1089iY rVilC •''�: -ry' LOT NOS`•- .v APP ON.•.FOR BUILDING PERMIT. CITY OF CUPERT[NO 1 l -j 9 p f Date --L `. 195_ Permit No. / Application is hereby made forpermit Fo Iz aez C a : �« ml fqi story; Type . F J: Building oGS+:v7.i'-N �QMf Q tO to be occupied only as in accordance avith:Plans, Specifications and Hof Plan filed herewith. 'Ago Estimated Value of Improvements, $ O� Fee$ O •u. aIt is hereby agreed, that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and B all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of 'pertino will corn H .wlt ,, i.;, mA r �, ;?'Owner ' = .• a.,�aa.or •Address Yrs3; .a.B.Y'y-• r: T; ..' .: r Address _- .»♦ - ONTRACTOR tAGENT b Plion'' y?� ti12 r Approved- ' • t `R,".S_ •• BUILDING INSPECTOR IO OVAL a' � DATE INSPEC OR D F INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER � - F INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. ATE INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. � A-TR INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. " .�9�G -corm✓ � / FINAL GAS DATR SPECTO 1_ � CERTIFICATE.- OF0%LET1,0M9,7-.., BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFIC CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ....... tfln! .................................• ..Building Permit No. r., The Building Lqwqd ..... .. .C ........ . ----------- Ownedby ................................... . .......... ............................................... `r WIli Has Becnc'- (Complet;) I 1. For Use As:• ..................... W ..................... ........ ..................................................... ................. ............................ . . ..... ....... 7 .............. �ZY, .................... ......... 1 ........... ......................... ------- ........... ... ; ......... ........................ ..................................................... -------------- ................................... .... �:5�c ........... 102 4/61-500 1!, •BUILDING INSPECTOR' t. „ NO. -.rY � ST0.0 - , LOT NO. ,.PPLIC ION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date AI«C ,19 Permit No. f)/ 4 ,. Fcc 5;y; \ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to mstall'electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. ' y Use of Premises c _. { a Owner ��'��rT�I /�rncfQ.L,,• `r-Address °y By Addres' CONTRACTOR, AGENT Approve, - hone: t.RCTRICAL U69CM J It Rough Wiring --------- —��–Fixtu 7 Finish Wirinwo - ---------- yTE C oto INS'. INSPECTOR WFinal INSPECTOR NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit ... .........Number of Outlets.._....... --- - ----- - Size' Service Wires._ --.. ............ --- I Number of Switches.__........_ V -- Size Service Switch ..... �.OA ..........Number of Receptacles...... .�� ---- ----------- .......... - ... . Size Sub Feed Conduit ------------------Number of Fixtures..............---- R .... .......... .. Size Sub Feed Wires------------- -----Ranges ---- ff ....... KW--- - ---------- ----- ----- ltj Number of Circuits f------------------Signs.......... Oven --- ........ KW .... Y�l . .......... . .. ... ... Z24. A Number of Meters-- ------------------ Signs ---------- Transformers.........................._ Misc.......................... .................... Dryers ----------- j --------------------------- Motors -------------------- HP -------------------- Motors -------------------- HP -------------------- Phase........_._....... Phase .................... Permit Fee $1.00 Motors ... 10 ---------- HP --- 44�4 -------- Phase .......... . ........ H P Charge---__......._ C2"o TOTAL FEES. Rough Wiring --------- —��–Fixtu 7 Finish Wirinwo - ---------- yTE C oto INS'. INSPECTOR WFinal INSPECTOR • Y..: •,f•. \:. Y'. ril {.. ,• 'ELECTRIC SERVICE NO' •' CE • +�orr•.Ics s.. •B[JILDING, INSPECTOR'S OPPI I :.. . CITY Of C[JPERTINO �.• -• ti'+ ......................... .� ....• 1961.: You are hereby authorized to connect the ELECfRiC service•for' Owner or Tenant . , r.�%�� ! ...5. ,J. •Il• �XTl • :.