11040032 - SI CAPER ENGINEERING INC. P.O.BOX 14198,FREMONT,CA 94539 Tel:(510)668-1815 Fax:(510)490-8690 December 12,2011 Project No.6942 Building Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino,CA 95014-3232 Subject: Progosed.NeH-Residence Project at F22080 San Fernan_ dob. t Cupertino,CA FOOTING EXCAVATION(GRADE BEAMS)AT BASEMENT AND PREPARATION OBSERVATION REPORT Dear Sir: CAPEX ENGINEERING INC, has provided inspection service for footing excavation (grade beams) and preparation at basement. Footing depth and width were excavated adequate and in accordance with soil report,approved foundation plan and specifications. The exposed soil conditions of excavated foundation are beyond design bearing capacity and acceptable. If you have any questions,please call our office at your convenience. Sincerely, , APEX GINEERING INC., � Q�OFESSIpN �s'�c�-� O 9( Gd 6Nsu.P.E 4g� GPAY HSV F� Principal w Ph 09-0; cy-ay-0-0-a- aviL rr OF RW Engineering, Inc. 505 Altamont Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035 Tel: (408) 262-1899 Fax: (408) 942-0898 Email: rwengineering@gamil.com December 13, 2011 ®� City of Cupertino—Building Division �Z 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Re: Building setback verification Project Site:22080 San Fernando Ct, Cupertino, California L _ --- FL�� l32 To Whom It May Concern: This is to confirm that the foundation forms for the above-referenced project comply with the setback requirements as shown on the approved plan. Offset and corner points were set on the project site as shown on the attached exhibit "A" for construction and inspection verification purposes. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely Robert ', P.E. �QRpFESSlQ�j Y. O Lic. o. 50541 ()F�� NOTES: DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN EXISTING CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, EXHIBITS, PLANS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE REFERRED TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER FOR CLARIFICATION BEFORE THE START OF AFFECTED WORK. ALL SETBACKS SHALL BE CONFORMED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROVED PLANS. SAN FERNANDO COURT \0 0=58'21' R=50 L=50.92' 22.93' , #1 #2 LOT 47 ' TRACT NO. 211 D10' APN: 357-12-011 GARAGELo CR 10 8.69' N N N � NEW HOUSECD N W Z ; 10' 1 S33'31'E 15' S30'31'E 51.0' LEGEND AND ABBREVIATION ❑0 CONSTRUCTION POINT #1 POINT NUMBER DATE:11/01/11 R W ENGINEERING, INC. SCALE: 1"=20505ALTMONT DRIVE EXHIBIT"A" 22080 SAN FERNANDO COURT BY: RW MILPITAS,CA95035 STAKING PLAN CUPERTINO, CA (408)262-1899 SHEET 1 OF 1 FAX(408)824-5556 CAPER ENG ERING INC. P.O.BOX 14198,FREM T,CA 94539 ElTV ME Fax:( 0)490-8690 December 19,2011 C/ y Project No. 6942 Building Dep ent City of Cupertin 10300 Torre Ave ue Cupertino,CA 95 4-3232 Subject: Proposeew-Residence-Project at 22080 San- rnando Ct ---� —V� `Cupe�rt no,CA SPECIAL INSPEtT4QN SVCES FINAL AFFIDAVIT FOR REINFORCING STEELCAGE PLACEMENT IN DRILLED PIERS Dear Sir: CAPEX ENGINEERING INC., has provided testing and special inspection services at the subject site in accordance with section 1704 of the California Building Code (2010 Edition)as listed below: Inspections of reinforcing steel placement in slab on grade at basement Personnel under the general supervision of a registered Civil Engineer performed these inspections.Based on the inspections performed and upon our substantiate reports that the inspected work was performed,to the best of our knowledge,in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the applicable workmanship provisions of the California Building Code. Sincerely, EX ENGINEERING INC., — 4_ �QQaOF ESS G uS P.E f �Q, Ry Principal cc Na 49 M i ` * Exp,CNL � . O c���� CAPER ENGINEERING INC( x P.O.BOX 14198,FREMONT,CA 94539 17 � Tel:(510)668-1815 Fax:(510)490-8690 \ December 22,2011 Project No. 6942 Building Department City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino,CA 95014-3232 Subject: Proposed-New-Residence Project at Q80 -Fernando Ct. CCupertino, CA SPECIAL INSPECTION SERVICES FINAL AFFIDAVIT FOR REINFORCING STEEL PLACEMENT IN RETAINING WALL AT BASEMENT Dear Sir: CAPEX ENGINEERING INC., has provided testing and special inspection services at the subject site in accordance with section 1704 of the California Building Code (2010 Edition)as listed below: * Inspections of reinforcing steel placement in retaining wall at basement Personnel under the general supervision of a registered Civil Engineer performed these inspections. Based on the inspections performed and upon our substantiate reports that the inspected work was performed,to the best of our knowledge,in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the applicable workmanship provisions of the California Building Code. Sincerely, C PEX