NO PERMIT NUMBER (2) TESTING ENGINEERS, INC. 2811 Adelineā€¢ St. PO Box 24075 510 835-3142 510834-3777 fax Oakland, CA 94608 Oakland, CA 94623 800 660-3142 Oakland Santa Clara Sacramento Diablo Valley Monterey Honolulu Work Request No.: C-1699 INSPECTION REPORT Week Ending: 4/2/93 PROJECT#32616/GRE539 TYPE OF INSPECTION: Concrete PROJECT- Seven Springs/11/20 & 376-385 PLACE OF INSPECTION: Tract 8098, Phase 10 Jobsite Cupertino, CA DAT 3/30/93 HOURS 8 ZONEIMILES 1 INSPECTOR(S J. Sweet potted to Reid Hastings of The Gregory Group at the jobsite. Monitored loads arriving at the jobsite for correct mix and proper slump. Inspected placement operations and vibrating procedures. Performed 5 slump tests (3W', 3-3/4", 455", 4" and 4") and cast 5 sets of compression test specimens (4 ea.), Sample #'s 133808, 133809, 133810, 133811 and 133812 for concrete placed at post-tensioning slab-on-grade for Lots 385, 384, 383, 382 and 381. (Concrete Mix #246 from Lonestar at 3,000 psi; 5" slump) Notes: Lot# Permit# 385 21723 384 21730 383 21743 382 21728 381 21720 Work inspected, as noted, was in compliance with approved job plans and specifications. Reviewed by: 1 Roger S. y C.E. #20132, Exp. 09/30/93 lcc: The Gregory Group/Christopher J. Gatley Bauer Concrete Pacific Post Tension Bassenian/Lagoni Archit City of Cupertino[Bldg. Insp. Dept. L' = TESTING ENGINEERS, INC. 2811 Adeline St. PO Box 24075 510 835-3142 510 834-3777 fax Oakland, CA 94608 Oakland, CA 94623 800 660-3142 Oakland Santa Clara Sacramento Diablo Valley Monterey Honolulu Work Request No.: C-0636 INSPECTION REPORT Week Ending: 3/26/93 PROJECT#32616/GRE539 TYPE OF INSPECTION. Rebar/I'endon/Showup - Concrete PROJECT.' Seven Springs/11/20 & 376 - 385 PLACE OF INSPECTION.- Tract NSPECTION.Tract 8098, Phase 10 Jobsite Cupertino, CA Permit#'s 21720 (Lot 381); 21728 (Lot 382); 21743 (Lot 383); 21730 (Lot 384); & 21723 (Lot 385) DA 3/23/93 3/24/93 HOURS 4 2 Showup ZONUMILES 1 1 INSPECTOR(S) N. Guard N. Goard 0 3/23/93 Reported to Reid Hastings of The Gregory Group at the jobsite. Inspected the placement of post-tensioning tendons and reinforcing steel for Lots 381, 382, 383, 384 and 385. Work inspected, as noted, was in compliance with approved job plans and specifications. 3/24/93 Showup time - Job canceled due to rain. Reviewed by: Roger rsley C.E. #20132, Exp. 09/30/93 Ice: The Gregory Group/Christopher J. Gatley Bauer Concrete Pacific Post Tension Bassenian & Lagoni Architects City of Cupertino/Bldg. Insp. Dept.