00070120 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERM IT NO. R E ROOFING 00070120 OWNER'S NAME: )(PLICATION SUIT DATC OAKLAND PL 07/20/22000 HONE: SANITARY NO. CONI ROI,NO. (408) 925-9995 o z z ARCHITECIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT'INFO �w p%p RLUG CIAiM PLUMB MLCH vp ��H cENseucoN'reneroesDl:cLARA[ON Job Description Z_v;; u z 5 1 ncmb Inrtn mat i am Rcenxa unser rens tern Inammeneins . o F=�Jwith Snloo 7(1W)al Divistrm3nnnB Btaincxs and PrufasamsCWc.nnJ DIY liccnw - ., "In fall mr"nmlcll"'. REMOVE 1 LAYER WOOD SHAKES INSTALL NEW 0g`U ""` SDECLA PLY AND 30# ANN FELT (2 LAYERS) AND EAE v ARCI LT'I DECLARATION tYg arra tnmin+yrlansxl+tmnBasanaspan°crecn", CONCRETE TILE ICBO ER-46605 SPEC SHEET£ so`o Liecowd Professional r ?5 OWNER-BUIL,trDLCI. IOy \•9\='�` 1 fruits,mdrnl lwl 1 nth BUILD Bata thC e mnractor,Liaeme 1-aw mr n,e E=Q following pic,tiou 7031.5.Br,iats,and l r l Odic:Any city rural, which requiresI n t It p tem l.h pa y fracture ce prom t d 1. 4 theapplicant f h oe tt fl signed statement Iha,U is liorr,dlpr, n ,hrnvd+,. f the c nn,License e. Chain,,9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (mmmcnong with Section 710111 or Division 3 a1 the Imomra,and Pmlci•vlon,Code) or that he i,exempt thcmfmm and the basis for the alleged exemption.Are violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subject%the applicant to a civil Penalty it m I.Ihun rise hundred dollar,S.100). APN Number Occupancy Type 01.a,owner mane properly.or sly employees with wages as theirsola compensation. $15873 will do the work,and the mulure is not intended ar affcred for wlc(Sec.701 Ilndtwd,and Pmfex%ion%Coag:The Contractor%License I.aw does not apply in a, Required Inspections owner nl projvrly Who build,or lmpmvcx thcmon,lost who docs such work hinioll' or through his own employee,.provided chat such improvements are not intended Lt 3421.7081. 00 _ offered burials.If,however,the building or improvement is cold within one year of ampletina the owncr-builder,will have the harden of proving that he did hat build nr a,pnwe rm pnrpn,I ot°air.)' - 305 — FRAME O L an owner ofthe property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors It, — INSULATION naet the project(Sec.70,14,Business and Profession,C'ade:)The contractors In .,Gro,Law doesmol apply u,as owner or Prnpurty who built.I,,intpa)ve,iheeon. and uho coamacls IDI,aah paiv,i ata,a camta..r(,)Bccnded pursuant m the 601 — ROOF TEAR OFF ommn«Os,License Law, .nsrrcfor this reason 602 — ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL owner D,ae 603 — ROOF BATTENS WORKER'S COMPCNSA'1'[ON DECLARATION 604 — .ROOF IN—PROGRESS I herchy ullina under penalty or pointyun,, furl 111 ingylccl las 11 10 1 have and will maintain a cialficate of C en tenItt Comiscation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the LaWr Code, for the perform;mcc of the wokfor which this permit ix issued)UN AilAl 0l have and will mainiain Worker.Compensation Insurance,us b 3780 nl the LLM,r Crude,for the performance of the work fm which this permit is I,wcA,My Workor'x Compenmtinn In,urance currier and Pdiey nw Wr nrc: Carrier: PoliayNo.: BUILDING C12RTIFICATION OF EXESTPr1ON FROM WORKERS' - COMPENSNION INSURANCE (Tlli,section need not he completed if the permit is Ra one hundred dallun (51()(11 ur lc,,,) 1,trill,mut in tee rerrm,ne,ae nl he-a,rnr which Ih'rs "no,i.ixaed,I nail not employ any pe,,a.in any nmlmer.o a, ,,become suhlect u,the Workers Compemmion Wws of Culifomia.Date - Appliltm NOTDUE*10APPLICANI':11;afarnwkiva thlx curlrkaeof Eacnr a.your,houIII M1ccame starect to the Worked Compensntion pr,rvi slop oilhc Lame Code,yna oma Q forthwith comply with such provisions or this Permit%hall he deemed rooked. FQ C" CONSIRUCTION LENDING AGENCY y, l hereby omnL mm Dam i,n aomwct;m+lending agley for tire pBrrormance ,fine work for which this Permit i,i,lucd(SD.3097,Civ,C.) 0. Q Lender'..Name 7 z L.I&I..Address . U O 1 certify that 1 have rend tlds application and late that the above information 11 i,. [. corn.1 agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and door laws relating O U In banding ean'tirtI.amt hcrebyu daaj,cR,o,unhnixu,anhis city to enter ala,. mI abm B.mcmim,ed prnpeny in indpeation purpo.... a (we)agree at indemnify and keep hanale,d tine Co,of Crisco...again„ Vl iidea judgments,cos,and expenses which may in any way acerae ngain,t,aid City U iry in of the of his conal. APPLICANT' UDNDSAND WILL COMPLY WITH ALLNON-POINT Issued by: w DilO 20 _ � SOURCE REGULATIONS. Signature of ArNiaantiCo,mall Date Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MNI TRIALS DISCLOSURE , Will the applicant m mote bund...ove.pant smm m handle hat mous mitatial Type of Roof a,dented by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Charter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code,S,,orm 2553200 OYe. 0 N All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or future wilding occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove nit h:vuNous air cnmmr,i Lan,as defined by the liuy Area Air QualityC r,IrleH' new materials for inspection.,Applicant understands and will comply with O Ye.% 0 N opo 'our' g ns. I have rend the hn.idnux materials requirement.under Chapt L �S Culllornin Hwlm Ne Sufcty Clalc.Scnian,25505,25531,and 2553J. w /f riflhe Wilding does nm eermalc have:ucienlmutit i,my (�eupam of the requirement%which mu.a be met prior to issuance of a occapanc, at re of Ap t Date Owner or unthuAaed agent Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better