00050003OFFICE CITY OF CUPFN INO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDtNa DIVISION PERMIT BU LD] NG ADDRESS: - PERMITNO0050003 18640 RUNO COURT OWNER'S NAME: APPLICAT05B )IU)JTig 2000 LU, ANGELINE LONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. G C 2 ARCHITEC (ENGINEER: B11ILDIND PIiRMI I' INFO FF� LL SEvo PLUG F GCT P UMI( n1ECH —I N LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job DeSCTIpD(yll °Ht: -C hereby rJRrnr that to licensed under pmvlsiun, of Chupn'r 9lcurnn¢ncing wilitsemionnronlntolviaint,dmd,enaLmc,.aundrnJc..i,msCisco. nmin,rlleen.e 2100 LIVING SPACEi 424 SG. FT. GARAGE d c c, inSJuoreeamdeffcm. x z 9 L0 u 3".G Littnsc Cla.vs Lic. N Dam Contractor ARCHIIECT'SDECLARAT]ON I understand my plan, shall toed as ,.bit, rn,de M ee FIALM rIy`rrw��upp �,� r_ +Y+ p O hiccnncJ Royce opal nal = OWNER-HUILIDER DECLARAI ION aif mal 1 c,emre 1 hcrchy almton tonal the Cu director License Luw for ,he _ . AN U 2 200 F'LQ p following reason. (Section 7131.5. Basins% and ProfieWom Cade: Any cuyor county , E s p which rcl a peril m emi,m ct, alter, improve, denmli,h, .,.,air any .ammurc 3m Prior to its issuance. also requires the applicant for such Peri, to file a signed amemean Ft. Floor Area q, �L1 QjI 0Ip mat he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor'., License Law(Chapter 9 ocneing with Seedon 7ugp of Didision d of thro mmal e ntninesI and Pfessions Code] no that he is siolpt ,hereVon,1 1 the Is.- Ga the allege) nacmptinn. Any violation ��ri nbb�� A375?�`031 Occupancy Type of Section 711.11.5 by any applicant Gar a permit subtectw the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than rive hmdrcd dollars ($500), 00 inapt0l, a, owner of the inapor my employees with wages as their sole aon,Pensation. spections will do the work. and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (See. 70,41. Business unit Profosssion, Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply m an a f en' Who tai ld, or int thereon. tool who dues such work hilowit 101 .— Founl�a"fri$ oltahmrah his v employees. provided (hat wen iitq,n a ems a not Immrdid o ,rr L he holding impoo,cmm,t Ia iri hin ]. 02 - PIERS ffered Ro sule. however, ,, sold one year of in pletion, the ax'ner-wilder will have the burden of proving that he did not (wild or , 103 - UFER mpalas pmliew.k.le.). erof the pmiwrf.am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to 104 — REBAR L,ndrect he pmj,e, IS,,,, 7t94, Bistros, and Pmfmsh,n, Covey Thi: Connectors 1.05 — ANCHOR BOLTS locre Law docs nm apply m i n owner of p,,,p,oy who huilth o, impmvice there,". and who rrud I I r wch projects with a cm,lraclmtal licensed Pu„nam to tho -- ] 06 - SEWER & WATER C%ne, reLaW. 01 am vsomp m ,Sec. H& P C for,his mason 7/�%� n 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING net -y' //7 L( T 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL WO S C II'ISNSATII . [ I ARATION 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME u,emny ani owk,c,RyofperJmy i euro ruo, ,,, decnmlia,r�,wr 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION rave and will maintain a cenircate of Consent in wdf-invurc for Worker's ompensmion, an provided for by Section rrl of the Labor Cade. for the 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING Performance nl the work for which thi.v peri, is issued.Cl 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER Compensation have and will maintain Worker's Competion Insurance, as required by Section "'g of the Lahor Code, for dw perrannaric, of the work for which his worth i, - 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL issued. MyWmkeisCoi,criadonhourancecn,rooumlPadl,yntoa„Tore: a 304 -, ROUGH ELECTRICAL Curicc Policy No.: CERT,ncA'DON OF E%CMPTION FROM WORKERS' 305 — FRAME COMPENSATION INSURANCE 306 - HOLDOWNS This sectio, need not be completed If the putmit Ir for one hundred dollars rslanminw.) 307 - INSULATION , I eerily that in toe p,darnamo of ho walk lm which mi, perm, is iswed. l 308 — SHEET ROCK shall not employ any peewn in any mann,, so en m become oll m the Workers — 309 EXTERIOR LATH Con,penwadonLax,ofCabooia.Date Applicant 31.0 - INTERIOR LATH NOTICETO APPLICANT If, anormaking this Cenificate of Ea,mptlon, you should ;f, nr Cado, you nwt , pnsmion provivorw dihe Lano j,etme W..kcrGnn became sunto 311 - SCRATCH COAT p lanhwimcomplywilhsuch pmvi,int„o,ndwpernotMnllhod„mndte-k,d, , Z 3]3 - ROOF NAIL 1 y> CONSTRUCdONLENDINGAGENCY Ihercbyaffinn„hmd,reisaeon,rctinnlending ag,ucyfnr]he pdomanee 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY 2.0 ' of,he work for x hich this permit is issued (Sec. AMA, Civ. C.1 Lender, Name 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY Z) O Isndcr's Addles, 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY E 1e„ lit, dr:nlhovcromidsapplieatimnm,d.a:noho, ill chose ir,lr,orcolion.r correct. 1 agree to comply with all city soil county mninanee,.and aline law, romeng 504 - F I- BUILD NG ENERGY y mbuildn,,un.amction.ind nercbyamhori+c nTr,onpaive, of till.,ci,y In enter upon meahove.nwinumcdpmo<ny Iinspecrnnpmrs,o,. 505 INA ELEC ICAL IWclagree tosir. indemnify and keep ham,les„he City of Cupertino against liabilities judgments, costs and cepcnacz which may In any way ucome against said 506S TEST /. r Un $� City in consgnene ,one gmntin • oflhiJ permit APP ,ICANTU 1 its D. DW'NJ COMPLY [THA NON -POINT $ RCE REG n -F p' Issued b 507 _ INGDate y' _L Dm, Sgaumrc of nppfi,rvc ractr HA DousMnrERlnlsnlscLosuRE Re -roofs 509T-I.,11INAL GRADE Walid , appliant o Talon handing ac Pant wxe mhurdlehaeardousnuterial defined ny the Cupaour. Municipal c -M torn. I2, and the Heulth and Safety Type of Roofus 570AL PLANNINGCad, SOc< ,n 25532(u)^ 0 ... ��1��114,00 � All roofs shall bE1'�rfSpf�0 R 1 j'�{f n �p T Ling installed. i Will the up,foom or fumrc nuilding as'cupan eyu"nue'd lir dcvi,„which lfa roof is.insulfi@ witho1914TfYl otRJin k is�CCtltk l agree to remove unit hae.,rdous air eomamin"ur, as nctued nn ynrea no trashy nunagernrt • "p? all new materiaGoRl incrpeRWFAAATaTiF-tRi$crstands and will comply with i Dye, n all non -point S06!0D4re9ulk0WF IN—PROGRESS I hive rend the hazardous material, re luircmern, under Chapter 6,95 of the - Culifnrnia Herlth & surety Civic, So"noris 255115. 255J1 and 25514. I undersand that a if the huild'mgm„ ncurrntly hove a tram. that it is my respmrihilhy In notily the aecupum nl me no ionto) e1, wl'cL nms�piuo m iwmance of a Cerificule of r 7/7-- � u Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B” or better - owned or aathodzed ag Date OFFICE