S 3002 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY PBU]ILDING OF CUPER'1'INO Bun.DNG-ELLf7tRICAL PE IT NO �j (� LDING DIVISION APPLICA'1'ION/1'IiRMfI• I'LUM1tlNc-ME('HANICN. 3 O U 2 i1U11.DING PRO.11?C'r IDFNI'IFICATION AI)I)IIHH'�5�� SANE TA R,NO. AI'P.ICOA I'If)N K�TA ATE OWNINER:S 1i: PHONE: CONTRACT'OR'S NAMIi; LIC No: NIC CON'TROLM 9 it,ANCIijT1 C�/li/C7EL./ /.� LIC NO', .DORCSS: ❑ / O C ONTACT.tandeffect. ?R' PHONE: BUILDING PERNfTINFO �t��a6,7� ❑ CnnsBllanf Ptts Pald by Applicant(Initial) UG ET PLUMB MT:C ENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION QTY F[,I3CTRIC PERMIT I'Efi TOB DESCRIPTION shot Ion,Ilcenlcd undo pmvi sion.of Cha uI,Y Nvmnuencing CMZ vi..oil the Nusinenp and Prolcspion%Code,v anrylicenuis R D` TI AL WOO PERMLTISSUANCE S. Z F W F .IU L ❑KITCHISN RENIOD.1. aUU Ldcensr Class hic.N APPLIANCES-RES IDEN'I'IAI. ❑ADIDIHONt ❑PLUMBING RE PIPE I-ZW Da¢ Cnnons'no ❑MUI.TI-UNIT El STRUM URAI, h G 1 ARCHIE'ECPS DECLARATION PANELS d0D I:ICAT10N z 0 oz I underxmnJ To'd in—ball be nsed as gublic tett,N% OZKUp 10 20()AMT'S � ❑INTERIOR l]CIEMNI?Y REPAIR Vit: Li...ad professional 201-H)COAMPS ]IMPROVEMENT �SWIMMING T(H)IS 0.' , OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION C , OVHR HXMIAMPS ❑BATfI REiMODF,VItIiPNR DEMOLITION Q I hereby ulfimn Nm I am exempt from the Cnnnin,na,Uenw Law for Inc L O a U following•reason.(Section 7033.5,Nusine—ral Professions Crde:Any city.,train, SIGNS ELECTRICAL ❑(YI'l1Ek'r 3 W y which I le rdu t t her. r d Ish , ny spudure h�0-1 pr on t 'I: d Enlic: It IP not IIsignedkmtcncnt SPICIALCIR'MINE I$ } that he I -d,arou It thep ns of the C t tors l' i (Curtner9 COMMERCIAL W�00 (Como 6 with Sectio 700(. fD Division (if Business and% f.. ns Code)or TEMR ML RPOLh 'ST. d X e a That be is cnce,a the tine land the hail,far the alleged exemption.Any violmion of ❑NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑UEMOLI'I'ION Wim Section 7031.5 by any applicant Into permu%ubjeIts the applinlno m u civil penally al' POWER UEVR ❑'TENANT ❑Fool)SERVICE. nu"Cue than Eve hundred dollars 1MBROVEMENT Sp wsowoar nl the prory'ny,nr myonpinyecs w'nh wages us thcinnle nnnpcnsaion, SWIMMING P(X)1,T:- IC ❑OTHER F• the work.lnW lhm¢nnur9 i.nm imcndcd orofl'ucA lbr solo(SccJ(144,Bulinus aim and I'rofnsiom Code:The Contractor's License law does not apply h,an Owner of UU'TLhTfS-tiWITCI 'S-1' RIiS progeny who builds or improves thereon.and who does such wed.Innsalf ur through hip own cmployrel,Provided than Inch imp...se is are not Intmnded or entered for NEW RIiSIDi:MC1Af.Iil Ai SQ FR sale,11.however,the builda,...improvementismld wiffinon.yearof mmpletirn.lhc ` SQ.FI'.IIOUR ART SISQ. e3'. insulter builder will have the hu,den of playing that he did not loud or improve for per- �r . 0 $ O /Qfi pine nrs:dcy 'I OTAL I (DLas owner ol',he Proliany.am exclusively contending will,licensed colnracua.It, � S ^ Z 3 3 „/ construct the project(Sec 70,14.Business and Profession Code)The Contractor's Li- cause leave does not:,,,Iy lr un Ownerofprogcnywho M1uilds orimprove%Thereon,cell QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE who ounvaCls lin such Projects will,a Conimcmr(k)licen¢d pndwllh n,the Contmemrs _ -T License Law. PERMIT ISSUANCE 5 A, Literatiima8e�/n L]I al aa apt ander Sec B k P C for this reason ,2- /-/ J N:I'lill-DRAIN k VIiNT-N'AB'ER(IiAI VALUATION ZOV Data 12 -1— W(➢ H!RSCOMPFSNSATIONDECL RAIION BACK FLOW PRO EC..DEVICEO ] , \ !lnerenyatium under pentllty nr Friary ora crone fl,urwlTng deemr:nmw. [p VVI have and wll l mainnuin a Cerinicate ofCanlenrao%elr-inwnc fr Workers