S 3133APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING - ELECIRICAL PE 11T NO BUILDING DIVISION APPI,ICATION/PERMITPLOMIIINC.MECIIANICA1 3133 InaltiING PIRMECT IDEN'1'IfIc,1'TION 0-7 S / 1: A q- 3117071 -F-4 ,{ O t� 3i v71-�. PHONE: I�� y(�FfI44j�oy.gl� I hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with SC1tlur7(Nhlluf Di 3 nl the ImansewalId Prifiel"nns C, mylicen,cm in full force and effee'(j�'� % h v ( License ClassLio ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) ARCH] FECES DECLARATION FN Z O I and oulnd my plans shall be used as public records Z�C osi,E., u1 Licensed Professional � W that I n usamDER DECLARA'T'ION C W Q 1 hereby . (Sect that 1 1. exempt fromv an IM1e C,sions Cods: Arty Law for the C Q. U which rg reason. Permit 71 nstr Diu alter, and improve. de i ols h,orAny city or county a O ti which squires a permit to mnwmm, abet. improve, demolish. or repair any .weturc Prior er its i"nane, also requires Ile, soft cant for ouch permit o Men signed anmmul, WA (hal he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 1) .xaC, (commencing with Section 700(nof Division 3oflhe Busimessand Pmfessinm Corde)nr y Q eG Etre he is Tempt Iherelrom and the basis liarthe alleged enaalpunn. Any vial, lion if au _ as�t1• Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a perms subjects the applicam to a civil penalty of =O Mot More than live hundred dollars ($Sill ). 0 Lav owner of the property, or my employee with wages as with wages as thel r solo compcn'tion. CCFa will dorhe work.ardthcummre isnot intended nrofered forsale(So,. 7014, loos Lw and Professions Code [he Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of proPcny who builds or improves thereon, and who docs such work himself or through bisinpinya.Y, pmvidcd (ar hut such impeats a ml intended o u0ercd fur sale`If. however, the building ormpro em is%old withinone yerarmcumpleam. IM1e huilder will have the burden of pro ing that he did not build or improve Ga par a enr-Itvue, DI, as owner ofth proNrI am esclaoselye t t s with licensed ct I :m construct h it l t See, 7044It asiress and PRfl essims Code O VI he C t a: L'- La d I pplyt fEupent h builds p thereon,d QTY. who I e'I xl cM1l ICIvw N. ease trt(sll anealp .a moo the Ci m'vabrn Lie ... c Low. ❑ l am exempt under Sec. B& P C for this reason t Owncf Dara WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following deelaxtime: 0 I have and will maintain a Cenircale ofeon¢m m self.insere far Workers Carl sation, as provided lie by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the Ecom arance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will m� ins in Worker. Gingmnr dun I..uan., as - air J by Suclionand will m� int in Worker. Cnmlmnr lion Imuave air J by Scclion 3710 of IM1e W r G lc fort = rfmmance of the work for which this permit is issued. My Workers ance rand Pitic' -- niF Comer, sic Policy IN{n�: sYs Jt CERTIFICCOMPEN.M IONIATE OF ONNUIMM4015FI St—Tt/ ('Ibis section need not becomplecd ifore p rred is Rrrooe hundred dollars ($100) Ill les) 1 certify Ilial in the performance oldie work for which this Permit is issued.I shall In employ any person .any ni us"nn as,, hecanne subject lar te, hWorkers Camper. Oz dam Laws of California, Date Z O Apphcam 0 NOTICE 10 APPLICANT: IL for making this Certificate of Esctilptiun, you should ? become object to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must W forthwith comply with such pnwisiomonhie permit a hall be devoted revoked, Q 0. