SAN JOSE PERMIT0 0 Z,.,.,.DEPAR MT ENT CITY" ,OF' LQ4- ®-APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT 59y'a. a .......195..---.77 Permit Date No.. - -- - ......_.... - b+dild Application is hereby made for a permit o..._-------------------------------------'--- ...-----------'-- onory, Type ------y ..... ... ...................... ------ ------'------'. a--"--'-..... .Building _ Lot Roa1',11..^l,'_ r ,a3A sTOSCo Calif, to be occupied only as---------------------------------------' >1 ------ in ---------"---------_____"'..----one liz ...-------------------- in accordance wi#h Plans, Specifications and Plo-ppgefil PLAN 140, Estimated Value of Improvements, $.�7-�.. -........ • It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the San Jose Building and.Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of San Jose, will be com- plied with. I certify the+ in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any per- son in any manner so as to becom `sub'ect to the workmen's compensaat�niaws f VCalLl �ifor aa.. i,.2 i� %ICAI st IIa2?:-• 1----- ...........Address-.--------------------- ------- -----------------------.._... Owner....__.. .. Palc Alto, c;alifos°sfa w^ Address - -' -........................................ Can}((ac#oAge i Form 28e-1 !Se • ;•pk RECORD OF INSPECTION 9'b Foundation.. / - - -�� '- - Fr e--' '- -` = - - - ...................... Stucco-------------- --............-"...... ------ nis oz 9' 3cz . """-=APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT tl SeptaDate-- ----------------------------195.------ Permit No.. ............. Application is hereby made for a permit to --- --------- build ................................................... a --..-- one .,torr, TYPe-----------v Roeidonce Building at----- Lot No* Faire, Sun JoseB Calif. -- ---------------� -'- -=--..--------------------------------------------------- to be occupied only one Pabily'dwe}lin(g & in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plof pkf( Estimated Value of Improvements,P4fL-----..- PLAN NO. bs If is, hereby agreed that the requirements of the San Jose Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of San Jose, will be com- plied with. I certify that in the performance of ,the work for which this permit is issued I shell not employ any per. son in any manner so as to become subject to the workmen's compensation laws of California. EICNLWR HOMESs OTIC. 2001 E.1 Camino ileal Owner------ ------ ----------------- Address--------------------------- ----------------------------- --- Palo Alton .California BY- - '- - -- -- r } Address ------------------------------ Coniffado[, AggJJ��t� jy�,'�\mss 1 Form 7801 A. L . .Sj3i: CiSV RECORD OF INSPE(