01010044CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT I11111.DING Al)DRISS(' PENh11'1' NO 22361 SANTA PAULA AV BOBBY BUILDER 01010044 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB PAIR JAUHER 21946 HYANNISPORT DR 01/1.0/2001 IUNID SANITARY NO. COMhROL NO. (408)873-7129 ARCH] r ECPF.NGINEER: BUILDING PCRMI'IINTO RLPG ELECT' PLUMB MECH CI 1=1 IJ IJ I.ICI:NSEU CONTRACI OR'S DIiC1.ARATION lob Description I hereby aft n mm I am Iicanel under prni,tnn, of Chapter 4 mentro Acing with Scmina 701X)) al�y ion 3 of the Hot.... and Prefl.sion+ able.; Imy i, to t1ln Atmel wtn cy(cT.1� Clan Lic. Y_/�� 2. BATH REMODEL/NEW DOOR ;SamIIe _ Pam - egp— � cMLA �� ARCHfI'[CI"s UECIARA'IION dolo ishn us d, hhc Its lundmmnd lm' — Licclvred P nrL: iauu A-CLARNION =NER-RUILOIik I Lerch, air mn tllea 1 am exengn tintn the Contrectnr's License Law bucolic f"Ihwing m"n. (Section 703 t.5, Reale, aml Pedes a Cliche: Any city .,county which mquima permit a+construct. alter, improve demolish, or repair any nmcwm ,it... to it, I ... ance, also reptiles the appllcent fnr inch permit m file a signed aatemem Sq. Ft. ,Floor Area Valuation that he is licensed PwaaammmePm,I,nrIII Commaor'euoanseLaw OChrium") (Con,cna' will Secunn 7000)ofDivixlon 3 or he lholtas and Pndcs.ion.. Ccdr) �3�0� n that ten in earmpt merclnan and the had%ter lie alleged exempt"". Any violation of Seninn 7031 S by any applicant rte a pvanit snhja,.v the applicant m, a dell penalty APN Number Oup• Type of act marc thou five hundred nouat%(s50o). cy 35704058.00 01. as owner of the prnpary.ry my cmN"ycc% wed+ wage, as their.cle compersetnm• Required Inspections will the h I the t t t intandell or ollemd (Sec. 7044, d Huxln d P fc. n CooIl C I s L t ppl, n+.+n ow . Pe",turpowes at d ith.lice, such workhimself o through h-wnca plyc provided that n n t arc not lifeblood oraffere1fo,sI 101 — FOUNDATION OUNDATION Uhowee, he building ,,itpr t Id within year 122 — FIERS unfe o.v+limo:ng that hedd or, / imtPu"a o It .eof%ales) 103 — LIFER 7 0� O L mownerofthe property, aincsdaucly contracting with ficcn%edc...amom"' 104 — REBAR the pmjeet (Ss. 70,L4. Hu%dws% and Protections QNc:) The Contractor's Liconstruct cense Law doe, not apply toantcaner of pro who build. or Improve. merco"' 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS amtwho comilcts rte such pmjeus with a vommcmrb%) licensed pursuant m the C"mmot'a,[,c cLaw. 106 — SEWER & WATER - O I ani exempt ander see. . B k P C tin 1111, mason 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING Owner nam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL n+lrcby 111111 lm 11111111 ry"mIyat osdjary late of tte following dadma(u+m= 00 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME 1 nave and w;u maimain a Certificate of conscal to't-in."rc In, worker% 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION Compcnvtnn. a provided for by Seaton 374 of the Lahr Godo. mor the PLUMB I NG perournice, of the w ... k for which this permit is i ... al. 301 — ROUGH ❑Ilease larid w,If dindoinWIA,',Crnlpenelim+llnmmorc.ill rcgaimdnySoaton 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER 370() Lir th1 later Cod", fnr the palbnnnnce of the work for which Ili, Iclan' I, 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL fssad.MyA'Lee ICorel+cn.alion Insurance eerier a lm Policy runner am: 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL Corer: Policy No.: CERTIFICATION OF ENEMRfION FROM WORKIiRS' 305 — FRAME COMPENSNilON INSURANCE 306 — HOLDOWNS rmi,,cefa. itself act h..... leled if the romdt is for roe ltmtdrcd doll.. (Slap or less.) 307 — INSULATION ' I certify that in the performance of the work Lo which this Perini[ is issued. 1 308 — SHEET ROCK ,hall nut em Noy any person in :my Runner, ,I a, a, hese.. sahjea m the Workers' Crinpca,at"n Law% oW-At It. P� 309 — EXTERIOR LATH Applicant � R�� 'Plr.ngen.CertlhcmrorExetttpm,nynlr%hard NOTICE to .1 INgi 310 — INTERIOR LATH Note nne suhjoao m the Worker's Cnmpen.xtrn provl,ime, d the Lahr Code, you must forthwimeomplywimtouch providon,or his Knothat lIN, created mvokcd. 311 — SCRATCH COAT CONSTRUCI ION LENDING AGENCY 313 - ROOF NAIL. lnercar which thatdri, vionii%a c"neseco 097. Ce. C,) li+r me perronnaoee of tire wrnk for which this i i, icwm (Sec. Lro7. Civ. enc 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY Lnlcr's AVIA. 