FILE 51139 Lot No. No. Street AP LICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Son itory No. File No. 42 Dote ° 196 O— t Application is here 6y made for a permit to a story, Type to 6e occupied only as 9119g&dgdg A in acAance with Plo lan, Plans and Specification filed herewith„ Estimated Value of Improvements $ OZ QC) ° rp J d ;0t:, FEES T � Plan Check E T .� Owner % Address GeMr. o Address Phone *44T 7—/ °'3 3 State License Approved 61 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Data 196 FEES Contr. Address Phone C i/C 3...3 State License Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Dote ��_ 196 GAS FEE $ �f PLUMBING FEE $ `-'�- ` M Contr. &'.0. Address Phone � S� /0'j '3 State License �.� Approved /t;7•Eel- -- '�/� / APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date196 FEE$ Cont,. u"Address Phone r'7 J 7 ° -S ' '+State License 6L Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Lai6e-of the i - State of California r � RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING DATE INSPECTOR PAD FINAL FOUNDATION JO C. V UNDERFLOOR 4 FRAME 1° LATH & PLASTER P r GRADING FINAL 5 FINAL BLDG. l low ELECTRICAL DATE INSPECTOR MISC. UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING _ FINISHED WIRING FIXTURES MOT OR S FINAL 35 7 0 PLUMBING, GAS 8 APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MISC. BACK FLOW REQ. ' SANITARY NO. UNDERGROUND ROUGH LL PARTIAL .� ROUGH 1 ROUGH COMPLET �N MAIN DRAIN I FINAL PLBG. FINAL APPLIANCE 2 AIR OuTLb?Y Z eNAU.Pr JcRNS -oK- ' DATE INSPECTOR MISC. MISC MISC MISC OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTINO j? ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE You are hereby, au orized to connect ectrical ice for fc service Owner or Tenant ...........F" At .... .......e No. of Wires !�h�.......... Size of Size of Wires Size of Switch Motor Load ............... --------- Voltage ...... Phase .. ............. ......... II Heating Load ......................- K. W. .......................... ....... Voltage ......... ........ ......... Light....NN f Meters................... ........... iio.....-- Nm Servi,00.00.0.... Recunnect..-.,-- /- 0 0 d Heat................. 220...... N.�*. of Ad Wi pr .... .................... ........ ELECTMCAL INSPFCTOR o : No. Street Lot No. �?OSSCo SCF/��,.1� DOC/ o. APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT o CITY OF CUPERTINO U /JAN 2. 19 9 �J�I Sanitary No. F 1 Awl u Date ' 196 Permit No.-I 3 CIT Y OF ''P�'D7• pt/� Fee$J r Application is h yl�lt§dJto the City of Cupertino for a permit ro install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof,and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures ,; in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino,and all other laws applicable thereto. 0 A A Use of Premises o U .5 o 0 Owner , Address By Address 3 Contractor,Agent 3 Phone j7- io33 a .. ^; State License Approve al�•'I— Plumbing Inspector / , ! \ \ \ \ w ( Cs \ ! ƒ < \ 4 . , z3 - § E ] 3 ! ! ! : « ! a # « 2 ; a = ; JC>` s G I t,�e iC ti LOT NO. / NO. STEEET n APPLICATIONZPOR-aI,APPLIANCE PERMIT d iZCITY: OF,� CUPERTINO IW ^ 'J . 0 o Date i (r F R ' 196E f ,',' Permit No. 3 u` SZ m u Fee$ 0 Application-is hereby irftileftolthe;City-of Cupertino for a permit to o° install gas appliances' as lisfed'o`nithe'rederse side hereof, and agrees to i N install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing W Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. LL Use of Premises 00 (� Owner Address�� S6 03 CcCP z By Address O CONTAACTOR, HNT — m Phone � z W.W o s ./State License / Approve / Q U i / PLU ING INSPECTOR v � e� � � b � C'] tlJnG7w Ni y y O m 0 IQ d � 2 9 4 n m � 37 � O n 77: TV ;aN Q NO 5'rP R1 LOT NO. ' y Zy� f F o'° ' C T ON 'FGkt,' ELECTRICAL PERMIT . 3u 'q/j/�- ITY OF CUPfRT1N0", W vLL I lg 'Date, _ .]9 � Permit No. _ /� - Fee 5 � ="- a Application _ pmade to the City"of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical .winnh.and%br fixtiv p�Jsst^ted on the reverse s,de, hereof, and agrees to install said 0 o wiring and/or fixtures in�tlonlana; with Ili p isions of the I? ectrical Code o e _ , > City of Cune no, ,and all ober terns applic ble t e eto. SevvLeR_ rr > x �* O <. "' Icy,z.� -Use of Prerni &A d ' CV" A- o Owner` ( ( Address _ N Address — ;Oy q CON1'PACTOR,,AGF.NT pproved 14 XW f'h^neo ELECTRIUL INS►YCTOI! - State License, {L k l3 Z J t F (� .i .u. w w w w w A n y N m m m U N E E E E a d E E a. =' o a o ° = ❑ ❑ Z o S y y x F°, ; : z z z z a fizz � A � �, °" � �33'—NC_ �8" g-�r• +c No: �+ tr 1 Lot No. APCATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT J AN 16 1969 City of Cupert' c Date 196 Sanitary h{d °' • — rrT � permit A nppcahon is,herby, ade.fora pet to N . O W 3 a st Building d to be occupied only as m apcq��nce with . O LTLS a. « Plans,Specifications and lan filed herewith• UCk Fee Estimated Value of Improvements,$=22 4gj2n�+�� Fee$ 9 �� o c It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and > all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of A Cupertino will be complied with. .3 m Owne ' Address v v By uurc Phone „7'$ Approve —4- State License Bu mg Inspector ; r No. t ` r Lot No. f IFLAPPLICATt IO�JFOR BUILDING PERMIT I'Ctty of Cupertino -G Date196 Sanitary No. „ Per ' No. - E Application is hereby madff ape'rm'nho Tin 3 a / TYP to be occupied only i a L ° ° Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee m s Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 990Q Fee$ - 0 o It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of cCupertino will be complied r 'h. i _ c ° Owner e+CAF/G-Zd Address d d By d a PP E Phone Approved State License / ui 'n n ector 4 Y