00100166OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT [BALDING ADDRESS: PERM) r NO. 1 04-M2 rnMFRRFT CT�w reef 00100 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DA] I? r-ter'No ROY 10/25/2000 WE: ") I _ SANITARY NO. CONI RRL NO ZAR CHITECLIENGINEERo BUILDING PIikMI'f INFO C_ BLDG ELECT PLUMBIMECH LICENSED CONTRACfDR'S DECLARATION Job DCSCFIptIOn I hereby afiina thm 1 ant licensed ands, prnvi,inm of Chapter 9 (commencing uCi• with Sit, InI17000)thDlvblan Jofthe Hu,ior,, and Profess....., Cale, uad my Bronw ] 'nfullf a hit Mao. hi«mecliew Li<.. SHAKE TO COMP U orae commnm N ARCHITHCI'S D,CLARAr1ON 1 undcntand my plans nlwll M1c used rev' public road, - X PiRE O LICCrtMJ Professional LL UILUIiR DECLARATION Oat 1 hreasy ,Mirth that ret scntpt Ionn the ComrusCo Lmcnnc Law for me Ian ¢ ]p7LABu,ine,smrPrvl Professions Any city or county hollowingreason,permit M wt, fry pe in,,construct,h demolish, Ystructure ca – r I Laup th til .'anti ape InL"c ,b J.atenmm l III, he bans a p t Low (Cl m.tr I' Sy. Ft. Floor Area Valuation 6dq ion3 t Business Cor) with Division 7 a1 the Burmc , and th .what tSection therefrom in.. Any ci and Any viP heeI, a therefrom and the kers fm he alleged emmpnit or that he is to realty 911E s by any applicant 5a a permit.,unjects the applicant So a civil penalty of 31.5 h A PN Number Occupancy Type of ream tm,r. man live hamlred dolwr, (s510). no, I. as awncrotf the property. or mY emplayces with wages as their sole compemation. –. – •' Required Inspections do the work, and the ,mature is not Intended or altered for sale (Sec. ](94. Law does lusma%s and proheaouns Cotlm The Contractor's License I,,, apply o an ,w of pmpcay Who build, or improve, thcrenn, and who does such work hietwlf or through his awa'employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or 305 — FRAME offered lar sale. II; however, the building or Improvement it,old within one year of ,mpladat. rot awacr-naimer w,It bavatha hardenar pooingdiat hadal bat m ildor 307 — INSULATION improve for pia,av a of sale.). 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF 0l as owner athe Inopeny. anal e.ewt,ively contracting with licensed <onmumm m ,m.mn me pmjccl (see. 7014. Bu,im„ had 11 I- taro Code.) ]It, Comramors 602 -• ROOF' PLYWOOD NAIL License Law deas not apply to an owner of property who nttilds or Imptnvea memm. and who <ontrall, far such project, with a <o thwam,) licensed paevo nt m he 603 •— ROOF BATTENS Contrucmr't License l"'.. - ❑Iam aor ale, BxPC11)Fa11,Ion 604 — ROOF IN--PROGP,ESS owner Date. ��^^�X `)`)�� 'OMI'IiNSA1'IOwCCLARATI� KBk'S t I herehy Minn under penalty of Perjury one of ma lollo ong decimations: 1 have ;rod will maintain a Certificate of Convent to ,elf-Imre for Worker', , o;npro,corn, at rmvidnl 1'or by Section 7700 of the Labor Cade, far the - Ierramumee of the work lot which this permit is I... ad. ❑ 1 have and will mainwin W nkcr', Compens;nion (mamba, a, reyuircJ by SectionOut 0lShe LaMar Code. fur the wHao aa,a of the work lir which this permit is .meds My Worker's Compensation Insurance currier and Policy number arc C'nrria,: Polley No.: - CI?R I'IFICATION OF 17xl;min [ON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE , 0[it%section need not he enntplelaJ if the permit it far one hummed dollars WHXp of less) I ccnify that in the performance of the work La which this permit is issued I shall not otaploy any person in any rammer ,o ;is to become subject at the Wadcrry Cbmpn amino Law, of Cal, litmus Dote - Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: It, after making this Cenifica¢ or Exemption, you should L becom.,ohn,,,, le Worker, Compensationprnvion,ot She Lubar Cade. Yo. moa ., I'nnhwhh comply with inch askin i, ret this permit had be Jaunted revoked, n CONSTRUCnON LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby aflirnl mat there k u conwucti m landing.,an,, fin the performance of the work for which this Penna i, Hurd (See. 3097, Civ. CJ Q lender's Name 7 Iwi&rN Address I cantly nut 1 have read Ilii, arplica0an uW state mat the above mono union is orrea. I agree m contpI, with all city and rc.rW ordinance, and slate law, rcluting L)mbua trngcon,aion. and hereby authorize reprewematives of city memo upon w ;4 the nho—nent toned pm,,I, for ar,,coinn mapown. . CL. (We) agree .I ;oe, indemnify and keep harmless me City m Cupselinu hgna,I y "L Iiabililics, judgmem,, costs and e,pennen which may in any way nerve ugvind ,aid the permit La'A1PgI A"N.. LCOMPLY WITH ALL ONIfJT AVI'LICA ISSnCd by:DateI (Siammreo���eRe-roofs A ,RIALS.)", (STIR, Will the upplicanl or.mum Mnpoing o, q it amu nr handle hlvmdous mineral Type of ROOF as defined by the Curtains) Municipal Code, Chapter 9,12, and the Health and Safety CIA, Section 2553200? O Yea RNo A All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. Will the applicant or future Molding oecupanl use equipment or device, which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove mit h 'cedom air comamiount a defined ny the Bay Are. Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ❑Ye, )(No all non-point source regulations. I have read the h.eardoux materials requires eau under Chapter 495 of the Califnrni,, Health A SuOy Coda. Section, 25915, 25573 ;nal 25574, I Imdemand that if the hulldiag doe, not currently have n Immnl, IIII, it N my ne,pmnibilhy m notify the occupant if quircmem: It It masa be, amt prior m issuance of a Cer ilicme of ocenplaw 1p (-�� Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better owner or aro a- Dam OFFICE