•• .;:.:;, f/ .r. At.... ................................... ................... ........................... ... No. of Wires ,...:.......:... :..... Size of Wires ...................... Size of Snitch . Motor Load ...........................: Voltage .......................... :..... Phase ................................... E Heating Load ..... K. W..... - ... r........: Voltage .:..........:....... ..r Light ..............110 ................New Service xi:�:.... :Reconnect ......... ..._:7. ! i•. ' No. of Meters! ....... ' Heat ............ 220 :''..'........Three Wire .........:........Morse Serim � • No. of Add. Meters ....:.._. Power ............. .• .............. .. t MY ase ................... Move-Mbter :..........: • , •• • • I. • :• • � _............................................................J'^*i .. ':.•� f ELECTRCAL•�IIVSPECi'OR ✓•:� �f"�.'' .s"'ie4� em ..J NO. BBT " A PfICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT - CITY OF CUPERTINO D /,9 19I L Permit No. _ Fee $ 3 ) Zi Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing ,pipes and/or _fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices `•'Iihd%or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of gg� Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. -Use of Premises N Owner /f< PZ> eo rr/ ' Address Z/i3 BYC� � Address ii CONTRACTOR, AGBNT ` `F Phone (/ - % 3'S7y Approved Illt i A -t L PL MBING INSPBGT 0 rl ITI 2 (33 :w Cupertidoypdnitaky' Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OF ICE•= CITY OF CUPERTINO 0 Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No.--:.1r,7 e............. . 0- Plumbing Final Plumbing Permiit� No....,....... ...... ....-L-37 Owner or Tenant .....I /lJ.`/ ......... nt ... '•?�7�,0.-..-. --C-r-...N�-rv..- 1�...... ..................................... Tract ................ %•lj-- [° ..-....... ... - .... .... .-.... ../.... Date Connected ............. ���......-.-.-.... ............._..'....:: 1'X� .. f0 . • ; Date Final.................................. �•...-....--.......... ..-.. ... ... .. •'�•ra • t ' '-`• :q iN' JNf U1o[Ii1NG INSPECTOR-,: ur t/60.00 LOT NO./ NO. BEET APPLICATION FOR GAS PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO }` bate � %Pu�'�%� %j 1 • . Permit No. lc U t Fee Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino fora permit to install gas pipes 'and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, ani j all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises-� .�� Owner �' Address I in >� Address FtO ACTOR, AGENT ti.l Phone" !fie 7 -Ss 78 Approv r r. PLUMBING INSPECTO r R q 0 T \.Jl � • � �amp, Lor NO No.gar'}' �yA APPLI ATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO 196..... Permit No.�aLl __ Fee t I S3 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City 'of Cupertino, and allilLer laws applicable thereto. Use of Add Addr % 5 CONra G! APP..... . TTTS PLVMa1NGINbP. 0 M LOT NO, NO.mla APPLI ATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date 196..... Permit No. r / o Fee S r Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit'to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install slid Cr1 appliances id. iccordance with the provisions of the Plumbing rode of the City of Cupertino, and al other laws applicable thereto. Use of remiAA 8 14 Owner • Addm A_ `n By Address J�./ I CON R, AGa Phone APP+m Ll PLUNatNG IMPS Z m c� mli TO You are hereby GAS - SERN BUILDING IN! CITY OF i Owner or Tenant ...L4 At ... to connect tht GAS seivice for - - a' //7 No. of Meters .../................ No. of Add. Meters .110 1160-500 .................... ............ New Service .......................... Reconnect .............................. Move Servid: ........................ Move meter --r ..................... ............ !!� ....................... PLUMBING, INSPECTOR -:,,-..Copy 41961.. ................ .................... ............ New Service .......................... Reconnect .............................. Move Servid: ........................ Move meter --r ..................... ............ !!� ....................... PLUMBING, INSPECTOR