NO PERMIT NUMBER (2)1tc►asea.� Lot No. No. Street U APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ',1?-/ 196 L Application is hereby made for a permit to to be occupied only as Sanitary N File No.s �23 Z/ Type -f F- 2tV/�i C01 Afo. Ex T) \ in accordance with plot plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith, Estimated Value of Improvements FEE$ 9e•S-0 Owner nn &V - - Contr.� -�--� Phone eZg 7 $4-41. Sel $ r.3D. O 0�0 pD CO Pion Check $ `a Address Address State License �3 51 % J� O Approved A - 4/ APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL•PERMIT Date ��S 196 � 6 FEE$ a3• `SZ a Contr. �-:J L� Address Phone �%�-O o� �-� State License _C:q sz'%6 U Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING 8, GAS PER T \ Y Date �� 196 t� l) S=J GASFEE E PLUMBING FEE $ / Contr. /-� U✓`-".' Address e'2' % Phone _ 02 %� U 3�' c7 } State License o2 3 J Approved - "�'"` ✓ APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Data %"fin �1*1-- s �l a 1FEE�$ p196 Contr. /J Phone L f 6�� %� State License Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the .!L Workman's Compensation Laws of the State, of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING DATE INSPECTOR MISC. PAD FINAL FOUNDATION iL�1 4' UNDERFLOOR /1./ �-71 `✓r,Y``�"`�Y'>tial ��.. FRAME ?a Gyz&T `�r�. T � Ftwitg M6 Cristo LATH & PLASTER GRADING FINAL FINAL BLDG.a ll ELECTRICAL DATE INSPECTOR MISC. UNDE _ ND R GH �/11 a -_ Gv� SLQ_ S ROUGH WIRING FINISHED WIRING FIXTURES MOTORS FINAL SANITARY NO. _ UNDERGROUND RO PARTIAL ROUGH _ ROUGH COMPLETE FINAL PLBG. FINAL GAS --I_ FINAL APPLIANCE CQ� �- Jlg7c3 PLUMBING, GAS & APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR. MISC. x DATE INSPECT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ... q---- I ........................ 19... ).0... Building Permit No. The Building Located at .... 1.Q.4-,3.4......... 14 ....... 14.y4 -- - ......... ......... ...................... Owned by ......�.�._C?p.E. mao........A)a<(%R. - ... ....- .... - (Complete Has Been ___,� For Use As: .... 2E.f.E File No..S-12.3 Date Locationa_t-�.j/ % y Subject_ r-• Notes U Approved/� -�y — Daten pector _)fff0( -91 ,_ _T1,v0 NUIZSt ❑ Sewer Connection Plumbing Final Bldg. Dept. Office Copy CITY OF CUPERTINO SEWER -PLUMBING NOTICE Sanitary Permit No ............................... Plumbing Permit Lot No.........-------------- Ic- Owner or Tenant ,� ------ UG.WAX R ---------- At ---- ....... vo ....... 47 x . " --- Tract----------------------------------- Date Connected ......... — . ......................... ------------------------------------------------------- ------ 19 ............ DateFinal ....... ------------------------- -- - - ----- 19 ------------ ---------�LUMBING — -- -- --- --- A .... .. . . INSPECTOR CUPERr/nio NuPst�� GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO _. .- �..-. ................................. ............. ..... To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant.TS(J.O......_.`.-'..EN.R.K................................../.�................. At .JPY...31....... No ....... ,S`APB.roGA:..-...-5`...NN_4_✓/4.C.E......L��/.%�:........... New Service .../\................ No. of Meters ...................... Reconnect ............................. Move Service . No. of Add. Meters .............. �...... Move ........................ PLUMBING INSPECTOR OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC- SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO To ....... . . ... ­­ ........ ..... .. c� 196. You are hereby authorized to connect electrical service for Owner or Tenant A Q,c:> f<�A, ... "l � .................. At ............. ..... 7*k ....... 4 No. of Wires ........... ........ Size of Wires ........... ....... Size of Switch .260e+m— Motor Load .................... ..... Voltage Ph:isc .__ ..... ............. Heating Load ..... .... I ........... _ . K. W . ........ ..... ....... ........... Voltage ... _ ._ .. .. ....... ..... . No. of Meters ----- ht: .. ......✓w7e.. ew Service.&__'� No. of Add. Mete Lit h'_ Meter Hea 2 2�.. ... ir Power ....... ....... it Move Ser MovA Meter ............ CITY OF -CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION NOTICE .-------------------------- Department ,, // Job Located at Cv��LC.7%6fc>..../Z e5f2- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- --------- - c t - . ------ ------------------- ---- l---------- --- --------------------------------- --- ----------------------------------------- ---. -------------------------- --- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. 252.4505 Date: ...(- . `.b........... City Telephone Inspector: ..��, �------------- CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. I CORRECTION NOTICE' --------- ----------------------------- Department Job Located at Cope-mrkjo /j,)ptgi ---------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------- --------- ---------------------- ---- CBP --- 6-7 — --------- ---- ------ --- F ----- F6 -1` ------ (r�jj ----- keig ---- — -------------------------------------------------------- OP-4444;----ZOX--M-c-- --------- --------------- ------ ---- -------- ----------- -- �_-------------- --- ---------- --- -- ----- p - ------------ ----- ------------ -- --------- - --------------------------------- ---- --------- -- - * -- ---- ------- ----- -- ----- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When .corrections have been made call the inspector. 252-4505 Date: —C City Telephone Inspector: ROUTE SLIP ` File No. Date /-30-70 Locati Subjec Note Approved Date Inspector NO. WREEr CAP. I o CITY OF CUPERTINO VAL. � a APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT t Fri w z Dote 19 Bailding Per. No. 0 Sonitary Per. No. O a Application is hereby made for a permit to _ a�story, Type 7� Structure Ali 14. 1975 Lu to be occupied only as ;F--A? mm� in accordance with a i V) Plata, Secigcaons and Plot -Plan filed herewith. a a. 6� r w�►� Estimated Value of Improvements, $ ,3(� PI Ck Fee $ O O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the w Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee $ ~O a other laws applicable to the construction, location, and dD Z use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee $ ZO complied with. 30 —� C, K_7.�d — z W VE / PHONE Q5 (; DDESS 0 CONTR. A NT 77 L,� FSS - U �-3Gs9y PHONE STATE LICENSE UI DING INSPECTOR O L• 7 S-� �h rX/Z"—%�QI NO. STREET �� rCav !n Q w Z CITY OF CUPERTINO 3� Yo Off rurelO°'1OAPPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT .O A(1'��� Building Per. No. . L� Z 3 1-- 3 V �0� � LY'l t�t Sanitary Per. No. o Application ii hwaby made for a permit to o a Ostok' Typ > < a - Structure WH w to be occupied only as.tti�in accordance with a Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee $ 20 Estimated Value of Improvements, $_ Fee $ >y o a Total Fee $ z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances -J+o and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within 3 a the City of Cupertino will be complied with. w S NLuz ( //"'�� /J •P n // ¢ a Owner i'I boy/ fii+u O� n G 40 BY Address LDa//7 h - �0. - ` i'�F/�11 - U Contr. or Agent. i Phone a5-3'�i0 R% Approved State License- lfooj-14 �r Building Inspector !