21759 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Hoilifing Project Identification PIi TNO, B �Address: 21759 caner ante: �^ one: 1 COUL� CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION _ Codpa .Na e: (�, Lk.N. APPLICATION / PERMIT z l IL D BU(LDINC-ELECTMCAL-PLUMBINC-MECF( LAICAL CATEGORY CONTRO N 4 Architect/Engineer. Lk.No: �— QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add,e,. PFRMITISSUANCE ❑ F-1 ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under provisions of Chapter9(comment, APPLIANCESRESIDENTTAL JOB D65 RIPIION ingwlth Sedion7000)of Dlvielon3ofthe BusloessanciPro(esalone Code,and my license 1.1.s effect.Lt. C- ? PANELS ( r x Date Clam Con r ` l Date Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 201-IMO AMPS )241 X 0 Z I understand my plans shall be used u public records. OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR ARG O Licensed professional SIGNSELECTRIGL 6 OWNER-BUILDE0.DECLARATION SPECIALCIXCUIT/MISC IherebyafOrm that l am exempt fronthe Contractors License Law for the oo O followingreason.(Sectlon7031 S,Businessand Professions Cy ode:Mdtyor Z s: county which requires pertNtmcoro/run,alter,Improve,demolkh,ormpalr TEMP.METIER OR POLE INST. anystruclure prlorto Its Issuance,then requirestheapplicant forsuch permit to POWER DEVICES ilk a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the 3a, Contractors License Law(Chapter9(mmmeneing with Section 7")of Divi- UAIQN Off^ slon3otthe Business and Prefeast mCodOmthat he lsxe empttherefromand SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALTO O the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 70315 by any OUTLETSSWTTCHESFIXTUR S S�GW75] five fora permit aubjecte the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than (� five hundrednerofdollars thepro NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQFI. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION campeiv�n ❑I,asowneroftheproperty,ormy employeeswithintwagesas rtheledole Ic&c.H44,B..dothe work,and thestroctureh not intended o ioffered for O sae(Sec apply to alnow and f property rope ty Code:The C improves License law 3� docs notapplysuch ork owner offprough hisoWilds orimprovnlhereoMand uch OCC.GROUP RIS.UNITS who odoes ments ace nethimselfIntended orough hisownemployees,provided the building i or improvements mprelokthhoweveg deerlI have TOTAL: Improvement Issaldwlthlnoneycarotcompletlon,lheawner-W Ilderwill have thrq*rden of proving that he did not build or Improve for purpose ofsale.), - QTY; PLUMBING PERMIT FEE h10OD TONE APN U L as owner of the prop",am exclusively contracting with licensed pp RISSUANCE rontracton to corewct the project(Sec.703ly Business and Protessloru Code: The Contactors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN k VENT-WATER(EA) Wilds or Improve thereon, and who contracts for such pLojecta with a cq¢(ffactor(s)licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law. FEE SUMMARY L-JI am exempt under Sec. B k P C for this reason BACKFLOW PROTECT.DEVICE SANITARY Y N Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,GOND. — ,�� I WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RECFIPTN ❑I hereby affirm that I have a wrtl0cate of consent to se161nsure,or a FIXTURES PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y N mdifimteafWorkers Compereatlonlmun moramAifed ropythereof(Sec. RECEIPTM 3800,Lab C.) GAS G.SYSTEM-1 INC4 OUTLETS PARK FEE Y_ N Policy N RECEIPT It Com any GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) BUI LDING DIVISI ON FR BS ECertified copy It hereby te E3 Certified copy Is(Teed withh the city inspection division. GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANC14ECK FEE ty CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREISETRAP PAID Cor Wcom COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWEILSAMTARY-STORM EA.20OPT. Date RCCCI t# (This section need nal W completed lithe permit Is(Drone hundred dollars (SI00)orleaa.) WATER HEATER W/VEM/E.FCTR ENERGY FEE Y N I rectify that In the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued, — I that 11 not employ any person In any manner sa as to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/1REA77NG Workers Com anon Laws Ica De PAID O Z Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ.Fr, Date Revel t# Z NOTICE TO LICANT:$after making{{ L .ertificateof Exemption,you sh.ld become subject m she Workers'Coutltlon provIslom of the Labor TOTAL: N Code,youmustforthwithcomplywitheuchp.W loruorthhpermitehallbe j aeemedrenaked. BUILDING `•E ✓) W C CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I herebya(Nrmthat there is a contraction lending agency for the perform - TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE Z ance of the work for which this permit is beend(Sec.3097,Civ,C.) V O Lender's Name PLUMBING FEE U. enaeraAaaresa QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEB OW Icedlfythatl have madthle applicationand statethattheab°ve Information - (L Is correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and elate laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEESPAID: } @e relating to building construction,and hereby authorrepresntatives of this W H Z city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for mapeclon purpose. ALTERORADDTOMECH. Date Revel t# z (We)agree to save,Indemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cu pert no against liabilities,j-dgTefilltasquit and expre.which may In any way.¢rue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: a I IdCi enc oft anting at this permit /_ AIR HANDLING UNCI(OVER l0,000CIM) CONSTRUCTION TAX tfV 2 T Sigmture o(AppIcent/Contras Date IXl-IAISIHOOD(W/DI1C'U CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HA7ARDOU T occupant DISCLOSURE Will the defined lore future Cupertino gompanbtare hhand9.hazardous IiEATINC DMT(IO tOD,000 BI1n Date RCCCI t# material as Safety by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Satiety coder�Section 25532(x)7 BEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: ❑Yea LTJ No Wlll rent hamrd usaruo contaminants occupant by the or devices VENTTGTION FAN 6INGLE I(FSID) 1966L1/dP_&DATE which emit ham aNcontaminantsas defined by the Bay Area Air rfyliV Quality Management DlsMct7 BOILER-COMP ptB'OR 100,O(q BTU) 4 Ye, 4"° ,ION 2 41981 have mad the & nus mater,Se requirements 5533 and of � BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BM the Calift at lith buildinghe Safety Code,Sections 25505,ve a t and 25534. I understand poresithality to n tifythdoes of t emq.1moced.w which that it is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECIi. SQ.FT pnortoissuacenot ifytheiate of oftherequircmentawhich must be met Isl�aa wi ApeseN►r� prior to issuance ofaCectiflcate o(Ompancy. MV �r�YW4 Owner or authorized agent Date ISSUEDBY: oUv TOTAL: — OFFICE COPY �''