01040129 croF(wP SION o BUILDING VIPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: P13RM1'r NO. -- 115FA SEVEN SPRINGS DR RFRVTrPS SERVICEES 1@401.29 OWN17R'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB UNIT MET9 KARAKIIIZUK 1471 MARTIN AVE @4/24/2001 I'IIONE: SANITARY NO, CONTROL NO. C d'Z ARCfIITIiCilIiNGIN[iBt • BUILDING PERMIT INFO t=C - BLUE 1:1.1:��� PLUI�M ME}_�,/ a i 1 'S `b LICENSEDCON'IRAC'IOR'SDECLARATION H= 1 much,art,.that l a,n licensed ruder fChater 9 contractual, Job Description g_C ) pro.imonNo r w wah Srcuun 911)111 [ n,l runt"BmmoN unJ ProtcxeionnC de.nnimyliccnsc SYc� Unde owu i,io full I"" r � C r 3 L z s¢ Liccn..e Cln,s Lae M �— i < O 11_rR'CT'S DELLA r•/ wulurntun s s I he as pnh c MAY 0 6 2002 eO Liccnad Prn cc,ionul Oar I a., mroptI to.the RATION I hcrchy affirm Ina 1 am, hoar t Gum me Qmaari,C's Liana law far the I�].a kulowhichi nprcr%a. ermiiatoca tu.aiac.improve.derona C,ormpian...turcme BUILDIN o which reyuire.a permit m comwc,,abet,imrmve,demolish,or¢parr any amemre 6 3 m that r u LINd e ensed ja ala rcyoithe provisions s o Ibr Contandoev Li erase Law (C nemem ma,hefiheeaeJhSectio tome of[)Iimp.n3ofteBustressand,.alawlChameru Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commheeI,ewish laurel ANNE)of he Jr the a Business Pmfcsigns Code) or that he is exempt Iaumrrom and the basic Pert the cts di J emmrnon.Any viNaion 7 of Station a than 5 iv any applicant for a permil whjro„Ne applicant m.a civil penalty of not therm mon siva hamo-ed dolwa asfan. APN Number Occupancy Type ❑LaN ov,natidthe ptopcdy.mmy cmdoyuc-win,wages ere lhcir.ole eomrenadion. will do the work,and the structure in not intended or olrered tor sale[See.91114, - 520A R Ibusiness and Professions C de:The Contractor',License Law does no,apply to an Required Inspections f pro,ery Who buil ,r buil, it in, avas moron.and who docs fuel,work himself . to thorough hl.,own r.dwy,cs.provided mal such m,proverned,am sol imended or 101 — FOUNDATION uffined f r one.If,however,the bdldtng or h„prevuweat is sold whnn,one year of - completion,the immer-brilder will have the hunlcn of proving that he did not build or 102 — PIERS improve for porpoa of ode.). O L as owner or the propert,:am exclusively contcting with licensed«mtmcue%to 103 — UFER ensure,the project(See.9144,un,inewr and rrofc„lyre CoL The Comramor. 104 — REBA R - License Low ares not apply u)an owner of propcny is ho builds or improves mercnn, and who coatmcte for such projects wd,a contemner licensed parsaant to the 1.05 — ANCHOR BOLTS Contetm's License Law. ❑Ian exclop, mder sec. ,B.k IN C lin this mason . 1.06 — SEWER & WATER Owner Date 202 — UNDERFLOOR .PLUMBING WORKER'S COMPENSAnON DECLARATION 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICALI hereby anino under licnnliy of pepary one of the following declamdons: 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME ❑ I haveand will maintain v C6,Suee of Latham m sLabor for Worker's atnlet,,don, „ pn.ded r,r ray section 3900 or the Lnn,�r rose, for the 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION perinnnance uf,he xnrA for which oris permit ix issued. 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING ❑00 ve)f the I-ab r Code, the peComeareeof the work f as hick t is Seainn 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER 374 of the IaM1ur C,xlc.lin the perlbrmnnce of the work for whim this permit is .J I_ "wed.M ker,Compel„aronh,.aram�eearriera,di'oliey3ndw cc / 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL Capri Policy Na.: O 6 //1 �- CERTIIICATION017ENEMIsnON FROM WORKERS' 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL_ COMPENSAI90N INSURANCE 305' — FRAME shin eeenon need not be completed if tire permit is for one hundred dollars 306 — HOLDOWNS (SEINE err less.) I cram,mut in he ncrformno,c oI the work for Jd,b ed,pt ann is ia,oed,1 307 — INSULATION ,hall am rmNoy any perx,n in any manner.n as ,,became stdjrNa m he work`•” 308 — SHEET ROCK Compensation Laws of ahforria Dam Applicant 309 — EXTERIOR LATH NO1ICE TO APVLICAN C If of crimaking this Cenilicme of Exemption,you should neroine..Ijcs,to the W..kcr',Cotnprroaam,ntLow a,onhe Labor Code.rout,"I .310 — INTERIOR LATH Q 0 forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit Noun bedeen,d revoked. Z 311. — SCRATCH COAT (n CONS'IRUCI]ON LENDING AGENCY > 1 hereby anima that mere is it connection lending agency far the vabrue nce 313 — ROOF NAIL of Lender's iO Lcndus Nune 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY Ixndcr',Address U O 1ocnitrthalohave mad this a,di,aion and,,are Quit dmaboveinfnhadouis 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY s r- cercd.I.,reel,,comp),with'It ehyardcounl,wninanc c,Lord.,,am laws mlming 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY O U to huilding constradirn,and hcrchy authorim repnsamatives ofthw city to enter upon ym the dawnamunonedp...why orhxpeetierpnpose,, 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY rr P• (We)agree m save.indentmly and kn Ie,s the Cd,of Cupcnina erg ins) — m uanilitie,.jrdgtnc... en,,, .... w e, uses may arerac erg:,inert,aiel 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL l..r z City in ronxy�TANO o!I s pe'Onil. Y i 1 SI'I'LICANT ILLf 'I,Y WIssued by;TV 'r-A@6 — GAS TESTDate pnaWIAIIIRUB NIAISUI5CLl15URE Re-roofs 5@8 — FINAL MECHANICAL Will the appraumores, cl"Hah",,al,am.tomnrhandle nr,mdou.n,munal Type of Roof 509 — FINAL GRADE a,Jehned by the Cupertino Municipal Cede.Chapter 9.12,and the Ilcalth and Safely Cada.Section 25532(x)? , C Ye, El No - All rooJ:s shall be ihR, Merl pfBoP7' tt1N������n�y Qofiifl��ViNffrlli(atlobeing installed. - Win a,c a ueam m fwum hul,rn•mer t use ee ui ,a,dc,lccs.hill, ' t NQk- n�-'tn'Ii R rlflrlr`I it np s the nrQu If a roof is instnlle itfioul fps ni c tee to remove emit hmardou,air contaminants as dchncJ by the❑ay Arca Air Quality Management Di„tier all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 0Yo 0 N all non-point source regulations. 1 have read the ha'ro faun tndcrials requireanem,under Chapter 695 of the Calil'omia Meana&Safety C,de.Seaioas a , 5533 and 35534.1 undeo and that it buddo gdoe,rat rrcn,ly bourn ,:un,th, nlsa n„ihilhym entity the Vaccupam of the rc nem,w m h n prior u t u ce of r Cr dices of Oct' ,fry' - Signature of Applicant Date , t�I,odmaagenl - 1 All roof coverings to be Class "B” or better OFFICE