/ �i/,_JVAWr/fC2_...V'IC AV LOT NO. 7- /70 NO. STREET wz CtfY of CUPWIla CITY OF CUPERTINO Yo APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT LL NOV 2 U 1972 0a wO = LL �o LL o� >a Zr a N WW ar J LL _00 %N O3 oa Z J Jo 3� _a W z W W Q 6 a0 _ U Wt , 19 Application is hereby made for a permi a 4 story, Type_.r /a/%e /'mi/ to be occupied only as Building Per. No.A Sanitary Per. No. in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee $ Estimated Value of Improvements, $ 94ftO Fee $of-?je Total Fee $ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the Ci/*)y� of Cupertino wiI �-Jbe complied with. Owner lI�% �" / ��/ n('C�� l/(Address By ` �C�'CV `. Address Cronti. or2 nt. ^^// Phone �[)—/. �, Approve ?1/lL. �L/ State License I AeT%A ^ / Building Inspector �O A13 / 1 /V • T��t¢ —�/� VN ' _O1D/C LOT NO NO. STREET n < APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT di CEx 1TY OF CUPERTINO Y 3 < Date f1 . Permit No. '571 3 � Uy W LL (APR 9 1970 Fee $ W o Application is hereby rrra-de to the City -of LL W PP Y Cupertino for a permit to 0 install gasma pli iiI on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to iN i�3ai�P�aance with the provisions of the Plumbing w Coe of the City of Cupertinoy nd all other laws applicable thereto. SUse of Premises 00 w i Owner Address 0 a z �.y-c S» J n a,?�_ -- F c�rRACTOR, AGENT - m Nz o s` State License WILLIAM D. MENEVICH a 0 Approved j _ OJ,L PLUMBING INSPECTOR , APPLIANCE UNITS FEES as op _ Gas Oven Wall Furnace dv Gravity Furn. Forced Air Furn. Gas Pired Boilers Warming Ovens Sus . Units Dwelling Kit./Bath Inde end. Vent System Com.. Indust., Inst. Kit. Hood & Vent System Forced Air Under 4000 CFM Forced Air Over 4000 CF61 Ind. Ventilation System ithOUtC nll rt l d Air. Mech. each Power ty S stem f Air Outlets, No. of Flues s for Metal Fireplaces e Stacks, Misc. Equip. r 15' Hi h U' Ilic Comfort Cooling p. of 20 HP or lesssorp. Ir units with input0 000 BTUor less. over 20 HP & Under 50 HPsor . units with in nut0,001 & Under 1,000,000Permit Feel Total Fee °�— NO. STREET LOT NO. �A�tQ FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CUPERTINO Date FEB n 5 1970 19 _ Permit No. `S a 3 _ Fee S ,? 3. s—a A h'r'A oner,�� it of Cupertino fora permit to install electrical wiringtan /or-fixtures�a-s TisCTI n thereverseside hereof, a d agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Owner V', 11 S V By CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone: iolt3j u%. Sa V aT2F�ct- %0 A KjvA t Address _ Address Approved WILLIAM D. DENEVICH ELECTRICAL INSIELiVl State License a41 a y6n V� ITEM NEW RPL FEES Number of Outlets a Number ofS itches � Number of Receptacles 9. 71 Number of Fixtures a- " .6�2 —I— Ranges or Ovens K.W. Size of Main Service 00 " l Number of Meters n' Number of Panels Si ns -Transformers Dryers Motors: H.P. Phasev e J--Z) H.P. Phase Power Poles Permit Fee 2.00 H.P. Charges Total Fees 3 S� NO. STR EEI' APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT " wM < CITY OF CUPERTINO r o Sanitary No, �4 �is32- 0 a Date 196_ � Permit No ' U FEB ; 3 1970 // Fee $_ Z jz Application is hereby made to the City of upertino for a permit to install plumbing o pipes and/or fixtu ,.,�(fiJsted on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices > and/ fixtures j> ar�Fvit 111 V FRTM sf the Plumbing Code of the Carty of a w Cupertino, and all of ier laws -at) i ,'ff�U wx j Use of Premises e Z o_o N r i J Owner "� 1O L' - v A/ r��1' 09 Address z By'�//l JP2 AddressZ7G2 CONT ACTOR, AGENT 3< ' — m Phone -2%� �ZS w z w w a o ; tate License�YS 333 Approve U J{TI " PLUMBING INSPECTL- FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN Units Fees Units Fees Water Heater Size Water Closet Material Bath Tub To Curb Shower To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existin Kitchen Sink Not Conn. Dish Washer Waste Disposal Wash Tray STORM DRAINAGE Washin Machine Size Water Softener Material Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb.Sink & Tray To Curb Dental Unit Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM Hopper Size / Restaurant Sink Material Sand TrapTOTAL FEE Urinal Fixture Fee Area Drain JSMarn Drain Fee Water Leader torm Drain Fee Sprinkler System Water Sys. Fee Relief V�We 11 Gas Fee S0 Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter Pool Sweeper Permit Fee Total Total Fee