02060050i CI OF BUILDI c DIVISIONPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: 21433 SHANNON CT JUST WATER HEATERS INC PERMIT NO. 02060050 1KgXs.LNAMYOHN C AND JUDITH L 1764 NATIONAL AVE APtcfi.T"diIT-2 PHONE: (510)293-9901 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT)ENGINEER: E BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF.CH i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION pgTIpIIOn Ihercb)'aRrm that lom licensed under provisions of Chapmr9(commencing HU REPLACE WATER H)✓A'1•E with Serum. 7(1W) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Cyte and my license is m mu farce and engirt. (4 0 GALLON GAS) ULiccnsc Clan Lica Dam Contractor Ia ARCHITCCT'S DECLARATION g I understand my plans shall M used as public records 0 Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDCR DECLARATION , so 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt fmm the Contractor's License Law for the a following record. (Section '1031 S Business d Podessiond Cod Any city or county O which requires a permit to compact.It r.improve. demolish, or repair any station, -7 5 pnort t mane also reaches theapplicant for such perm File signed statement — dau he is latticed f batt im porm,pions mite Cdamd,mC, [.auto,, I(Chapter9 (comatec with Section 7") fD so J of the Btyrouand P Professions Code) a S FL Floor Area., ) r r -R _I q' , Valuation g or that he is exempt therclrom and the basis for the alleged clic uPlion. Any violinist ).•s s y 3620u'04 .0 0` any applicant far a permit subjttn the mpplinm to a tril penalty -of Section rooman n five ,of not marc me lmnerea dollars (ssW). APN Number Occupancy Type 01, as owner of the propeny,ormyemployee' wan W.",a,their sole compensmion. 502 — FINAL PLUMBIN ENERGY will do the wmk.*zmc1 the structure is not intended or ancmd far Is (site. )044," 'BeirmIx Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does to 506 — GAS' -TES' a ut red Inspections - •' acid not apply m; owner of,impeny Who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself 507 — FINAL PLUMBING or Nmugh his own employtts. provided that such improvements are not intended or onefcd'for sal e: If, however: the buildiri '- t is sold within one of ger improvement Yeld "-'--'-----" u--"'-"'--"-" _ completion, the owner P hale.) will have he burden of proving that he did not build or improve for puma>e of soled. . _...-- ._—.. . ___ 131... mowncrafsheim ntd- 1 pe y, um na antracton ... _.._.._. ..._ _._ _ .. ___ _._ ... . ..... ..... ...... .. _.— _o; {:',•';' , the oejen (Sac. Business ns Co c:) The Professions Business and Profusionsildsr) The Contractor's FI License Law - License Law tact not apply man owner of who builds de improves thereon, to an T aG O a contractors) .Comas o contracts far. such projects -with with a comoctor(s) Iicensed.Pursuvtt m.thc. _. _... __. __ . __. _ .___... ___.__.... ®.__...._.. E Cnnvamrs License Low. _ ❑lam aempt under Sec.' '," "LB&PCfor this re 1 , � ��� �.�."� '. jf''''P ' Ownir' " "' Date 2ao2 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under 1.Penalty of perjury one of the following declarations:- D'p'G BUILDING ❑ 1 have find will maintain 'a Ccrohmme of Consent to self -insure for Worker's ,( Compensation, as, provided for by Section 37M of the Labor Code, for the - pirfomiince of the work for which this pe.it is issued. ❑ 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as required by Section _ 37W of the Lahor Codc; for the performance of the work for which this terms is - issued. M Worker's Com nsauon Insurance carrier and Policy number are: ` ._ .. .... y'..PulicY No.:' t"' "' .. ,. , a t.� f_ p,;�.la ItIh '`s,i.� •' f'i CERTIFICATION, OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS I' COMPENSATION INSURANCE't - ..... , .. . t �: .__._. __ �._..__.. .. __. ___........ r . i. - ... ma asecuon'need not he complete) if,he permit's for ane hundred dollars t '' v f r ' " 1' 4 1%n J (SI W) or Ices.) A -I n fj'th t o the o f f the o k f h ch th s perm h mo J' 1 -- all nix emIalay any per r ii'm any manner so as to become suhject to the. Workers Compo . ai Inws of Cel'( 'Date' `' -APPI can( - ` ." •° "' " .. . _ . _ ._ . ... __.._ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _._ -_ NOTICE TOAPPLICANT. after of Exemption: yaou mulst � tion rs Cron,ikingthPolimm, o his perm s of the Labor Code, you must co sly the Colons ftinhwithi inch pr or Linhwitti oomply With smith previsions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. ' 3CONSTRUCTION LEN DING AGENCY I hereby'alhmi that there s B conxmmctton lending agency for the perfonnanee' _ ._i of the kfo whichth pc tit s ed(S C 309) C C) ] Londe sbh a -• .' _. _ _ ..._ _.._ .. .._ .__.._ .._ _. .... _ Leede x Address / f 1 candy that 1 have read this application and state that he above information is rorrca. 1 agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building con.umctio a and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. L. (We)agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against n liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way acerae against said L City inconsequence of the granting of thin permit. "' ' n APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS'AND WILL COMPLY'W ITH ALL NON:POINT `::' Issued by. Dale SOURCE REGULATIONS. , - .. Dam Signora di Re -roofs ,HAZALARDOUactor. MATERIALS DISCLOSURE. Wllfth ee 12AWilde pp g us upom store tar B dI huxamiciudoterial Type of Roof .._ as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cade Chapter 9.12. and the Health add Safety -!h `,'•... ..1' CodYOti 25532(a)a. i �N t tint tI,. r I' it•, 1r t" All roofs shall be inspected prior [o any roofing material being installed, w'nm w hp a t r b ldingoccupantuse equipment or devices which , , If a roof is installe'dtwithout first obtaining an inspection, I'agree to remove e it briamded, aircomate t - defect by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District? all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with to °Yea ON. V. _ all non-poibt source regulations. ous materials impr me its wider Chapter 6.95 of rhe I have mad the haeutdrt California Healtf &'Safety Code. Sections 25505:25533 and 25534,1 understand that iflheboil not totifica the n ismyor ofinedeas egdrecuremlyhaveast be thahat rccdparit o! rte rcquircman¢ which must be ton prior m issuance of a CeniGcatc of ' Oce p ey - .::.. of Applicant Dale . _Signature All roof coverings to be Class B or better ' Ow oamhonredage t Dae