26614 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OFCUPERTINO BUIL)IM1 -ELECTRICA L PERMI'TNO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMIIING-MECIIANICAI. ^ � r� BUILDING PROJECT II 'FL IFICA'I'ION iV1 4 BUILDING ADDRESS: o SANITARY NO, APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE > p t o �GJI. G-2o-9�P l 'Rg NAME: PHONE: COEP4AjZrOR'5 NAME: L1 NO: • a eV El-lar-1-au xG N/C CONTROL# A CIII'11iC'I'/IJJCINEI?R: LIC NO: ADDRESS: ❑ �' 041 C L CONTACT: PHONE: QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT 17EE BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDO P.HCT PLUMB MliCll Q Jt PERMIT ISSUANCE / ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTIONrxyy I hereby affbm that l um licensed underprovisions idChupter9(cnmmencing with uF 00F Section OW0)of Division 3 of the Business/ands-Paro..Posio ri.and my license is in PANELS g<.2W fullcnse Clntl ellen X10 Lic.1 Seo! UP TO 200 AMPS y7m to Comon 201-IOMAMPS �OyZ ' ARCHITECTS DECLARATION OVER IOW AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ,IT. O Z�O 1 understand my plana shall bc used as public records. 1:,yt-.j SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Prnlcesinnal XOyUd' OWNER-tlempt fi no the CRATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISQ 1 hereby..firm that I am exempt from the Icaimmt.Ps License law for the m34.y which espon-aTormiion]O31tract. he,,i pr ve,deaionaCWe:Any city Stcounty TEMP.METER OR roLF.INST. L-fSa� whrtoitsussanpermit mlaim,t claheq improvgh perms h.ore a shred staucmm p E ® I Tia prior to its issuance,also rcynires the applicant for such parotin to fileasigned statement POWER DEVICES � � IIIA I' a\VR a�O that he is licensed pursuant to the pmvisiotts of the Comrncmr's License law(Chapmr d Xo 9(commencing with Section]0007..DivisionJnf the Business and Professions Cade? SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC A ON onhat he is eaempnhercfrom aodthe hsis(a,the alleged emailAny,mationof OUTLETS-SWD'CI1GS-FIXTURES kZ4 Scctinn]03 LS by any vpplicam forapetmit subjects the nppliconu.ecivil penalty of nm more than five hundred dollar(SSW). E S p NEW RESIDENTIAL.ELECTR CFp ❑do wrk.anheestructturormycmpended oro emd forstheiside Sec.70m1,Becomes, —PQ PT DATE STORKS Pf3 CONSTRUCf1ON will drnhewom,ands:'I he Cufeianm's License La a does i..I upply town vine,ss and Professions Code:'I'he C.mfocmr'e License Law does not apply m an owner of property whnbuildsorimprovesthercon,and whoJ«ssuchwak himaelf.rthroughhf. cmploycembefng ori that suchimpmvemenban:not ourdcompltion,theoe.lf, OCC GROUP RCS.UNI,'S h older will have the burden of pmartinsisthold e did limit or improve urposer- builderwillhtrvethebuNen.f that he dlJ not build or int rove for f � L proving p purpose. ale')' QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN ❑ I,as the project (See 704 ttm Business and onnfinsa gwiCWe:)Ths,Contractor's ljons,tthe pcs not(See ]044,Nus and ywho siom Cale)The thereon,and License Law dace not apply manownerofpmperty who builAs or improves thereon,and PERMIT ISSUANCE whoccalmets for such projects with a cominclor(s)licensed pursuant to the C.ntracmlx License Lw. ALTER (EAT FEESUMMARY ❑ 1 am exempt under Sw. ,B&PC for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT,DEVICE SANITARY Y_N Owner Dote RIiC131PTN DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,COND. WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX YN ❑ Ihembyafr=thailbaveacenificamofconsenttoself-insum,oracertiRcateof FTRECEIPTM Wnrkerd Cnmpensedon otsumnce oruaertifiuleopy therwf(S.c.38g1,Lnh CJ which :B,_ Y_N coven 01 employce's under this permit. OAS-FA.SYSTIiM-1 INC:4OUTLFTS RECEIPT N Policy M BUILDING DIVISION FEES Company GAS-EA.SYS �OVER4(EA) KFEE [ICenlfedcopylsheruhyfm iOmd. ❑ CenificJ copy is flet with the city inspection division. G EASU .INTER EPTOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WOR GR AP COMPENSATION INSURANCE SOILS FEE (This sectmanced not be completed ifthe permit is for one hand dollms($100) SEWER- Y-S RMEA.200I - ENERGY FEE or leas, v I cenify that in the performance ofthe work for which this parent inissued,lshall WATER IIS B W/VENT n I employ any peons in any m as m become subject n the Workers' PAID z Compensation L.wauf C.lifomio. Dote sa WATER SY' G Dem IteceiptN O O Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICA M:If,after mokingthia Cenificac of Exemp on.you should LP B. SQ. TOTAL: huwme subject m the Worker's Compensation provisions o.the Labor udq you must Fes ; fonhwin comply with such....Iliamor this permit shall be deemed r voked. B LI 'E WCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMCP. z JLfi 5 Iherchy affirm that There is aconstruction lending agency for pe tormnceof 1..) O tR� — sll� he work l'nr which this permit is issued(Sec.309],Civ.C.) 101-AL: ELECTRIC FEE 1<ndces Name OF Lender's Address QTY. - M HANICALPERMIT FEE PLUMBING ME V I certify that 1 have mad this application and state that the above info tion is u^ correct. l agree m comply with all city ondcounty oNhancesond smtehmmmla'ng m PERMIT ISSUANCE - MEET IANICAL Is E �- building construction,and hereby aathdze mpresemativesofNiteirymemerupo the CONS'IAUCTIO TA% O ,2 above-mentioned progeny for inspection pafpoua. ALTERORADDTOMECH. (We)agree m save,indemnify and keep hematites the City of Ci penin.again ladilitin�,judgmerm, ...is andexpenses which may in any way acemeugainst said City AIR HANDLING UNIT J'TTO IO,n00 CFM) in corse of a mmi of parotin. 6 �o iyOMEB- , ignaw n Applicant/Contrndor Date [MiAUSTHGOD(W/DUCT) PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTU) Date Receipt# Will the applicant or fumm building occap:mt score or handle hazardous material m dcftned by the Cupenino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the I halt it Solely HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TO AI.: Code,genion 25532(e71 El Yes EI No TILVENATION FAN(SINGLE RPSID) /a Will thea applicant or furore huildin / ruse BOILER-COMP(31 IT OR 100,010 BTU) ISSUANCE DATE pp gorcupar equipnmmor devl.es which emit hazadous air conmminmtts as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER-COMP(OVER 11100,000 BTU) PAID Nstrictl p Yea El No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT. r Q I have mad the himardous materials'reyuiremems under Chapter 6.95 of the JUN 1 7 California Illatil &Safety Code,Sections 25505,25573 and 155M. 1understandthat Hthe building does not curremly have a mason,that it is my responsibility mainly the occupant of the fequiremants which must be an,prioa 1.innanca of a Cenifiwm of Owner or amhofized agent Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY: VL�IJyf�'e(� 11Tj OFFICE