02060163 CIBUDINC DOry PERNO BUILDING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10453 SCENIC CT BRAND KITCHENS & DESIGN 02060163 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE �HIROSE RONALD AND GAIL T 13715 QUITO RD 06/25/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 871-8190 C coo ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO u C BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH n<od Z�y Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description O Z g2O I hereby ar0rm that I am licemed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing p rf_s-m who Section of Division a on he Bmi:eZjsna Pose,sion..Cod.and my been, KITCHEN REMODEL sxl� .ccluullf and R �Ca FON ,q LRE �I< Li n QN �elIS3 URR44lY�N a G Doc — Commoner d. < 1 untlertmnd mY Plan shat I be uuze�gpTiblRArecmds a re p C Licensed Professional SEP 2 5 2002 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 'p {�� I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the BU I LIJI ICf/� 68 f—? following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county Y 0 0 0 I F G which quirt a perm i s consumer.alrcr p demolish, pi y structure. -T do 3 .-prior to its issuance.also requires;thef such Permit file signed statementa. _ .. that 1, nc nedh Sc4lpursuant todc 000) i:vis of the C incl L (ChapterCase) _p11�� O ea.y a 'S Valuation fed giNsccy ]DiolrDbic don Business and iProfession,eme) ti's) k 'a3!57S8" b'i3 :.� i 4,3.r?.i'iC7, j .'in..ne is 31.5 bythcrcfmm and she bans for the alleged esempnoo Any l violation of Section]011.5 by any aPPlicam for a permit w;bjevas the applicant to u civil penalty of not more than five hundred dolare P55on). 101 AP�ATI ON Occupancy Type 01.ox owner nr the prnperrY,or or employees with wages as their sole cnmpenwtion. for _ .. .. .__ will ne mail Prof and the s0ucmroC not intendedice a Law doll sale(Sec: to 103 - UFER Required Inspections,,.no, ss end Pid,Wio build,CWe:The Coo,thencs Lianu od dces not apply to alf owner of progeny Who leeor improves ore such,and who docs such work need or 1 or Nmagn ma own employee.. ended ma; improvements mans are not intended or 104 REBAR _.offered for sale If however,-to budding oimprovement- is -IJ' Sh n'onc'Ycm of _._. ._ .. -. .. .. .. ...... .. _..._._... ._..___.. .._... .._-. _._ ._._.. impletion me owncobsulder will have the burden o(proving that be dm not or 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS impm'`for pmPowe of"ale'. 106 - SEWER & WATER -oi r.u, c party i ly na<t g inl«.eec vara rs to 202 - UNDERFLOORS PLUMBING - - --- - - -- Lon.t t thep 1 t(S 7DU Business. d Pmf :Cal )Th Contractor s iv Law does nol applyit)anowner ofproperty who build rimproves thereon, 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL .and who connects(or.such projects with.a estimations)IicenYd p 1 pursuant m Ne - = Contractor's License Law. ,. 204 '= UNDERFLOOR FRAME ❑lame.=mptyne=r,sec: BmPcfar miare,ann 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULL TION _ DWppr " Dale 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Ihereb trumunder b of one of thendlowin declaration,: 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER gnat Yo perjury g 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ I have and will"mainwin h Cetnrcate of Consent to soft insure for Worker 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compensation, as provided for bs Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the _- - performance of Ne work ter which this p�ndit i.is..nea: 3 0 5 - FRAME ❑1 have and will rommu m.Worker's Cumpcnsmion Insurance,as regLircd by Section 306 - HOLDOWNS 3700 of the G bor Code,for me perlovoance of the work for which this Permit is voided,Mr Workers c p . r I ..tone,=artier and Policy robe are: 307 INSULATION .. . __..... ...._... .. ........ _...,, c' « rai<YNo - 308, ,: . S{-IEETROCK \- •CER o xen,Prl PROMw RK ftS ^- f,/ ' V6 9'- -° EXTERIOR"LATH'' COMPENSATIO SURANCE ` _31-0 - INTERIOR--LATH---''_......_._`______-........_ ... 181 WIcsx,�<non'ne<J ria be romplcmJif the permit is Tor one hundred Jollms 311 - SCRATCH COAT 1 I<edny Nat in he poH'orm ice or me work Tor which Nis permn is jawed.l 313 ROOF- NAIL- " AIL . '•. .;,m ..".._.. .. 'aha11 not enmlo,y any pervon in any manner sat,a,to become•abject to the workers 501 - FINAL ELECTR I CAL--ENERGY Compensation Laws or Cal bola.Dole' Applicant. 502 - FINAL- PLUMBING- ENERGY -. ... ..... .... ......_ NGFICE 9'0 APPLICANT:If,after making this Cert fiemo of Esemnaiors.you should Z neemoat.unJi<ttnnnewnrke.cmm�ensaronprnvdsian. nheLannrenae.yonn,aa 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY OO firs hwiNcomply with suchpmvision,orhis Form ish0bedeemetluvoked, ._.,504 FINAL .BUILDING_ENERGY._ . _.__...._ Z ta _ .. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGEPC) 505 '- FINAL ELECTRICAL 1 h by f which th tcsued(S ding age cy for the perfoiinance 'I k? p Lenderx Name permit aura(s lath uv e) 506 - GAS TEST .. of Nc work for hich N Z.Z Lender',Address 507 - FINAL PLUMBING U o 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL 1 ccnive Nat I have ream his application and state thot the above i Ic.,rnion rt w. dbrreN.1 agree m winner won hullereby am and enemy aminanes and tate law.erupog 509 - FINAL GRADE C;V tto heimingmnasrud prandnercbyamctionlepresemmivesorthiociymemerupon W meabovee)c,cn eq pmprtymrifyoilkishrrnmle 510 - FINAL PLANNING C; ps" IN'c):,grmtos:ry<,tonne on" keep M1nrmleei rhe City of Cupertino uguina Vi "abilimies,judgmenSs,costs mJ a p=oses which telly;n any way accme against said 514 - FINAL UB C WORKS U Z� City in dcmoq", cd,of thegmm ,gofteh!,womit.' /-s (y./ NDS IND WILL COMPLY WITHALL�I-POINT ' Issued by: Dale SUURCE RIP a\'illNi y 4-215 Sig,umre ufdp mUCn teratvte Re-roofs / HA'ARI'OL MATERIAL}DISCLOSURE Will dre plicv t tottourre Wilding c.,nt more or hoodle hat does material .Type.of ROOF__ .-__. _.__ _ _... _ , ._..... .. ........ .aJ(nal by the Cupertino MiummPil CW Chpt 91',adthHealth andgfty Coe ❑Y< 25532(yl t( - .. s i• - e .s7a o ti., S Tb I'( prior . ,any r : ' .-Al roofs shall be inspected-error to.any roofing material being Installed._ .. . Will the applicant ortuture Wilding p r useequilinuent ordidicos which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection;I agree.tolremove emth> d con;a n ¢as Jet nem by rh Buy Ar`eaj\rQ IUP Manag mem -- -- all non oint source re laticns. understands and Dist t❑Y all new materials for inspection. Applicant will comply with _ P g 1 have read the ha Code, mmenals5052533requirements under 4.1 un 6.95 of the 1,mCalifornia mil Health, Safety Cade,5 tions 25505,t it'% and 15534. un==hand that it Nc bdildmme pri r currently sea ,thin it is my responsibf,Cin ificau the oicupanr of Ne yuiremenrt wh h m si be nn prior to issuance of,a CeniOcolc of ' Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date it Ownernromon agent All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better ,. OFFICE .._... . . _.. -..