ENGINEERING INC., . � _ oQ�pfESSrpy� ary su,P.E QAC, AY HSV Principal I �y � N' W o. Q "'�F0C RW Engineering, Inc. 505 Altamont Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035 Tel: (408) 262-1899 Fax: (408) 942-0898 Email: rwengineering@gamil.com� December 22, 2011 City of Cupertino—Building Division 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Re: Building setback verification Project Site 22080_San_Fernando Ct, Cupertino, California To Whom It May Concern: (:'_4 pO_3 2 This is to confirm that the basement wall forms for the above-referenced project comply with the setback requirements as shown on the approved plan. Offset and corner points were set on the project site as shown on the attached exhibit "A" for construction and inspection verification purposes. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely c.J Ro7brt an QROFESS11 Y. q UC.(do.C 5b541 �� OF Cqt 1�"'- NOTES: DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN EXISTING CONDITIONS, DRAWINGS, EXHIBITS, PLANS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE REFERRED TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER FOR CLARIFICATION BEFORE THE START OF AFFECTED WORK. ALL SETBACKS SHALL BE CONFORMED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROVED PLANS. SAN FERNANDO COURT 0=58'21' R=50 L=50.92' 1 22 93' ' #1 #2 LOT 47 ' TRACT NO. 211 10' APN: 357-12-011 GARAGE CR LID 1 0 8.69' N N N � NEW HOUSE N cncnW Lo Z i 10' #4 #3 S33'31'E 15' S30'31'E 51.0' LEGEND AND ABBREVIATION 0 CONSTRUCTION POINT #1 POINT NUMBER DATE:11/01/11 RW ENGINEERING, INC. SCALE: 1"=20' 505 ALTMONT DRIVE EXHIBIT"A" 22080 SAN FERNANDO COURT BY: RW MILPITAS,CA95035 STAKING PLAN CUPERTINO, CA .(408)262-1899 SHEET 1 OF 1 FAX(408)824-5556 Geotechnical CONSULTANTS IN GEOLOGIC 8 SOIL ENGINEERING Engineering Inc. SUITE B-1 38750 PASEO PADRE PARKWAY FREMONT,CA 94536 TELEPHONE 800-791-SOIL 510-791-0100 FAX 510-791-1705 February 2,2012 GEI Job No. 112257 Via email: iamesRmazehemicals.com Mr.James Wane Ronsdale Management LLC&AZ Chemicals Inc. 8226 Rinconada Court Newark,CA 94560 Dear Mr.James Wang: Following our recent telephone conversation with Mr. Thamby Kumaran, your architect, we understand that you have_retained_the_services of another firm to perform geotechnical services during construction at your site; located at 22080 San Fernando_Cou�i,?Cupertino. To this end, we would like to clarify GEI position with respect to inspection section of GEI report as follows: This section of GEI report is a disclosure to clients that in the event that another consultant performs inspection and testing during construction of your project, then GEI would not be responsible for the outcome. It is the standard of profession that the consultant who has prepared the soil report also reviews the plans and would perform inspection during construction. This is logical because they are the ones that are most familiar with site condition and have prepared and signed the report. For your information,we have done work for cities, counties, attorneys and even superior court judges and no one has raised any questions/switched to another consultant. Furthermore, please note that you have already had a contract with GEI in accordance with your authorization of March 9,2011 of GEI proposal dated March 8,2011. The client is always free to retain another geotechnical consultant. However, the new geotechnical consultant must confirm in writing that he has reviewed the design level geotechnical investigation report and does or does not concur with the recommendations contain therein (if not, the revised/alternative recommendations must be clearly outlined and justified; and that The new geotechnical consultant would now be the "geotechnical consultant of record" and as such assumes full responsibility for the geotechnical aspects of the project. Very truly yours, Geotechnical Engineering,Inc. J 4/y, Taghi Manbeian,Ph.D.,P.E. President Cc:City of Cupertino Building Department Fulcrum SE Attn: Mr.Jesse Batchelder Via email:jesser?Fulcrumse.com Westfall Engineers Inc. -Attn: Mr.Cynbal CE Via fax:408-867-6261 Mr.Thamby Kumaran,Architect Via email:thamby)kumarandesicn.com Arnold Horn From: Taghi Manbeian [taghi@gei-ca.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:46 AM To: Arnold Horn Subject: Planned Residence at 22080 San Fernando Court Project in Cupertino Attachments: 20120215103813176.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mr. Arnold Hom: Attached, please find the GEI letter regarding subject project. Regards, Taghi Manbeian, PhD, PE President Geotechnical Engineering, Inc. (GEI) 38750 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite B-1 Fremont, CA 94536 Phone No. 510-791-0100 Fax No. 510-791-1705 Web Site Address: www.gei-ca.com I 1