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY L)p work hyuftinn thal(here i iissued(Sec.3097.nding uguncy Far the perfornwnccnl C) F the dark tar w'hlch This Permit is issue) (Sea 3(197. civ. C.) Q V Lnd, Name dAddM T Leender's Address (.. y 1 cense thus 1 have real (his application county ordinances That the above information rel, ion is F-tN c building Construction. vimmand with all city and eprntativesof and caro lawtr upon the Q'IY. V z nuise-mentonollion. and hereby authorize representatives of this city mensrupmthe above-(We)nW pto ave foremnifyi an keeper. (We) agree to cove, indemnify and keep harmless the City of rc Cupeninn against inconsequence of granting mi expenseswhichmay in any way a<eme ogainsl said City consequence of the granting S this permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILE. COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCE',ULATIONS� SignamreofSlgnu App Vale HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Wit he applicant or fumre building..... ut sore or handle haeank us nuaenal as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cale, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Cn ]I. Scmimn 25532(a) l D Yes k, rvo Will the applicanl or fumre building occupant use equipment or devices which emit haamdeus air contaminants us defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District? E3 Y., Ly ao 1 hove read the homrdou, naerialy squ ourvil s under Chapter 605 of the Cali- fomin Heahb & Safcty Cade, Sections 25505. 25533 and 25531. 1 undersand fiat if Tho builAingda, sol Contend, have v vol, lI ilhmyresponsibddymnnlily the cecnpvm of atswhich must�i met PnmmixsuanCc Cf aCertifcalc of (kcupancy. J -lL-?S INFO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE La- p PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RF 11ENTIAL- PTM' UWL 0KITCI113N REMODEL )E!ADDI'1'[ON El PLUMBING RE-PIPF. ❑MULTI -UNIT [I STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INFERIOR ❑CHIMNEYRFPAiR IMPROVEMENT[]SWIMMING POOIS []BATH REMODF,IJREPAIR El DEMOLITION tYFHL'R raz n� I'I?RMI'I'ISSUANCE APPLIANCES_ RESIUF,N'UAL PANELS UPT0200AMPS 201-1000AMPS OVER lap AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SI'ECIAI. CIRCUIT/MISC. T/!1T A n. K 'rHoul METER OR NILE, NST AIR HANDLING ON] T(OVER 10,000 CFM) / d %CJ�� I COMMERCT I EI ❑NEWBLDG/ADDITION ODEMOLITION O'FIiNANT ❑FOOD SERVICESWIMMING IMPROVEMENT ❑ OTHER POWER DEVICES POOL ELECTRIC OU'1'LE'IS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES NEW RESIDEN'FIALELEC'!R SQ Fr. HOUSING MITIGATION FEE SQ FT. 11-OOR AREA /2z.S S/SQ FT. 2 2-f -K s O 7 ` r� 2 - PLUMBING PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE AI:TER- DRAIN& -WATE\A) PA) Receipt# I VALUATION F r, D BACK FLAW PIK iC'F. I CE DRAINS -FLUOR, RO ARE <. STORIESU TYPE CONSTRUCTIOS FIXTURES - PER TRAP GAS - EA. SYSTEM -1 INC.SO [SE'S 1li , / OCC GROUP ` APN 5J CAS-EA.SYSFEM-OVERIIEA) GR1iAS191NDUS'IRI, WAS'T'E INTERCEPTOR BUILDING DIVISION FEES GREASETRAP PLANCHECK FEE 7n7. 2 to SEWER -SANITARY - STORM EA. 200 14. ENERGY FEE F Q WATER HEATER W/VIiNT/lil.[CIR GRAVING FEE WAIER SYSTEMIrREATING SOILS FRE WADER SERVICE PAID _ _ NEW RESIDENT [Al. PLMIL SQ - FI'. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SEISM( TS / 2 PERMIT' ISSUANCE ELECT IC ZE' /� 2 ACI'13RORADDTOMECH. PLUM IN P , AIR HANDLING UNI'(' (TO HLaM CPM) MECIIA ]CAL FEE AEE AIR HANDLING ON] T(OVER 10,000 CFM) "IION'1'A% E%HAUST HOOII (W/UUCO HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HEATING UNIT TO HyL001 BTU) HHA'I INC, UNIT (OVER 100.000 (ITU) PA) Receipt# VENTILATION IrAN(SINGLE BESIDE BOILER - COMP (3HP OR I0k000 BTU) LA J TO BOILER -COMP (OVER 100,000 B'fU) 1li , / ry i7 AIR CONDTHON'ER NEW BESII3EN'I'IAL MIiClI. SQ.IT. ISSUED BY: OFFICE