NO PERMIT NUMBER 908 Sage Ct. Tract No. Lot No. CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT �}. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date 6 J , 19_62e Permit No. Application is hereby made for a permit to 0"(,W C d4dQ . a st.tory, Type �- / i1di g//�} Use Zone � 2 — at ' /= W/ Occupancy to lee occupied only as /y K arkin a 'l— er in accordance with Plans, Specifications and n file r l Estimated Value of Improvements, $ C U U Cr I certify the+ in the performance of the wor for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. Owner C N N)5 /F / N % Z - Address O(/ By_,/ f M 0-0 NS 5 C 0 Address 6 '1�c,.r .a4YJ�1f QC? - Ipgl, 2/� �`ti,� U RECORD. OF INSPECTION SEo ' —' iQdt17 ' 'L3�GS NV/1br.sAFrame Cg'-Z%—yfJ ,/�/,N�-�C/ Stucco I Finish iVo_ / 909 Save Ct- T)P.nniR Heintz g �/ WOL 89/Z L-08Z w�o� _ O� # asuaail ssewsng A4i0 esor UPS uolygmlddg s144 sexuogynv Apadoxd pug yca}}a pug 81x01 Iln} ul sl 9or # esu"' sJO4agJyuoO gwxolllvO }o OMS slg 044 sysay}g yuvoliddy L ❑ peIlj yuvwaMs ❑ xauMo sg :+uvollddg Aq pewlglo Agexeg sl esuaoil sx040w4uo3 xo} glwOJ!IPO }o a4g7S xo} yuewulnbeu woxj uoiydwexq