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY toe"AylltutIlial.erea Ill i. ..... lanoa1..ldsun"1halmeah"vainbannmul'Is 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY Cor ran. I agree,, anlgdy with all city and "Dunt, nr1'm:ume, and stem laws miming 504 — FINRL BUILDING ENERGY toribusegCoatiwed pro,and umnmizempresenwtivc,rani.city urenterupm myhereby inspection me ahw-megtoned pmPendeali in,pnd 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL keep heatless (We) agree n mvc, indemnify and keep h may in the City of cru a ages Again. l Iia ra s. iodgmnms, l I and expell.es wren may m any way acerae Itsam,t .aid -ng 506 — GAS TEST C'vy in cun,aryenm ul me pr of Mie L Lon t. y ONCE SS I YWITH DLI, NON.Pp1NT Issued Issued by9017 -e-y� — FTNFaI RI IIMATNr '�l Z Date SAPPLICANT OURCE EGUI Re -roofs 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL Signature of nppneanf/Conractar Dam HAZARDOUS MAI F'R1ALS DISCLOSURE— FINAL GRADE ' Win the applicant stable building +scupam stem nr handle nauodo". mmcrial Type Of li�8M as defined by the Cupertino) Municipal Code Chaplet 9.12, and flue Health gad safety 51 0 — FINAL PLANNING Calc. Stier 255320)! 0 Ye, 0N++ All roofs-,>4i}be—in6pf44AWriptUeWry¢o(tt]CgMgerial being installed. Will th applicant n future nnuding"ec"pam lose equipment nr device, which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove All h:v:ndous ail cr"'It nfm:,at, as 1111111,1 by the Bay Are" Air Cloudily Managemmot titch .. all neve materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with O yes 0 N all non -point source regulations. I have read the hazardous materiaH requirements under Chapter 695 of the California Health a Safety Cal Section, 25505, 25533 and 25534, 1 understand that It the building doe,. nut CLumarly lone a tenant lhnt it it if, m,,a s bil'ny a. nifty the cupmn or he reclaim mm�n a 'ch nmol he met prior it iavun � � Lir u Cuinfmwe o1' """p""`y' Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owaaor Hatt aut�l agent OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT I11111.DING Al)DRISS(' PENh11'1' NO 22361 SANTA PAULA AV BOBBY BUILDER 01010044 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB PAIR JAUHER 21946 HYANNISPORT DR 01/1.0/2001 IUNID SANITARY NO. COMhROL NO. (408)873-7129 ARCH] r ECPF.NGINEER: BUILDING PCRMI'IINTO RLPG ELECT' PLUMB MECH CI 1=1 IJ IJ I.ICI:NSEU CONTRACI OR'S DIiC1.ARATION lob Description I hereby aft n mm I am Iicanel under prni,tnn, of Chapter 4 mentro Acing with Scmina 701X)) al�y ion 3 of the Hot.... and Prefl.sion+ able.; Imy i, to t1ln Atmel wtn cy(cT.1� Clan Lic. Y_/�� 2. BATH REMODEL/NEW DOOR ;SamIIe _ Pam - egp— � cMLA �� ARCHfI'[CI"s UECIARA'IION dolo ishn us d, hhc Its lundmmnd lm' — Licclvred P nrL: iauu A-CLARNION =NER-RUILOIik I Lerch, air mn tllea 1 am exengn tintn the Contrectnr's License Law bucolic f"Ihwing m"n. (Section 703 t.5, Reale, aml Pedes a Cliche: Any city .,county which mquima permit a+construct. alter, improve demolish, or repair any nmcwm ,it... to it, I ... ance, also reptiles the appllcent fnr inch permit m file a signed aatemem Sq. Ft. ,Floor Area Valuation that he is licensed PwaaammmePm,I,nrIII Commaor'euoanseLaw OChrium") (Con,cna' will Secunn 7000)ofDivixlon 3 or he lholtas and Pndcs.ion.. Ccdr) �3�0� n that ten in earmpt merclnan and the had%ter lie alleged exempt"". Any violation of Seninn 7031 S by any applicant rte a pvanit snhja,.v the applicant m, a dell penalty APN Number Oup• Type of act marc thou five hundred nouat%(s50o). cy 35704058.00 01. as owner of the prnpary.ry my cmN"ycc% wed+ wage, as their.cle compersetnm• Required Inspections will the h I the t t t intandell or ollemd (Sec. 7044, d Huxln d P fc. n CooIl C I s L t ppl, n+.