NO PERMIT NUMBER (3)V I.�j/0♦/ /�7^ Lot No. No. Street v APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No. �6 L Sanitary No. / 50 / Date 196 �G Application is hereby made for a permit to a P sto Type to be occupied only as All in ac Cnrdance with Plot Plan, Plans and SpecifiAon filed herewith, Estimated Value of Improvements $ FEES Plan Check $ Owner _ rOI �e ems+. Address Contr. AeAr"A'W Address A4'0/40 9 AiIL Phone 61 S at State License —a y V'4V Approved VALL'A�"A D. APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date 196 FEE$ Contr, Address Phone State License Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Data 196 GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ Contr. Address Phone State License Approved APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date 196 FEE$ Contr. Address Phone State License Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS , BUILDING FOUNDATION UNDERFLOOR DATE INSPECTOR FRAME DATE INSPECTOR LATH & PLASTER FINAL DATE _ DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL ELECT, UNDERI ROUGH FINISH FIXTUR MOTOR: FINAL SERVICE ROUND DATE INSPECTOR WIRING DATE INSPECTOR WIRING DATE INSPECTOR ES DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR PLUMBING & GAS !RGROUND DATE INSPECTOR IAL ROUGH DATE INSPECTOR H COMPLETE SPECTOR D RfY1N �� INSPECTOR DATE ., 1IPING DATE INSPECTOR L DATE / INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTED DATE INSPECTVR APPLIANCE INSPECTOR TE I INSPECTOR MISC MISC DATE I INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE -OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ........ .................... 19-0- Building Permit No.,�_f/p?a4� The Building Located at .10.6.1 . ...... Owned by ... azo. ..................................... Has Been ompleted or Use As: ..... ------ ---- - ............................ .. ........ ...................... .......................................... 102 12/66-1m 1 , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUILDING INSPECTOR m OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPFtTOR'S OFFIcr. CITY OF . C . U P . E� R . I , I . NO S..iew . .... � 196- You are herebyMIIId to connect e rical service for ca, Owner or Tenant ... ......... t. At......... . . No. of Wires ......... - ............. Size of Wires ...................... of Switch Motor Load ......... --------- :." Voltage ................. . ..... -- Phase ........ ...... ... Heating Load ............. .......... K. W. ...... —,- ....... Voltage ........ ............ . Light .................. . J lit) ..... .. No. of Meters ..... 220............ Reconnect...... ..... - . Mco,& Service.......... Move Meter......._.... GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OFGCUPERTINOO Q.-.....r�....-...?.................................. 196...... ........... To You are hereby authorized to conned the GAS service for Owner or Tenant ......9...0.... 5...........I..%N. VAT..!%%..........I................... I...... At ..... .0.6.6.q....... Sq........SA.-aRTO.C'6........ ............ New Service ... x................. No. of Meters .......1............. Reconnect ............................. Move Service ....................... No. of Add. Meters .............. Moves Meter ........................ . ........"! �...................... PLUMBING INSPECTOR Bldg. Dept. Office Copy BUILDING - INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO b9" Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. 4 Z ............ Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. C-1 1.p -42S) . ....... LotNo ................................. Owner or Tenant .... At ---------- 1,--) 17'1 A0 Tract Date Connected ..... ................ 19 ........... Date Find Ill 12/66-IM ✓ —. - t ' �a tpD . J , CC) 9g,d Ps- XLC Q BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO . Correction Notice Job Located at 1. ( 20 � - 2J ...-- .............. .......I ................. . I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of City and/or State \ governing sam . .......... el-.O..C�.A...-CA !..c,. L_..i..1J. A.....---------- ......... ........ ....................-- �n S--------- -- -i.!. ........................ X.�.o--.ems._ ------- -'- --------- �-1 �c..!..rC.�.S. ..........LA�_S�rZls .....- .................... t You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done upon these premises until the above vio4t;xons are corrected. When corrections have been made callrjnsoertnr. Date ._fl::� Inspector for Building Dept. DO NOT REMOVE THIS 101 6/63-1M CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING Department NOTICE This Job Located At 10660 S. Saratoga -Sunnyvale Rd. - -------------------------------------------------------------- Capertino, California ------------------------------------------------------------ Has Been Inspected and The Following Is In Violation Of Ordinance ---- 341---_---- Sec. 6, Para. D of the National ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Electrical Code. - - --- - --- --- ---- ----- -- --- -- -- -- - - --- --- - ------------------------------ No further work shall be done - ----- ----- --- ---- --- -- -- --- -- -- - ---- ------ -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- --- - -- - - -- --- until released by the Building_ Dept. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ate __--ecember 5, 1g68 INSPE R CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION NOTICE Qeoartment Job Located at. 'fi(� O 'p. S ---- --------- s�------- ----------- ------- ----------- s ------------------------------------------------------_.----------------------------- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. 252-4505 Date: -`4047W- ...... ........City Telephone Inspect-------------- BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO CorrV'io.n Notice Job Located at ........... __....`...-.. I have this day inspected this structure and these premises an have found the following violations of City and/or State Lfwj governing same ... .................. .. You are hereby notified at no more work shall be done upon these remises until t above violations are corrected. When Corr rions lave bqREMOVE. all the inspector. Date .. ./..� ..�. ...---.. _.. ..---. .......-..... Inspecng/7 " DO NOTfHIS A 101 12/63-1M BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO (or ion Notice Job Located a ....................... I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and ttRve found the following violations of City and/or State .... .. Y are hereby notified that no more work shall be done upo t se emises until the a v violations are corrected. When Corr t 'on s aveabeen e cal e inspector. Date... .. ..- .......... ...... . .._--- - . .........` Inspector for Building pep DO NOT REMOVE THI. 101 12/63-1M CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION NOTICE Department Job Located at to 6 6-o---- Sry 2 J`'D 2.---.1... 9-Ca --. ----------------------- aFr=- °F ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- ------- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. 252-4505 Date: 6--1��1-- .?--------- City Telephone Inspector: ...�.,..�J- _...-....._... BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CUPERTINO or ection Notice Job - -cated -- -- ---................... I have this day inspected this structure and these premises ses and ivc found the following violations of City and/or State La(sj , governing me ... ........... - - - --- - --- .. ................. , ...... en-. -4 --- 6. .. 4 ... 1- ...... ........... ......... .......................... — ................. ............ .................. ------------- ........ .......... I .............. - ................................................ — .......... ---- : ............ You are hereby notified that no qC work shall be done 7.,, upon these mises until the abo ioli s are corrected. When corr ionjsh, ve been made c t pector. 10, Date....... . .. ............ ... ....... Inspector for Building Dept. IS NOT REMOVE THIS D NOT REMOVE T IS TA 101 CITY. OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORR TI- N NOTICE ------------- ---- -------- - - r)..rfm Jok Located at-- -— U -- i -----------------�^-- --r-. --------.------------------------------ You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations re cor ected. When corrections have been made,ga the ' ctor. 252-4505 Date:-----�-------------- City Telephone Inspector: CITY. OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. TION NOTICE -- ------------- You are hereby notified that no mo ork shall be done until the above violations are cor ected. When corrections have been made al the i Spector. 252.4505 Date: �' City Telephone Inspector. fer .................. CITY. OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. COR TION NOTICE - ----------- D *p ar t m Job Loc e �---- ----------- ---------------- A ---- A-c> - — -- - - ----....... i - .... ...... .n. A�Q ------------- ------- -- --- ---- -------- You are hereby notified t I done until the above viola 0 corrections have been made 252-4505 Date: City Telephone Inspe WN 0171MMOV -------------------------------- more work shall be rp. corrected- Wher