00110058 CITY OF.CUPERTINO Bull.Dwc DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: `BUILDING ADJ)0270 SCENIC BLVD WESTERN REGION ROOF NG" '"G 00110056 °"'"''ks"NDA[13 : _VER STEPHEN T AND ELA NE L 231 N 121'1-1 ST nr1'LlcnrayNsu/1 1.]./13/c000 ANJ IONF.: - - SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)360-9111 O O O 1 ARCHITECT/ENGINEf!R: BUILDING PERMITINFO pWWp BLDG ELECT PLUMB Mlicil f t y � �, LICENSF.DCONI'RACfOR'S UECLAkA1'IUN Job Description 0 Z'2 e I herchy alTrm that I am Iicemod under fnsivar ns of Chapter 9(commencing F„tai ins«Ii:,nannruivi.inn3nnnel+a,ine..anJPnfe..mmc enandmYrcen. REROOF REMOVE 15BAKE. REROOF W/1/2 CDX c m - i,m frill force and etfact. y Q 7 9%0 O O License Clan,_ /_(_ ].at,M X t=s-1�-f 3�aq m 3 or C, A ❑il'I ECI"S UECLAkA )N C t=ON 3 1 undenomd my planI I he used o public errands w s p'p Licensed Profe.nional is S: z OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION R a I hereby affirm that 1 a exempt Bom the Contractor's License Law for the F 2Ffallowing maaoa(Section 7UL5,Business and professions Code:Any city or county F� whit 4 nit) , thr I heard st p -any a stun pr Cj� 'orl I 'Jsrrequire,thlie ,f hp- 'tt 'g L,t null -- bar he t atrome I to the I' s fB C , t rat - La (Clapter9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation 0.bmnmocia,wim section Wild)al Div.tin.3 of,he Burnes,red Profession.Gala) g 18320 or thio he is exempt Ihcrefmm sad the basis for the alleged emmption.Arm violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pered isublec,s the applicant to a civil penalty of not mareman five hundred dollar.a500f A PN Number Occupancy Type 01,as owner of the pruperty,or my employees with wages its their axle compensation, 35708022. L710 ,,If do the A I dhe am,,... tintended ft I l (Sec.7114. Bn,i l f Code:tire< t t Lacruse t pplyati Required Inspections r efprx gty Whon 'Id , ,pnvesd a,maudwho hcs such work h resell 305 — FRAME or through his train employees.provided that.aim improu'emaos are nal rumored or oBcmJ air.ale.B:however, he Wilding or impmvemen,i,and within one year of 307 — I NSLIL AT T ORI eminfr�l.,forrr>�«lsale.jrwaBhave meburden arpnwingmalheaienotbaimm _F01 — ROOF TEAR OFF 01.a,miNoes(tire prapeny.arewillmvelyconmerng with licensed e.ntraetar.to 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD I\IATI_ construct the proicei(Sec.7114,Bns s and Profession%C'nda)'the Contractor's (ensc l.aw doe,nn apply mann `al prolerty who houldsa improve,thereon, 603 — ROOF BATTENS aid whe contract,sir such proles atwith a antntetuBs) haa.ed pursuant m me 604' — ROOF II51—PROGRESS Ctrntmeme,License law. ❑1 am enema audit,Sec. .B R P C far this mason owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DF.CLAHAr1ON I trashy mlln r under penalty nlperjury rare of 0e following Jcdarafon: I have and will no/m min a Cenitieoc of Consent to self-insure for Worker's umlenmtion, ns provided for by Section 3701 of ,he Labor Code, lir the performance of the work for which this pemuit is isaaf. 01 have and will,aain,aio Worker's Compamsation Insurance,as require)by Section 3700 of the Labor Code fen the performance of me work for which this permit i, cued My Work e Cr,11-nsry rt uo Inver:uecarrieranJPulicymm�Mrnm�- �71�—'jr-s� �a en � �+ 1—Pricy No: ISY QI!R'FIE PION(yrExEMPI'ION FROM WoRK17RS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE This sohio.urccd not ho anmfleed if the permit is far one hmrJmd dollars ($100)or less.) ' I amity that in the Ierfornancc of the work tie which this permit is i....rl,I ,hull net employ any parson in any ncmnea so as a,hcaotnc nurc,r u, he W..for, , Ci mperosal L:Iw,of CWuarnia.Dau