27858 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY 6UILDIN(i-RIL1I RI AL PERMIT NO. [ �CI'I'Y IN CUPERTINO APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL 'raj 7 p Q BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJECT IDRN'r1FICA I[ON L 1 O v BUILDINGAIIDRftiS: 4 SANITARY NO. APPWCATIOONNS�UBNd ITALALaDDAATI 2 V JL XV UNITKLOT µ S� NT/RACOIR'S✓NAtME: v LIC Q NO:, IC. � '44y.9 CONT�R�OLof RCIIItiCf/IiNGINEER: LIC NO: DDRFSS: AK— ❑ CONTACT: PHONE: QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT PER BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG 'CECT PLUMB MECH PERMIT ISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRAC'TOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL M=Z ' Ihcrebyaffirra lou lam licensed under provisinnsofChepter9(commrncingwith JOB DESCRIPTION { 00 Section)00f0of Division 3ofthe Businessnnd Professions Codc,andmylicenseism PANELS o:w full force and effe / �{ �.� FZ. License C7a l.i<.M b7 S' UP T02IX AMPS �Jt sd _ mQy Date // �Comractor �,�. 2(11-IIXNIAMPS �� �'�'�/� F'Z ARCHITECTS DECLARATION OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLUOR AREA VSQ.FT. Z O'_Q 1 un cmane n I stall he used as public records. OZ—� Q^�.YPans FmFJ �a�i0 SIGNS ELECTRICAL Q Y J License)I nJessional hatI OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. OCF 1 hereby affirm That am eeempt from the Contrsctmrs License Law for 0e ux131+.y following renan..(Section]031.5.Businessnnd Professions Cade:Any city memory TEMP.METER OR POLEINST. T—�06 which requires apconit to construct,:Jur.improve,demolish,or mpairany stratum prim to its issuance.also requires the applicant for such Permit to rile a signed statement POWER DEVICES 'W<0 that he is licensed pursuant m the provisions most Commerce,License Law,(Chapter - a4oT 9(counnareng with Section 7000)ofDivisin 13mlle nessnn Busid Professions Code) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION ,_,, .,that he isesempuhcrefromand thelasisfmtheallegedesempion.Anyviolationof OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES I—ZQ Section]031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant m a civil penalty of ASO not more than five hmWreJdollars(E5W). NIiW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR _SQ.FT. r.'Fo ❑ 1. sownerofthepmpcny,ormyemploy withwagesastluirsolecompmation. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCf1O, it, will do the work,and the stmemre lsndificadedorad'fered for sale(Sec.9044.Business and Professions Cede:The Contmctoes License Law does not apply to an owner of property whobuildsmimprovesth over.and whodoes such work himselforthrough his onvocimployseni.provided that such improvements are nntintcnded oroffered forsele.If, OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS however,the buildingor improvement is suld within one year of completion,the owner. builder will have the burden of Waving that he did not build or improve her purpose of T r sale.). ❑ I.mownerofthepropcny,amesclusivelyc.ntnaingwitalicenscdcontmctorstu QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOU ZONE APN construct the project(Sec.7IW4,Business and Professions Code:)The Contiachus License Lawdoes not apply to aaownerofpmpeny whobudds or improves thereon and PERMIT ISSUANCE whocbnuaa,formch projects widtncommetm(s)licensed IF....un the Convenor's AUTER VENT-WATER HIA)License Law. ,__, ) FEESUMMARY ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec. ,B&P C for this reason _ OUTSIDE PE Owner Date - - SANITARY YN "DRAINS.FLOOR.ROOF,AREA.GOND. RECEIPT'p WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX YN ❑ l hereby afford that l have a ceniGcate ornament rosclf.imme,macenlficate of RECEIPT Workers'Com tion larmranceora cerrifed copy Ihereof(Sec.3800,Lab C FlXTIJRES-PER TRAP pensa py )which PARK PEE YN covers all employees antler this permit. GAS-EA.SYSTEM-1 INC. OUTLETS RECEIPT'a Pali<y M BUILDING DIVISION PEGS Company GAS-PA.SYSTEM-OVER4 J PLANCHECK FEE ❑ Carifedeopyisherebymmisled. ❑ Certified copy is filed with the city inspection division. GREASE/INDUS9'RLWASTE TERCF GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GRGSETRAP V SOILS PEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section nod not IN,completed ifthe Permit is formic hundred dollars($100) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM F.A.2dat ENERGY FEE or Icss.) I certify thin in the performarmcofthe work for which this permit is issued,Ishall WATER HEATER W/VF.NT/ELECTR not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the WorkersPAID O z Compensation Lawsof Califomia. Dae WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Dine Rcreiplp Applicant Z