0 1No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. VV 11 11 appbeffm out tuffffe billing ecnfp:mt use Cyapfncnt or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit hamdous air communal a, defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with D"'tdc(r o ye, ON. all non -point source regulations. I have real he haeadous materials reyuirearnu under Chapter 0.95 of the td i lonato I lealth k Safety Cadr, Sc,nion, 2550.5, 25533 Oil25534, 1 undersand that if the building class not currently have a Zeal that it is my resrymsibilily to naily tire ve"at to he rcyuirrnhans which must he fuel prior to Iswaoce of a Comficate of Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better owner Date oramlufdsm agent OFFICE