Compen- DRAINS-IIAOR,ROOILAREA.CONU. �]'r'YY.IIJF( NSTRUCHONkation,as provided fur by Section 3700 of the Lbr Code,for the gerfonin nce of the e /P�work lo,which thi.,pemnit is issued. FLXI'URES-Plik TRAPhave and willn,in cin Workcl'p ConTpcnlotlon Insurance uv revolted by Section3700of the LabsrClde.ILriheperiturreceofthe work far which this permit is i...ad, GAS-EA.SYSTEM-I INCA OIfiLFLS APN ooMyWodcrs Cumpeosation lnsumnae carver and Policy number art: GAS-Ti A.SYSTEM OVER 4 HA) S7_�L� r�CCartier lalicy No.:CERTIFICATE OF HXHMVI ION FROM WORKERS' GRIiASFJINDUS'rRL WASTE INTERCEPD)RCOMPENSATION INSURANCE SIUN FERS('this necllon need not he completed i U he gentiO,forrme hundred doll..($10d) GREASE TRAPofle".) / .��I cenifytw int he perf...recof the work for which this permit is issued.111, SEWER-SANITARY-STORM IiA.21X1 PL for employ any ,on in any manner sn in;to become iubjed n,the Workers'Culligan- Z ratio.Lows of Culilmnin.Date WA'll?It f{EATERWIVIINI'IELI!CTR GRADING FIiIi Q O Applicant ti NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should WA'D!R SYSI EM/TREATING -SOILSFEE hwnnw snn'Icc,n,the Wrdars Con.'ensnion provl%inns of tilt Labor Code,you nwst I\ m forthwith comply with inch provision%or ihi.%proud diall be deenned revoked WIG 17R SERVICElnl /] \\ U OWi Q I If PAIL[) IJ. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESITNWIFIAL PL.MU SQ.ITT Dam eccipt p U O 1 herchyoffion ihaunere is a conamdion lending agency nor tneperh,mlance of C/1 {1n P the work for which this permn is issued(See.3097,Civ.C.) C Q 'TOTAL: O U Lendcrp Nane 'TOT4/ 3, S r UJ ltndcl'a Address, BUILDING dill �I Erb 6. I cent,that I have read this app[icalion and state that the abuse infunnition is F' N crtcd.lagreemcomplywinallcityandvounryoNinancc%andpratlawsrelaGngm QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT eyI'EE SF,ISNIC 'I. 11,' (.) 'Z haildurgmnatmdinn.Tln I hereby out hori'rclepm,"'Inivcl olod,eitym enmeupon 0e —r"� above-mntinn eed Prnpeny rnr lnnpletwo yunnP lak. ERMTr ISSUANCE 5 • ��(- ELPC"TRI m (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep armless the City of Cugcnino against Iiabilitick.ludgmc.ds,cowsand1 expenseswhich%nay in Tiny wryaocrue again.a said City AI:rEROR ADD TO MI!CH, PLL .0 lilt of rmryuenae of the graining of this permit. n APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY W EI IT ALL NON-POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO EkdEd CFM) MUCHA [CAI.ITE SOURCE REGULATIONS. r AIR HANDLING UNIT OVER I0.0011 ChM) CON 'NUC'IION'I'AX Inure pphcanV trach Date EXIIAUSTHOOD(W/DUCD HOLES GNITIGATIONFEE II %ARIOUS. A'I'ERIALSDISCLOSURE Will lbeapplicant orfutun lwlldou,neaupurtm,re or handlchum,Jous matcnd BEAT INC,UNIT(TO lolkom Hit)) a%defined by the Cupertino Municipal Calc,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety HEI0ING UNIT(OVER I(l(TWO BTID Cale,Section 25532(u)I r ❑Yes ❑No VENTILATION[TAN(SINGLE RESID) PAID Dutc Receipts Will lie applicant or future building occupant use equipment or device%which BOILER-COMP(3111.OR IIX4n(X1 13 ED) error hamrdw nul air cnnnninams us dc0ned by Inc Bay Area Air Quickly Manxgcncnt 'I O A, District! BOILER-COMP EWER 100,MX)B'I TH r� Yes F7 No V AIR CONUI'I'IONEIt INSET CE DATE have rad the h ode, ma255 equ5,15533 an mdcr .1 and rsta nl the Cdi- fomla Health Fs Safety Code,Sections,find1 21 ony and 25534.I I ndeomnh (W if the NEW RISIUIiNTIAI.NIECE]. SQ.19'. huihlingdle%ern curtenlly havca tend t,ihal'n ilnly rclpominility to notify the(Weapon if he reyui n%xmtn troll rte ly grionoiasnance of T,cenintwt afoaupa n' ar lo,nd,o r0 owe Torn 33•S ISSUED BY. ��1 ���� �G• OFFICE