02080037 TY CI BUILDING DIVCrISIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 21888 SHATTUCK DR 02080037 WNER'S NAME: PPLICATION SUB DATE CAROL GONG 08/08/2002 pHONE: SANITARYNO O A . W O RCHIFITUIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INTO F BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH u� IJ I--U LJ LJ 8o:Z' z Z y= LICENSED CONIRACnder provisions DECLARATION Job Description OZ_ ction7")oI most, f ivisiohat I or 3ofthudundesandof Chapter 9 sionsCde.anommecense INSTALL 2 SKYLIGHTS & LIGHTS ing s in Section 7")ofDivision l of the Business and Professions Code,and my license psi °"r°ro°a"'°°°e'' KITCHEN/HALLWAYS 6 U Licc se Clms Lic.N X0 Dam" Contractor to 3 a.l;; ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION C S I understand my plans shall be used as public records w M p 2 Licensed Professional n a m Oat I am eU rept Tr DECLARATION fy 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Comractor's License Law for the F¢< h mr dreaa(Section]031. which 4 Boniness and Professions Coda Any city or county F x 0 who h req permit construct,aherimprove,demolish. p y structure ment u°73m, pant t purls q pr inion ft ochre permittois Law(Chapter Oat rte r xcd pursdam to the p provisions of Contractor 1: W (cnapmr9 S FL F1oorArea,.,.• ; - • Valuation (commie gs th Sati7ddid f0 is l of the BusinessdProfession;nCode) ?_{�•y .51, _1 9'i `, r;r, „r t l;)'x h�i: or th rf he A exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged Bump ton.Any violation ' '-of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit.subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not mom than rive hundred dollars 650o). APN Number Occupancy Type 01.a,owner of the propid,in my employees with wages as their sole compensation. 304 — ' will'do'the'work.addthestmform is nm'iamnded or offered for sale(Sec.7044, -"- Business and Professions Cale:The Couldremr's License Law does not apply to an 501 - FINAL ELHVq &d 4Nylecd?NERGY owner of property Who build,or improves thereo,and who does such work himself 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL or through his own employees.provided that such improvements are new intended a oeckrl for side.IC however.Me Wilmr,or ire' . . yen,of. .. .._____... __.._. _.__._._-. ._----- _._...__... ...._...._ _..—._._ a ._ ......_ . 8 pm of prowngthJ wit hid ma •completion,the ownmba e.)r will have the burden of proving that he did tat build or improve for purpose of sale.). is f the pI 'v lycontracting-with : e ,.,a in enset the project (See 7044,Business and Professions Code)The Cmme License Law dos not app to owner of property who builds improves thereon. and-who contracts for. nuchpmia¢.with.a comractor(s)lianad .- . pursuam.mfie _ .............. Contractor'sLicLicense . . Cle.lI am exempt un er1 el<c. B'&PC for his mason ow rr WORKER'S MATIQN AUG 2 3 2002 I hereby o iron orale,penalty of perjury oat of the following declamtiom: p /'xr Of have and will maintain a'Cpnificae of Consent to self-insum for Worker's BUILDING Compensation, vs provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code, for the 'ped'ormance of the work for which this permit is issued. '- O 1 hale and will maintain Woiker's Compensation Insurance,ai required by Section '37M N the Wbur Code,for the ppeomianee of the work for which this .it is 1i;i My W kph C pe i I m d Pof y bcr aa: - _ . 1.Cam ' 'a a•,`h 7(sn;,h 7, •r�s Polcy No r5•, r ,4s';�'r Yr Iy.,.,:n. . CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS"" i + e • I'� s COMPENSATION INSURANCE .,......,, (Thu section need not he completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars d§1001 or le,$) '«. Q r. CshoP`mPI I CanEns t TisOo APPLIC'ATCNTI fth k f 1h ' ' _._. _ ... .. .. t_�I � n pe sWd 1 aO n kn fat k gm ifct rE pt yo should Omlie W k Y C p npna or the Labor Cod,you most ath comply with such provisions or th permt shall bed realter -- - - ' CONSTRUCTION LENDINCAGENCY C '1 he eby 'frim iM1 t J sw i n lend ng ug y f the perf°irnance t ' W w. ofk to hieh th pe t :-trued fs< 4(197 Civ.C) Q WndcraN a '. .... ... :.. ..... ....._. _. =;I Lendir',1 Addes, U p fy"a" have read s applicationd statethat above boapinformation reply with ail city and countyJi esatl state rcleineg C U imcuo the by amhorierepresentativesfth yl er opnIca forms' 1.8 to ba othed a met dproperty for inspectionpurposes.M. (We)agree C yoC _ n ago.est S ' ya 1 dgm nu.costs d penis which y rs any y az against said !' O 2�- U Z . y of th g i g of th P nit t r• Q \T )NDE IND AND WILL CO PLY WITH ALL N0 'Ps'NT Issued b Dale ijl GULAT .'S. 8 S y: pr Appliranticnntrarro " ' " : ,. .D t Re-roofs HAZARDOUS NA RIALS DISCLOSUREu m pplicant or fuurtb IJ ng p tiro or h ndle hazardous m t I Type Of.ROOf.. ......... .......... .by U Cupem hf c p I Code Chapt .9 IL nd th H hh and Safetytors 25533(,) 15 q,_ r i •s t I I '�„I1j° c '� ' ❑v. oN t , All roofs shall be inspected poor[o any roofing material.being Installed._ wn m rpt t r t b Id ng oc<up t eq omcm our devices hieh If a roof Is in'stalled'without first obtaining an inspectlon,'I''agree t6.remove amit hasandmisarrot an¢as defined by the Bay Arm Air Quality Ma nag int r Dist i all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with ❑ver ON t all non-point source regulations. .t 1 loose is d milbWardo.,malands,ise,maternmos voile Chapter 695 of the Cilifiabla Health&Safety Code.Sections 35505 5533.md 355341'understand that jftImbuldng does not cudendy have a tenant.that It is my mesprailaility Orally the. ',alci pant of the recut to which allot be met rani to i...ance ofu Centficae or Oicu n '. Applicant e .rc nature of All - erorautnodaedagent roof coverings to be Class "B” or better; „ OFFICE