02020031 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE MICHAEL YINN TSENG PAO FEN 22368 SANTA PAULA AVE 02/07/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ❑ O ARCHITECTMNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO w - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH u � u u =1 II Z 8 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION DZ_ 1 hereby aRrot that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description with Section]000)of Division 3°fdm Husineu and Professions Code.and my license BLOCK CLUMN IN FRONT OF HOUSE. <ie '°� is in full forceend'ifect. iz w< Licenu Class Lit.M a U. Date Contractor gti.t; ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION E }S 1 understand my plans shall be..it as public utnrds t i p p Licensed Profcssionnl - ,q� Oat I am aUILDER m the CoATION I hereby.(Sect that 11. exempt from the manias o License law for the C?< fallowing reason.(Section 703 1.5,Business and Professions Code:Any city or county j $1500 O which requires a permit re comwct.alma improve,demolish, fi repair any sanctum �3a-v Prionous sensed a 0.resaw1.theres thevpplvo formula Coutreroduo Bleasigmd swemem - _ ation that he is wit rSiatio to the pmDivisi of me Conannors Licenu law ons Car 9 (commencingthatbewith SectitfouniandMa viaionoofinelilmil viand Professions Code) i;'q;.N,�`h i;� SQ. Ft. Floor ..t,i it.p,, Valuation or Natio is 31:5 b th yappli and Ne basis for the cts d.- exemption.Any violation 35`9 0 5 O`6 7 .'O`O'' -of Secnot mo a shim iv a undredi doll for a permit the applicvnrto v civil penalty sof not more thon fibs hundred dollars(E500). APN Number ,•�a'.' .: Occupancy Type 01,as owner of the pmN"y.or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. 101 - FOUNDATION 'will do he work and N encu e s nointended'or offered far six(Sec]OM -_-- - - - - •Bu mus and Frolics I n code The C ' e Law d of apply t Required Inspections.f. + awns ofr poatywnowt s p - ere n n a ..,kbtmxeB 103 — UFER or Hannah his own employee pr dad ars hip me dad _.__.._.--_104 - - 'REBAR ',off d for"ale ICb er,the budNn oveme t is d - noar completion.thowner budder willhove of ins has id not it APJCI-IQR BOLTS ' improa for purpose o(ule) - _ 1 WER. & WATER-____. t ❑1 wneto(Nep pent am asci elYc oast Ice c to o •- j - -� - - ,; ro nstawdoeseaIS 71N4Bus ions, Co. DERFLOOR PLUMBING r License Law docs not t an caner f ' apply r p n b ptovesm DERFLOOR MECHANICAL and ha rs LicensfL such pro3ttts with a contmcmr(s)b In pursuant- Ne _.. ... ___ C tmnor's License law. __ .r . _ I atn exempt under Sec:' - ,B,&PCfm Nis moron 2O — DERFLOOR, FRAME DERFLOOR INSULATION Owrrir� RKER'S 0 PENSATION DECLARATION 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING Inemby.(in.unaerpe itYnr arary anp of following declarations: 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER ❑ I have and win'moinmin o Certificate of Consent to ael6i...re for worker's! 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL Compensation, ea pmvidcd for by-Scoom 37W of me Labor Cade,for they 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL f - pedl'ormiirce of the work far which thin permit is issued. 305 - FRAME ❑1 have and will maintain Worker:x Campensatidn Insurance,is required by Section 306 - HOEDOWNS 3700 of the labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permh is 7. '] is'auedi My Worker's Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number art:' " ' _. . 307.. . INSULATION.. ' . clamIFICATIONOFMEImPTIONFROMWORKERst }'� 9 308 f; �SHEETROCIC J.. CCIMPEN$ATION INSURANCE 3.09__ _EXTERIOR_LATH.__._._._ .<Thisettionneed not bdcompleied if the permit is for one hundred dollars 3101' _ 'INTERIOR LATH CUPI. i 5100)°.. 311 - SCRATCH COAT shell not employ an ... _ I temrl Nan i Ne peen omisce of me' otk b which this ct to - haea,I 313 — ROOF NAIL p y y person m any manner so is to become subject to Ne Whalen' " Compensation Lows o(Culdomia.Dem 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY icants NOTICETOAPPLICAW::lf,dB m - maktg nirasionsofth Lather on, ,you mum 502' FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY ' z become subject me Wofkcr's Compensation provisions of the labor Code,you must p � ronnwiN tothply wiin oath provitmnt or thin Tamnit ansa x seemed invoked. 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY tit" 1 h hr' R s CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 504' = ''FINAL BUILDING ENERGY. vin that them is"'cnnswnion lending agency fr the performantt 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ' Len o k f r hub di pc t iutiW(See:3-097,Co'. ) G -Lepdct Norrar -. .... _ .Wu.,.�,., ---- - 506---- GAS- TEST --. . .------- Lender's EJB ndaI 507 - FINAL PLUMBING"tt'' 1 certify Nm 1 have need this applicanon'erd state Net Ne above information is 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL W_ coireci.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws mlating rto building constructim:arid hereby ionquirse nquiesentatives of this city to enter upon, 509 - FINAL GRADE (y the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes, kyr fs; (We)igmi lit ac Indemnify and keep harmlesitheCityof&Nraoagainst 510 - FINAL PLANNING F (A liabilities.judgments.cosi and expenses which may in any way avenue against vaid 514 — NA WORKS U 4a City to icsequence of me graniing of Out Forma' APPLCANTUNDER5fANDSAND WILL COMPLYWTTH+ALLNON-POINT '' ISSUedb -55r� CE EGULATIONS., y: D e Ar..... np4'ahpw`t tmcmr •. „ _ ,..•,. . Date r Re-roofs - ARDO MATERIALS DISCLOSURE 0''`I - " ' •^ W11 the applicant of future buiro lding oupnt note or handle lv"dou'muaaial ``ype.of Roof _ as d fi ul by the Cupcmna Municipal Cod Chapter 9,12.end the Health and Safety - Coda SettE)yea n 25s532(rdl r No�, t _ (_1' + tl_ f�ll rOOf$ $hal r k� r Y i..r1 I 1 1 __ inspected poor to any roofing,material being-installed.. i� +Will the applicant or future building occupant uu cqupri mor devices which If a roof is itisialled'without first obtaining an inspection;I agree'to remove em t h.oris air emiammmnts as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Dixmn7 all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with Elyas ,r) all non-point source regulations. t' I have ,ad the hexa dons maieoils regdiremenm Oona Chapier 6.99 of the );alifomu Health&Safety Cade,Salinas 25505,25533 end 25534.1 understand Nat if thebuBding does not currently have a meant.that it is My responsibility to notify the' occupant ofthe requirements which must be met poor to issuonix of a Certificate of u T y Signature of Applicant Date 1.1out nnoted'.,art Dam. All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better 4r' � .., .. - .. . OFFICE -