080900093w,[' �UZtt _=rn _qw:q a��yP(7 h 03 Eno =u CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTORINFORMA'IO1V"': . RR�u,�x•IDa,; ..�=�,. ... `�.., rd:1%�.b?t^°a �SYtW$`Fi 'R� BDILMVbD9FshLEM AVE AKEENA SOLAR, INC P�08090009 .;R'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE TONY GAO 16005 LOS GATOS BLVD 09/19/2008 PHONE SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: INSTL 24 RF MNTED SOLAR BUILDING 'BLDG ELECT PLUMB PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob Description I hmcbY affirm that 1 am licenced under ns ors 9 (commencing. P and prof CodO, 3OfNe Bwcressend Profcasiou Cade.mtl my lieetw is with Sectim ]p1ef effect. in full force end effect 05%73 . U G �/ 6 Lk. e ame CCIsa. Data, /"6 —V4"62 TCamDnEcCL ARATION AICHIIE 1utlnunJmypinsAgIbeNupuM1licrtcom Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby Affirm that I em exempt from the Conu gm's IJcae Law for the following .Aeon. (Sauon TI 31.5. Business; And Professions Cade: Any city or county which requires • Permit In cmAumt ale. improve, kno,l W, or ¢pair Any structure prior to its issuance. also requires Nc applicant forsuch pewit to pk a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant m the provisions of Ne Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commencing with Section ]000) of Division 1 of the Business And Profession, Code) or that W On exempt Nertrrom And the ban;fm Ne alleged exemption. My violation of Seedm]011.5 by Any, applicant for aponothsubjata Ne applicant in a evil penalty or APN Number Occupancy Type P Y nal. thus live hundred dollars ($M YP ❑ l,uawrcs of the pmpmy,amy uvployas with wgmude'vsokcampctmum, will Pn l e wart end a he Cmrt ta sl NLaded m AW din (rasa apply of An MM Of And Pmresdons ease The conmNnn Liege Law aces rot apply a ars ower Required Inspections i thertoa And who is essmh ark himaehror through hu enywyees. ove d thavu provi Norah improvements ar nu art not ear dedofo mOBcrtd the own wplthe of I Owner.. bowever. u(mpmvemmtkhat within one year orimproetion.for the Owren Wildingsold Wilder will have esu burden of proving that M did rot Wild m improve for purpose or uloJ. ❑ 1, as Owner of Ne prnpe ry, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors in COmINeI the nnject (So.. ]pad, Bushey And Professions Code:) The Cmracbn U. LLMC Law daJ not apply us an owner of property who Wilds of improves thereon, and, who concocts for such projects with a conoecuu(s) licensed pursuant m the Connaeton JW. Ilomu omuemptundm See ,BAPCfmthisrtamn ner Dat WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby afTum under penalty o(pejor, one of the following decluauonc ❑IN.eeM will mainuioACenirimth of Camera to salt -insure ra Wortefs Compen- ' ration, As provided for by Secure 7700 of the Labor Code, for the performance or the art for which this pumtl is issued. ❑ 1 have And will maintain Waters Compensation Insurance, as required by Secure 3100of the Mbar Code, for the performance often wort for which this permit is Wood. ' My Worker ensation hada nee center Compand Policy number am: Carrier. �G-1 Policy No.: 3Y 2 8ZSS CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE md, son im need not In cwplcwd if the pewit's foronc hundred dORus (SIM) lir lou) 1 certify Net in the perfowmee of the wait for which this pewit is issuM. I shJl nee ' employ any person homy manmrm As t Imeo ne subject to Use Worker,' Compemadon Laws or California. Dat Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, ager making this Ccnioese of Exemption. you Wu5 become Subject to the Wohm's Compensation provisions m the Lsbm coda you met foMwith comply with such pmvidnns Or Nu pewit shall be dremed n voted. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hertby aRiw that thce u s connructinn lending apney for the RIf.. of die ark for which this Pewit is issued (see 7097, Ci, Q Lendsrs Name - Lenders Address I uaufy than l have toe WA appftcatim ArW some Nu the chow kfo mmon IA covet I since a mmPly withal city end comfy omlneooat AM cut Ins mlad.$ to Wilding construction, and tueby Authoria representatives of this city to ewer upon the . mope for inspection which (We) agree m Ann, indemnify Nd keep hWmkaA to City of L'apenum sga(ml HAMM=,ju gm rt may mtl exyemee which may in anY wayurns againstsaid City in COnuesuensoC Or in eonAcgrcme of Ne granting Of this pewit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT REGULATIONS. Issued by: Date 4f_- /y^ r?9,(SOURCE q�l9�OfJ Re -roofs Stgnuum of Applicepat HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof WIII No applicant u rmum building occupant sort or handle ety / defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cade. Chapter 9. J2. and the Ha1N anJ Safely Hooldomd Safety _aJe, Secp 35511(x)] ON. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the Applicants or future building occupant use equipment Or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emithauumm air cmumi... In u dermd by Ne Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. ❑Yo YNo Ilovemeithedr Sw6s enuunder Chaptr G97ofticbuii 25505, 5533rt ondnuaMNUBNu S Out ComealHyCoda SrcJusouitI dos re,ma,sum51a.1 rts Ne acupAnt of Je ,offs Jens rotes x INeitumy which must Or.Cemmmaty requirements which mutt a met prior m iuusroc of a Cvdfeat of Occupuey. Al— 4 971 Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class'Aw or better Owner or auNonmd agent p,t