01020048 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUII.DINO DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT Na. 21905 SAN FERNANDO 01.020048 OWNER'S NAME APPLICATION SUIT DATE XIAO—RAI GU 02/12/2001 PHONE: SANI'1'ARYNO. CONTROL NO. C ae Z ARCHHEC(ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INTO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH I--� t¢h osy- LICENSI?D CON'TRACTOR'S DECLARATION "—c "arch,tdrirnt.bat lam li,en.ed under pnivilkonal Chapter 1)(enmmnnein8 Job DescriptionGHf-J ..,It Standen 7000)nlDi,'Won 3ofthe Busincsaml lhofasicas Cde,and try license is in full force and effect. DEMO z a Lieaa.e class L'ie.x a.U Date Contmmor 3 u t ARCHITECT'S DECLARA'T'ION C t=' 1 i nd,nand tnY plans.shall he used use public reconk va�}.-. w O O Licensed Prnfcuiowl OWNERBUILDERDECLARATION v1=an I hatch, em hy onion.hat I esmm npt frothe Contraclnn',License Law In,the t z fallowing reason.(Section 70315,Rumness and Pndc,sions CNe Any city m musty 'x❑ which reyuims a rent...uo conamet,al.cr,improve.demolish,or repair any structure i3m prior to it,issuance.at,.reyuims the applicant for such pernftIn file a signed slmcmenl that he is licensed pursuant m the provision,of the Contractors License Law(Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation Ponn...aming wilh secfnn7000rof Insist....3 of The Business and Pon .lens Cudc) or that he is cmmpt betatron and the basis Lor the alleged escmp.inn,Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant lou a permit subja.s the applicant uo a civil penally arum Inane than ase hundred daua,(5500y APN Number Occupancy Type ❑1.m ov ncr nnM property or my emplayces with wages as their side mmpen,atien. 3971 ,9014r— GALA will de the work,and the stmcmre is not intended on offered fm sale(see 9044, Bu, and pod.... m cede:'Tbc Can(,actnr a Lia vc l,aw ane .a.apply stn Required Inspections Rusin... or property an build,or minuses themmn,andhitdoes such work himself on;ough his own employee,.pro,ided mal such nor...counts are ant intended o. NO ASSIGNED INSPECTIONS lificard Blw Obll' g_ p 1ddwase. ec mnpl e the n n Ie. II h the burden f proving tht h did not nyeild or f for n mo r. 1 ) as carrier lithe ons. t property. I lycontracting II'I dcontractors n oTool.,r IS ](44 Business d fc:.. CAr:) li t saI 1 t I Ppe ty h builds Pnv:fu r n, and woo contract,far sort p JnR with o contractions) licensed pursunr to the Contractor's S License L.aw. OX 1.tm ee�}� +ea._�> x ser rc hand'rea.on r OxI ORKER'S C[ UI:C ARA'I0f O/ I I hereby alrimt umlcr penalty of penury one nl'Ihe lidlewing Jedamtinm: D 1 have and will n ain.ain a Cullfcum of Cnmentlo self-inaw'o far Work,,,, Compenwtiorr as provided for by Section 370() of the Labor CNe. In, the performance(if[lie work for which this pemtit is issued. ❑L have and will mainmin worker,Compensation Imo orce.as rryuined by Section 3700 of the Labor Code.fir.he perfommnce of.lie work for which this permit is caval.My Worker's ConiRTsalino Insurance carrier and Policy rainier are: Carrier: Policy Na.: CEIfIIFICA'1'ION Op EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' C.MIPEN9AnON INSURANCE (Phis wain i need nal be cetnplocd it he croil is I'on ane based.[dollars IS 100)or It I terrify ma.in.he pe,Iranmtec of the work for which this permit is I..uW,I shall nal monis,any Person in any tnanncr se.as et heconte aohjm m The Workers' Compenutifin Low,of California.Dale Applicant NO ICE TO APPLICAN'1.It.slier necking this Certificate of(Lel n)linn,You should occur.subject o the worker's Compcnsa.ion provisions of the Labor Cade.You mots Q Q forthwith comply with such provisions nr this peron,shall he deemed revoked. f ^ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY a } 1 hereby off nn that there is a comwtia cn lending agemy fa the pece rforman :z7 nl'the work It,,which this fermi.is Issued(sce.3097,Civ.C.) L ❑ Lender:Name Z) z Lender's Address 1..1 0 1 certify that I have read This application and state that the arrive Inlimnation is lis. E., cornet..I agree to comply with all city and county ordinance,and state laws relating QU ,,hand mg.....actiemnnsI hereby nulhorieropmsenottivesof thiscity to ether upon _ - } rJ] the tdannotatedpnl nyl peau nprp:. 0. (N ) glia to se. do fy Nk ph 1_,4he City rC penino against fp Tahllt : jud,owns.riu,and c,,cows which nay n fury way arlivesatins said U z City tnttm,cqucncc nl(he gnanfn,ol this perms. nPPLI INUERSTANDSAND WILL.COMPLY WITHALL NONPOINI' Issued b Dule� ^ si stare o nppfieamvenn,mcu n - nate Re-roofs HASARutors MATERIALS tstra,OSURE wu1 the impucent m Muni ipal tto.e.Chapter smreor and t e Iwmnlca and Type of Roof as defired Sa,by the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapinr 9.12,and.hc Health nnJ Safely Calc. El yen 255,12(x)'! O No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will.heapplicam or fumrc building occupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection. I agree to remove emit h:vurdous air conioninanls n,delloed ny the(lay Arca Air Quality Managc neon District! all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with oyes ON. all non-point source regulations. I have read the hazardous materials requlrrntents under Chapter 095 of the California Health k Safety Code.Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.L understand that I I'tbc hu holing Anus not catrrently have a tenant,that it i,my mspttnfihinny to unity the occupant nl the rc......neral,xhiab tam,be onen prior to i..uancc of a Cenificato of ac°I'" 1�� _p m/ Signature of Applicant Date o.-nermamnaaaedd,amt Dore All roof coverings to he Class "B"or better OFFICE