02010117 CIBUI OF G DPERONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10538 SAN LEANDRO AV A PERFECT CLIMATE 02010117 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATIONS H DATE PIEDMONT ALLEN R ET AL 10570 S DEANZA BLVD 01/29/2002 I PHONE: (408) 861-9545 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, O-0 ARCHITECrIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO kC O❑ BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH aiW LJ CI LJ C_] LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION .n a J ob Description 1 herebyaffirm that I am licensed ander pvision..fCha,_`9(commencingzPi_ with Section]uW)orD;visioJarm<Buu�ssend Pmleasions Code, nd my licensee REPLACE FURNACE . Orttisle IIf a x Li O i ate9n"anOr UQIIdfss,, HITECTS DECLARATIO f n my plans shall be to las public records zm 25 a O Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the z a following motion,(Section 7031.5,Business and Prare:tions Code:Any city or county. $9900 E x O which requires n permit m corolla,alter,improve.demolish,file repair any structure a. m. poor to beA aI rcqurt theapplicant( such permit License .(Cha(Chapter - ---- - issuance, NetheeRe. dpc ttNpt ivii ftheC treemelandNLew(ra,Cod ) '�rr ( �) I Valuation (c ig iN Se urn]000) 'f Uiv.' Jfthe Bminea and Pr Jesoons Coder 5_\tis9'�'�3. vnO�V,��iY�YHe.'1'?il Js yt�ft or Na he R exempt and the basis for the alleged ekempubin .Any violation -' 1 -of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for o permit subjects Inc applicant a.civil penaity- , of nor marc Nan Fiv<hundred dollars($50k). 3 01APN I�W6H PLUMB IN I tr' '• Occupancy Type ❑Las ow.er.fda property,or my employes with wages as their.mli omo,onsaaon, 3 - R IJMECHANI AL -will do-the work.and Ne'swano um Ii' t'n ctuded-or offered far rah,(Sec-71144t- '"---------- -- - .___ ._._. - -.. - _.------- t 'Bus ness and Potfamions Code:no Contractor's License Law does not apply t 304 - ROUGH EII& 'Rd[t0&ctions ­ "I- ow r of property who builds or improves thereon,and woo does such work himself 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL or iM1 his own imployies,provided that u himprovements "m intended or miffierid'or sale:'If.n ve.me wuemg pmemer,hisold withinone year or _.._ . ..._ FINAL"PLUMBING _-_...._. __.._., _.._. ..__. completion. bu � eN horde fp provingthat h did not Wild or tinpfor l ) -5--.0_ 8.._. _ FIN_.A...L. -_M_-EC_HA.NI.C. AL 01 of property, exclusively sYe r gith licensedcontractorsto construct Nproject oaa Businessand Professions Cock:)The Contractor License La doe not apply t n owner of praprty who Wilds p ver Nhcmon. -.,. _and. ho commas for mch.pro)ect..wN contractarts)licensed.p uant.m.thc Contractors LicenseL ❑1 pt deunder "t B,&PCI this. eon 'WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Lt 6 OZ ' •. '.. 1 hereby affirm under penally,of perjury one rLNe following dcdantions: .. l ❑ 1 It will maintain a Certificate of Consent to mlf-insure for Worker's Compensation,-as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Cade:for the pe,fmnomv.orthe work for which Nis permit is issyed., ❑1 have and will maintain Worker's Compenvdon Idsumnic,vI required!by,SictiIan J]W of the Labor Code;for the performance of me work for which this permit isined.MyWorkers C tape aur haturarm,carrier aPol Y b areenA ) o am ri Pole - �"J v p; ]t f CERTIFI ATIONO E%E. ION FROM WORK 'Cl. s y s ) a 3 a 1 _. COMPENSATION INSURANCE s (Thissection n errors be rnmpleted it the permit is for one hundred dollars "' ` " """ , -f IS I W)or lett.), i 1 cerdify that in theperformance of the workf which his porm, s JI hall'not employ any porton in a,y ma nc as 0;be un a mblccr to he Wnrkcrs ComperivationLows Of California.Date Apiplis - 'NOTICETOAPPLICANT If free makingdai,Certificate fE. rept - y 'should s ' Z becorne subject to the workers Compensatioripr mol of[fie Labor Code.you hair Q 2 --form th comply with such pry s ons o thispe t shall be,J e ned revoked . _ ___ . .- . -_ _ -. . .__ .. _._ -.- _. ._ _ ._...._, .._.... ....._._.. F.y "'I _ "s CONSTRUCTIONLENDIN'GAGE,NCY I h by ff that th n t a n Ina ngg gen Y f the perform nee permit is a;Q Led Hf hM1IM1. P ......., _.. ..._ ._._ . -. 7;Z L,6,t AJd ss•,_ , • . . ,. 1 .III„'...I: V C) 1 ttrtiry that I have mad this application and state that the above information is eorrena agree tgcm illy wire all,city and<o,mty unhoances and state laws.chin, Q.V tobad ingconst6:tion,anhemby'auMx orirepmsenmuwpo tivoftnisciiyenterun } W th bo t ned pm,,rry f umpe t W r,.s. (•" 0. (We rec to a< indemnify and keep harml the City or Capers.stmnat I D` liabilities dg r s t: d, pensc h h y n uny ay c against said V'�Z City 9 c fm r'ng of lh pe t' t APPLICA T NPI A. D AND WILLCOb1PLYWITHALI NC -POIN I$$ued b r Date s RC ,'S ti y' ignature'r, A lie nm ., :./,. :;Dan. Re-COOT$ / HAZA QU MATL ID Will pplISCLOSURE ba t of fu I<IailatnIt cu t t b handle mad material _.Type Of.Roof ces defirsedby the Cupertin M 1C Chap c912 and he Heath ry dS f CM< S❑cY 2553_(1 'T ` rs. [d.r ;'-, ' ' '` ,All roofs shall beinspectedprior to any roofing material being installed, ' Will the applicant or future building Occupants equipequipirmor devices hich'. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection-I•agree'to remove c t haurd arc ream t. dei J by th B Y Am A Qu 1 tY NI wg - m' District, all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and well comply with ” all non-point source regulations „ I have real the harallous marenals rcgmretsKna unser Chapmr fi.9la of the Ca arni5 H &Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25536,1 understand Nar "do is di N "snotcurcntly haveaten 316 thinhis my rcspom41liry the r quit e�tsr quit core whidn prior to issuanceprior to issuanceem _ Signature of Applicant _ Date _ w ett t ,gtt,.gent All roof coverings to be Class B or better - _ . _.. ._ .. ...... ........_ __. .----_ ... __....- _ . . ... . .. - OFFICE