NO PERMIT NUMBERNo. Street APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Do to 196 ---L— to be occupied only as is hereby made for a permit to a Lot No. File No. Sanitary No. en/ Sfr. .L story, Type is' Zy in accordEnceah plot plan, plans and Specification filed herewith, Estimated Value of Improvements FEE$ &op. s 6 Owner @1112 `411 I Contr. I Phone Cl $ 7aais0Y Plan Check $ y Address. i Address 1C State License /Se'/!2 40je Approved AAAWA - '� G APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date e 196 1pFEE$ a //5— Contr. Address -;F.)J / ' ,�r/f / 4's' Phone State License VVILL1AM D. GENEVICH Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT_ Date j 196 G" GAS FEE $ s� //�� {/,�� PLUMBING] FEE $ C/ �t ' Contr. �1ln 1-1,,1- 1 /7 Q Address 034 Phone - fi /4 --a3at3 State License I V ws7� Approved WILLIAM n n .. ... _ APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date �w2 196 ` FEE$ //I' yy Contr. Address /-a?v 'z Phone - 1- % r'O Y J State License WILLIAM D. DENEVICH Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State -of California d RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS. FOUNDATION -/ 2 'd 11 BUILDING D / _ p In ec ib UNDERFLOOR C Dote Insp roi FRAME Date I ns pe LATH & PLASTER — Do _ In e FINAL Date Insoector ELECTRICAL RECEPTACLES FIXTURES H.P. CHARGE UNDERGROUND— ROUGH NDERGROUND_ROUGH WIRING i FINISH WIRING _ FIXTURES Motors FINAL SERVICE U Dae _r Dae " i°tom Da ek Data PLUMBING & GAS MAIN DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL STORM DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL for Inspector IrLs Inspector WATER SYSTEM SIZE TERIAL TYPE OF APPLIANCE TOTAL FIXTURES FEE UNDERGROUND REGISTERS p FIXTURE FEE PARTIAL ROUGH _2Y4 COMBUSTION VENT DaterP..ctt.-" MAIN DRAIN FEE MISC ROUGH COMPLETDat'STORM GAS RANGE MISC DRAIN FEE MAIN DRAIN 'YWATER PERMIT;91IE FLOOR FURNACE SYSTEM FEE GAS PI NGGAS PIPING FEE FINALDate PERMIT FEE MISC Date Inspector TOTAL FEE MISC vine mspecror APPLIANCE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE CIRCULATING HEATERS REGISTERS BLOWER FURNACES COMBUSTION VENT SUSPENDED UNIT, MISC GAS RANGE MISC GAS DRYER PERMIT;91IE FLOOR FURNACE JJ r TOTALIFEE INSPECTED teiz n.t. .lns Doctor ROUTE SLIP Filce No. Date Locationf��J/�J Subject Notes Approved / —/� CERTIFICATE- OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ..... 10� ... . .... t 2 ............ 19-4 ir Buildin 5))97 ........ Permit ........... Te Building Located at 3..V..4 ......... 4'.Z ................ Owned by------------- ................................................... Has Been (Completed) . mpleted) Yor Use As: .................................................................................. OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTINO ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE i...... ......... ....�.y.�_t..t_..............., I9p... You are hereby author'z d oEx.—&X� for Owner or Tenant ........F:....:...^ ... ............ ..:...:........ .... ....:. .-.-.._ .. .../........................ No. of Wires ..�........... Size of Wires Size of Switc 0 0.A.. -.. MotorLoad .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase .................................. Heating Load ........................ K. W . ................................... VoltaI ge ............................... Light ......./l IU..�;,1_1 Sen'icr.rHemnnect...............�. No. of Meters .....:............. No. of Add. Meters............ Heat-- ............ 220...E re... ?Tuve Service....._.... Power ............... ax ._. \fuve Metrpp...... l • - - - ,Y - ...................................................... ............ t '[L[CTa!CAL INSPECTOR GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTINO , ry 0 You are hereby authorized to conned the GAS service for, r Owner or. Teenant/. .......................:.............. 000 At _ New Service ......................... No. of Meters .. .............. Reconnect:............................ Move Service .........'..........': No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ...........: � ..............', PLUMBING INSPECTOR Bldg, Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO r -j- Sewer Connection Sanita ry Permit No. dumbing Final' Plumbing Permit No.rIx �- -------- ell Lot No. ---/Y ................... Owner or Tenant ---- ............................................... ........... At....................................7...---------- 7 Tract ---------- ................................................ Date Connected ............................ ?VA- .. 9 ...................................................... 19, .6 Date Final ------------------------- /V�?z�- ......................... . .............................. 194Y.... PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 12/66-1M Cupertino Sanitary • District Copy BUILDING INSP.ECTORIS, OFFICE CITY OF 'CUPERTINO Sewer Co nnection Sanitary Permit No..( ......................... ....... Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit ... ccl .... 'I Lot No....7-1 7 ............ Owner or Tenant ........ A2-4146k� - At -------- ---- - -- -e. Tract............................... Date Connected ------------- ------------ Date Final .............................. 111 7/63 -IM - ----------------------- U....................... ................................................. 19............ PLUMBING INSPECTOR;. Bldg. Dept ' Office copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE n. / CITY OF CUPERTINO Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. .�4.. ------ .C...... ❑ Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. %�t .... �(.�..... t 1 1 A, I / . Lot No......._I-7 ---------------- Owner or Tenant At---------o�),t. Tract ................... ---------------------- Date Connected ....................................... ... --- )........................... Date Final .. PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 7/63 -IM 19............ I�_ ELECTRIC' SERVICE' NOTICE, OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S .OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ...... .......... ... .... You are hereby Owner or Tenant --- At ......... 02 i No. of Wires .......... Motor Load ............ Heating Load .......... service for .................. ....... .................. ........ I ......................... .......... .... Si --- ) ............... Size of Switch ................... .... Voltage .... ..................... ..... Phase ................... .... K. W . .............. ............... ... Voltage .............. ............ `ht'�:::�� 110 ..... ...... New Service ........... Reconnect ..... ............ No. of Meters.... He L. No. of Add. 21 .. 1 r Wmv-n..'. y j Move Service .... Power.... Pdle ..... . ... ... move Meter .............. ELECTRICAL INSPE( .... ........... OR 6 1s% L � Zdl g ppp �. No.rsSGeet S i1 Lot No. n 1 1 r� �Ag$�.ICATI(itN FOR BUILDING PERMIT I F1U kc^City of Cupertino 6 ��// /n� Sanitary No. Date iithYYtTl�1f1 1� 1„ PgrmitNo. Type to be occupied only as Building in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan fiW herewith. PI Ck Fee / C:2 rcl �� Estimated Value of Improvements, $ �2v7 a no • Fee $ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be compll d with. Owner Addres By > Address .LO Phone -.2-19-.2- _ `�' ��� Approved Aft D- BENEVICIj State License Building Inspector