10733 119 + RUPPEL PLACE Building Permit Confirmed ❑ Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Date..-- -Z'.�.._..........---'----.._.. 1976.. Permit No....... -..f.o.._..33.---------- The undersigned hereby akt aPplicafA n }o the �umbin Inspector the City of San Jose fore permit to install theaficaV "31 4 f re_°,_rs4�J`,,7�i• Exemption from raquir �4�io�$ e af�C� 'fp�.(': ntd recto 'r, icansa yhereby claimed by undersigned: es ner ❑ statement filed [9� C'w SC J Undersigned attests that his State of Calif. ' Contractor's License i 7 / is in full force and effect and properly au} Sen Jose Ci}y Business License # ((4 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to .iolate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER -;rY6n9)/ ADDRESS �/ 7 R f'T =/ 1 Lot No. le USE OF 'BUILDING L2 g L Signed.... �-r Lh--------aS... -------------- 280119 NUPPEL PLACE PARKER SHEET METAL rt ny CL N m m N v _ _ m O `n CA < vJ O N T w m o p ° 3 N a () p N N �r1 m m n ti G Otlo � � a