African, NOTICE I U AIPPI.ICANT.If:atter making this Certificate of FAciaption.You should bectrme subject or the Worker,Compensation previsions Orme Labor Code.you ma,. O 0 forhx'ith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. s . Z ^F CONSTRUCTION ac N,B ENDING AGENCY - I hcnhy chino that,there its ,awd(Set. 097,lending agency li.,hc perfonnancu W IZ .11 the work ave which this permit is IxstmJ IScc.3119].Civ,CJ 7 A Lender',odea(Adder 7 Leader., ., V O 1 moify that I have mad Ibis application and state that Ire above information is Lr.r F' corer I agree m comply with all it,and auump ordinances and ,are lax,relating O I, to Wilding enmuuction.and hereby authorim reprcumaives of this city to enter own ,he bu m mi J lueovey for impovii f pa F. 0. (We),Agme or sere,ardicirmodyandk p hanalesstheCty of Cupertino agansr fn Iablt Jy reteoll, md ur,was,,Illicit all -1 to VoL,awlitot knnasort U CITY , ... .. b y nhi t �\ ```a SOURCE UNDERSTANDS ANU WILL COMPLY WI fit ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Dale ` Signature of Apprcanvcommcmr Dom Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MAI EIRIA S DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future Wilding occnrant,lom or handle haaamlou,material Type of Roof uv dclined by the Cupertino Municlp:d Coale,Chapter 9.12,:,tad the Health and Safety Cade,Sellinn 255320pI O Yes GNo All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or rather ham;Jing occupant use eyuipmcm or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove it hazardous air contaminants as de tried by me Bay Arcs Air Quality Mmnt, anagee r lace all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 0 Yes 0N all non-point source regulations. ` I hum mad dm hmarfous materials reyaimnarms ander Chapter 6,95 of the . Culifouru Ilcdlb:l'i Safny Cudc.Secmms 2551$.25533 and 25514.I understand tor- if,It, o ifine building does not eurmn,lyh:wcu ren:rel lam i,is my rcpon,viol By m nmlty the occupant of the requirements which must be mer pdnr m Issuance of a Cenificme of `)"rpme, � S ,nature of Applicant Date ownwtrr authorized spam Dam All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO 1 of 1 BUILDING PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: nancyc COPY 4 2 Sec: Twp: Rug: Sub: Blk: Lo[:35709022.00 DATE ISSUED..... . . : 11/13/2000 RECEIPT q.........: 13993 REFERENCE ID 4 ...: 00110058 SITE ADDRESS .....: 10270 SCENIC BLVD SUBDIVISION ....... CITY . . . . .........: CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER . . . . . . . .....: CULVER STEPHEN T AND ELAINE L ADDRESS . . . . ......: CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUPERTINO CA, 95014-2726 RECEIVED FROM ....: DAVE S CONTRACTOR . . .....: SAGOR, JAMES LIC It 22042 COMPANY . .........: WESTERN REGION ROOFING ADDRESS . . .... ....: 231 N 12TH ST CITY/STATE/ZIP . ..: SAN JOSE, CA 95112 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (408)360-9111 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REG NEW BAD ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- BPERMFEE VALUATION 19,000.00 247.00 0.00 247.00 0.00 BSEISMICRE VALUATION 19,000.00 1.90 0.00 1.90 0.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- '• PERMIT : 248.90 0.00 248.90 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT NUMBER ----------------- ------------ ------------------ CHECK 248.90 17141• TOTAL RECEIPT x248.90 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION ........ ............................ ............................ 305 FRAME 307 INSULATION 601 ROOF TEAR OFF 602 ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL 603 ROOF BATTENS 604 ROOF IN-PROGRESS