+n ow . Pe",turpowes at d ith.lice, such workhimself o through h-wnca plyc provided that n n t arc not lifeblood oraffere1fo,sI 101 — FOUNDATION OUNDATION Uhowee, he building ,,itpr t Id within year 122 — FIERS unfe o.v+limo:ng that hedd or, / imtPu"a o It .eof%ales) 103 — LIFER 7 0� O L mownerofthe property, aincsdaucly contracting with ficcn%edc...amom"' 104 — REBAR the pmjeet (Ss. 70,L4. Hu%dws% and Protections QNc:) The Contractor's Liconstruct cense Law doe, not apply toantcaner of pro who build. or Improve. merco"' 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS amtwho comilcts rte such pmjeus with a vommcmrb%) licensed pursuant m the C"mmot'a,[,c cLaw. 106 — SEWER & WATER - O I ani exempt ander see. . B k P C tin 1111, mason 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING Owner nam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL n+lrcby 111111 lm 11111111 ry"mIyat osdjary late of tte following dadma(u+m= 00 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME 1 nave and w;u maimain a Certificate of conscal to't-in."rc In, worker% 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION Compcnvtnn. a provided for by Seaton 374 of the Lahr Godo. mor the PLUMB I NG perournice, of the w ... k for which this permit is i ... al. 301 — ROUGH ❑Ilease larid w,If dindoinWIA,',Crnlpenelim+llnmmorc.ill rcgaimdnySoaton 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER 370() Lir th1 later Cod", fnr the palbnnnnce of the work for which Ili, Iclan' I, 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL fssad.MyA'Lee ICorel+cn.alion Insurance eerier a lm Policy runner am: 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL Corer: Policy No.: CERTIFICATION OF ENEMRfION FROM WORKIiRS' 305 — FRAME COMPENSNilON INSURANCE 306 — HOLDOWNS rmi,,cefa. itself act h..... leled if the romdt is for roe ltmtdrcd doll.. (Slap or less.) 307 — INSULATION ' I certify that in the performance of the work Lo which this Perini[ is issued. 1 308 — SHEET ROCK ,hall nut em Noy any person in :my Runner, ,I a, a, hese.. sahjea m the Workers' Crinpca,at"n Law% oW-At a.P� 309 — EXTERIOR LATH Applicant � R�� 'Plr.ngen.CertlhcmrorExetttpm,nynlr%hard NOTICE to .1 INgi 310 — INTERIOR LATH Note nne suhjoao m the Worker's Cnmpen.xtrn provl,ime, d the Lahr Code, you must forthwimeomplywimtouch providon,or his Knothat lIN, created mvokcd. 311 — SCRATCH COAT CONSTRUCI ION LENDING AGENCY 313 - ROOF NAIL. lnercar which thatdri, vionii%a c"neseco 097. Ce. C,) li+r me perronnaoee of tire wrnk for which this i i, icwm (Sec. Lro7. Civ. enc 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY Lnlcr's AVIA. 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY toe"AylltutIlial.erea Ill i. ..... lanoa1..ldsun"1halmeah"vainbannmul'Is 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY Cor ran. I agree,, anlgdy with all city and "Dunt, nr1'm:ume, and stem laws miming 504 — FINRL BUILDING ENERGY toribusegCoatiwed pro,and umnmizempresenwtivc,rani.city urenterupm myhereby inspection me ahw-megtoned pmPendeali in,pnd 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL keep heatless (We) agree n mvc, indemnify and keep h may in the City of cru a ages Again. l Iia ra s. iodgmnms, l I and expell.es wren may m any way acerae Itsam,t .aid -ng 506 — GAS TEST C'vy in cun,aryenm ul me pr of Mie L Lon t. y ONCE SS I YWITH DLI, NON.Pp1NT Issued Issued by9017 -e-y� — FTNFaI RI IIMATNr '�l Z Date SAPPLICANT OURCE EGUI Re -roofs 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL Signature of nppneanf/Conractar Dam HAZARDOUS MAI F'R1ALS DISCLOSURE— FINAL GRADE ' Win the applicant stable building +scupam stem nr handle nauodo". mmcrial Type Of li�8M as defined by the Cupertino) Municipal Code Chaplet 9.12, and flue Health gad safety 51 0 — FINAL PLANNING Calc. Stier 255320)! 0 Ye, 0N++ All roofs-,>4i}be—in6pf44AWriptUeWry¢o(tt]CgMgerial being installed. Will th applicant n future nnuding"ec"pam lose equipment nr device, which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove All h:v:ndous ail cr"'It nfm:,at, as 1111111,1 by the Bay Are" Air Cloudily Managemmot titch .. all neve materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with O yes 0 N all non -point source regulations. I have read the hazardous materiaH requirements under Chapter 695 of the California Health a Safety Cal Section, 25505, 25533 and 25534, 1 understand that It the building doe,. nut CLumarly lone a tenant lhnt it it if, m,,a s bil'ny a. nifty the cupmn or he reclaim mm�n a 'ch nmol he met prior it iavun � � Lir u Cuinfmwe o1' """p""`y' Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owaaor Hatt aut�l agent OFFICE