Q NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption.you should NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ.Ff. TOTAL: rr V) become subjectto the Workers Compensation Compensation provisions of the Lad Code.you must > � forthwith comply with such provisions of this Permit shall be lamed revoked. BUILDING FEE QJ a CONSTRUCT ION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE 7 Z I hereby affirm that there is a conservation lending agency for the performance of V O the work for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE Leaders Name 0 U Lenders Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE I certify that 1 have read this application and stale that the above information is r� 0. correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and ante laws relating to PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICAL FEE F" bidding construction.and hereby aahoriza rapmscrounses ofthiscity to enter upon the I..) Z drove-mentioned property for inspection purlarres. ALT ER OR ADD 9'D MECIL CONSTRUCTIONTAX (We)agree to save,indemnify and kap harmless the City of Cupertino against liabit ies,jodgmems.a sts wdexpenxswhich anyway accmeir,unnnaid City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10.000 CFM) a n.µue t --man"of is permit. 3 I AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.000 CFM) Sigwture I llcalpCon tm a Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCp PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT(TO IW,(Xq BTU) Unm Receipt Will the the Cupertino Municipainum l Coi Canter 9.or huddle hazardousHeand Safety HEATING UNIT 100.010 BTU) al as defined by the Cupcnino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety TOTAL: Code,Section 25532(n)P ID Yes C1 No VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RCSID) BOILER-COMP(311P OR 100,000 BTU) ISSUANGF.DANE Will tae appOcantorfmurcbe defined by the ay Arco Aen Quality Mourechemit l hazardous air contaminants m defined by the Bey Area Air Quality Managetrtem BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,04)0 BTU) npsa 11R Yes ❑No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.PT. 24 I have rend the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the r1995 California Health&Surety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534. lunderstandthat Vr Lv if the building does not currently have a tenant,that it is my responsibility to notify the rC�f bl 'cupant of the requirements which nmst M met prim to issuance of Cenifcae of Occupancy. Owner o.authorized agent Dem TOTAL: ISSUED BY: OFFICE POST THIS CARD NEAR FRONT OF BUILDING (-4TY 0 F-CA 1 PF R FINO R17,11 IN,I In. 11011,10INI: RUIIMINGPROIU JCi IDEN11FICAIMN Ili 11.116(iAllil"I'sS S\NI I ARI !`,M11A %]I($.\skil"Ilt AIJ YNf kSNA\lt NO C(JNIRA(-IOR SANW IM:N aMI e. NIC !,I: I CIjI11CJ.NI.I.R 1.11 No. ADDRIESS El IN511FIC FIONS DA'11- INSPEC INSPECTIONRLCORD BUILDING PERMH INFO IiI.IX; Fuerr PLIAM 11111, NOT111 ALL GRADING AND DRAINAGE 1:1 El 0 El SHALL BE INSTALLED TO COMPLY WITH 1011DESCRI1,110, THE APPROVED PLANS AND CITY OF PAD/SF.FBACK-( 1:10" CU131-RTINO STANDARDS. GARAGE SLAHS/PREGUNH F I I IN)URNOCONCREM UNFFILABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED INSPECTION SPECIAL INSPF-CTION A 11: Ij\tDl',R(;R()UNrD/SI-AB I REOILARD) D PLUMMING 1:1LI701RICAL DONOI'MUR FLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED PI-I—\MIN(-; MECHANICAL FLECI'RICAL FRAMING VENTS INSULATION PLACE NO SUBFLOOR UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED -ROOF SHFA rH/DlAPHRAM PLUNIRING 'I URS&SHOWER PAN MECHANICAL • ELECTR ICA L/POOL BOND f7RA,\IIN'C;/S I-AIRS/E.EGRESS INSULA 1'10,N/VEN-1 ILATION COVER NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED INTIMUR Sl IFAk/i 101-1)DOWN 17 N iT-R[OR S I IFA R/I I OL 1)DOWN Sl fI:fd(lR()C&K/Sf H-T I'ROCK Sill" FYI ERIOR I-A"I%l ,H/ W-SCREEN SHOWER LATH NOTAPE OR PLASTER UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED SCRATICI I COAT SEVER/WATER I*E%11'.)RARY APPROVALS III'll-DING FL17C I'k ICAI, GAS FINALS GAS I EST (;k..\])[: FIRE PPROVED FOR OCC I I AN 1)1 CA P I '110 ARRAi GE INSPI!- ISSIJANCI:Mij: CALU P\1 I I R I C A ./F IN 1:RMY 2SX44145 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 24 HOURS BEFORE REQUIRED INSPECTION, JOB AD- DRESS AND PL%RNII1 If ARE NEEDED WHEN NIECHANI( AL/i!N191W31' PHONING. - NO IT RSOMS)Sl IALL PF R FORM WORK ON 'THIS JOB SITE. WITHOUT WORKER'S OCCUPANCY OF BUILDING IS NOT PERMITTED C ENSATION INSURANCE. UNI'll.BUILDING I-INALISSI(1NI71)13)'IiUil-f)INC, PLEASE READ RFVERSI: IINSJIFCTOR- SIDE BEFORI: CAI,I.IN(; FOR FINAI. JNSPI'(­'TlON` 19orl;u us "IfIll, ." I. .- - - , , , ., I 1%1 11