34180 I 817 S�ptAtnb�r ��A.UTUMN GARDEkS TRAC + CITY OF SAN JO� ��TILBDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Da#e---.f..�.--v----------------------------� 19..._�_� Permit No.---�.�/-��--.... Application is hereby made for a permit +o ...CO�STRU�I............................................... e---�-�j-�`---sforY� TYPB--------- - � R�S.------------------............... � ------....---------...------------ Building �e� _J..E��__�.�.h�.b-e � � O � +o be occupied only as SINGI_FAM.ILY_RESIDEN E ����r� � /� in accordance with Plans, Specifications and �p�en fJ€d 4iEf�.�/C/ Esfima#ed Velue of Improvemenfs, $.��f!._.�d_�..__... ' / Ii is hereby agreed fhei }ha raquiremanis of iha San Jose Building and Zoning Ordinences and all other laws applicebla fo fhe consiruc}ion, locafion, and usa of buildings wiihin ihe Ci}y of San Joso, will be � complied wifh. I certify ihat in the porformence of }ha work for which ihis permif is issued I shall no4 employ eny par- san in any manner so as }o viola}e the workman's compensaiion laws of California. 1300 EI Camino Real Owner ..C�UDE T. LINDSAY,---�(�J�,.------....Address ---..Menln_.Pnck,...Calitomia-------------- By ' �K�� Address ---.�.�....-- ----- --- _'--" -- -- - .. ......... .. .. ............... ...... Cantrecfor, gent Form 280-I RECORD OF INSPECTION /1����U�'�v-� Founde4ion .r�_.:13-�--��liytit-- .. Frame ....---- �- ...... ...... ...' -- - -- .... Stuceo '- -�- �--- ....... --- ----- --- -�n h .. -�.." 1..�...�`.��.��..... ........ ,