00060194 CITY IMIL hCUP DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PBRMI'INO OWNER'S NAME APPLICRI'ION SUIT DAT 1; 22360 SANTA PAULA AV GiT. CONSTRUCTION 01 00060194 HONG SANITARY NO. CONTROI.NO, ALLEN HSU 20711 FARGO DR 06/30/2000 net ARCHITECANGINHER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO kC w_ BI.UC Iil.liCl' 1'Lt1MH MIiCH ,U_ (408)725-1499LIC2 Gam F N_ fines; I CONTRACTORS DECLARATION Job Description 1 heruby uffinn msu I nm Ikcnwd under Pn,visiuns of chaps','9 nd(Ionfavacial , a with Semien7lX(11 nl Division Sof the Bwincvx and Pro(c c�}�{ Imyliccnw a,—^- is s in fuss r,ax//me odd effect.S:eff /Y % Licence ClLic.p ARCIII'1'IiC'I"S t ° UF:CLAdA'fIUN, ce � n a, uiIunderstoodanyIdea,hallberecord, TEMPORARY POWER ce a°5 Licen,cd P fe..wed c.So UWN[R-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby aftnn that 1 am exempt hour fire Contraco is Liar%c I.aw fm to C Z holhm'ing reason.(Section 7031.5.Ru ins.,and Pro1i„ion,Code:Any city or nmmy C c which mclifire,.pe-it tcommoel,alt r.innanove,demolikh.or rvict,.ray, wmmc aimpro.t if alio oripri..m ,hrea ,our omir pi 11,. i,ncd.t nmte.I that fe,,licensedparsurout m I .fair 11c C t t Pec (Clapf,r1) Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (emnnencing with S,efinn71X(1)ol Dimsinn Sof the B.,inc„and 11 firs,,ion,Code) or that he is acmpt tltemfmm and the basis for the alleged cumption.Any violation our Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pertain subject the applicant to a civil penalty of not morn esu rve humlreddO.wn($50d). APN Number Occupancy Type 0I,a,owner of the Prpary,o.my employee,with wage,as their sole cnmpedsa tar, will do the work,and the suucmm is not intended or olfeecd for sale(See.7(Wt. E lora,and Prov,sion%Code:The Caahacfor'r License Law does not apply to.an Required Inspections r or pn,pcity Who u build, .hapmve,thereond ,and who oe%%ouch work him,eli ' our through his own cii pro ole.!thin sac.,imprmemems are ant intended or 35705035. 00 - uttered for sale.If,howm'cr. he building or improvement i,sold within one year of vcompletion,the owncnbuilder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or n...a"errparpownf-ode')' 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL 01.as owner ofthe propeny.ameclu,ivory. contracting with Ecemod comm.mc`1O 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY construct the project(Sec.70.11,Business and Professions CodeO'Mc Contmcmr', icen a Low does not apply ,, m of praperty who baud, ,incl— •,thereon. 505 — FINAL ELECTR and who cunlrOX fat nue1,pmI,,,, ith a aununaml„ ncen,ed puwnn, ,, he Cammemr',License Law. 01 am exempt under Sec. .B&P C for this naso owner Due j WORKER'SC'OMI'f perpryron, inef1RlION wing 1 herchy aRrm under penalty of perjury one mine following Jttl;wtionx: J hoe i it will mmimaio a C,dircam 0 Convert m,elf-inorrc rnr Wodcrs Q Compensation, ;is provided IF by Seen 1 9701 .1 oho Labor Calc, far the O Per(nrmance of the worA for which this pcnnit is is.,uW. 01 have.nd will maintain Worker's Cumpmrcation Irournnce,as required by Section 3701 of fife Labor Code,for the Iefloonance of the work far whirl,this pcnnit i, i%su 16AWz kr� C mution Insurance carrier oil Policy anta carh` pamPOEey No.: N2o`125y,A (((777 IIICAI ION OP EXI3MP'I'ION FROM WORKIiRS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE This section need not be completed if the Permit is for one hundred dollar, is Inr or I'llI , I eerily that in the pedi nomoc of the work for which this pcnnit t,issued.1 %hull not employ any person in any manner so as to by omav subject to the W'orkcrs' _ Compemation Lax a our Calitumia.Data Apphcmt NOTICE TO APPLICANT':11,oder nuking this(2en'dicum of Exemption,you should bscome%object m the Worker's Co npensminn provision,of the Labor Code,you stmt Q Q forthwith comely with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING ACHNCY > I hereby affimt that dmrc i,a commuctimi lending agency for fife perhnnnunce .f the work for which mi,permit is issued(Sec.3097.Cil C.) coon's Name u. Z Lender',Add,,, U Q 1 ceed y urn l have mol this application and stain bar he move information is 4. f•^ correct 1 agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state law,relating Q U thmheildirg ctmWmainn,and hcrthy eumario,mpmennuive,ar0i,city renter nHis'.e nMwe-mentioned pmpeny I ra'in,p.ction arpnw,. 0. (Wel ngrecrosact.indemnify and keep hamdc„fire Cityof CuPerino ogaina - V) liabilities,judgmems,vow,and expenses which may in any way accrue against said City in consequence of the gmming of this Perin.[. SOUBCANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date 5ignmumob Appuemut Camracmr Dole Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will thenpprcmt our cafehuddingOeO,pam,tom or handle hmudon,mmmiab Type ofRoof a,defined by the Copeninn Municipal Cade,Cnapmr 9.12.cad the Health cad Safety Code,Section 255320)° O Yes ON. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will list apei...Iorfntar.huddiagantpardmeegnipmenOrdevice,which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove bort hmmdow,air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management Di,nicn all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with 0Yrs% 0N all non-point source regulations. 1 have read flit,hmmdom,material,requlmmeas under Cnupter 6,95 of the Cabifomia Health&Safety Coale.Section%25505.25533 and 25534.1 understand that if the building dues not curemly have a term,that it i,my responsibility to notify the ccnp:mt of fh..........enu which roust be amt prier to iswanm of n Ccnifictnc of Occupancy. ' Signature of Applicant Date owre+ser mtmariaen age Dane All roof coverings to be Class ••B•' or better