02030031L�; CITY UILDING DIVISIONN�PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 21346 RUMFORD DR 02030031 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE PATT STEVEN L ET AL 03/08/2002 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH Mwpyopy 1 1 r I L_1 I I a y ? LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I hereby affirm that t oro licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing S with Section 000)ofDivision3of(lie BusinoandProad"Jor.Cwe.and myrc- is in full force and effect. KITCHEN & 2 BATHR ILS REMODEL. �B iLL F./ L;tmu Cl 11 F INANE® 3 ; ARCHITECT'S DEC O AT N I undersand my plans shall be used as public records MAY 2 1 2003 Licensed Professional :p0 OWNEm to ?a monDERDECLARATION 1 hereby .mete that l oro exempt from the Contractor's License Low for the following reason. and Professions Core: Any city or county !� �ulLg @{ yt e F o ermdon]031.5,Business which requires a perms to consumer, alter, improve.demolish, or repot any nrvcmm -_T'N�'W` O O �3 $ _pnm l0 c4vl0rtq the ¢mem lfo smhparmr License - - ---- .-- -------- ------ .t SQ, pj�pI�tpr a r - f ,3L 04'1017 Ii.§ i }a\ Valuation licand iskina ow (C citheslttnsedpSe cot the pro, ttonsoftheCntmctoes ad Prlawon,Coe) (commencing (cote t vii 3 fthelcied vsaneibn. mtthen Wai the e An, iCade) of he Is exempt memfmm cold the nnsis for the d cildcar on. Any n _ - Sce -af Sectioam than it any undredi dollars(nt permit sunjenxthe nppliconuoa civil penahy object. th l va ly .f.an more than Fire hundred dollars (sSWh 'P .yam, lO�PN-P'�UN�DATION '""'' OCCU anC e P y ']P 111. as owner of the prope ty, or my employees with wvtcs as their sole compensation, will dathe workfand the structure is not intended or offered for 'ale '(See: 7W,- 'BnsmcWt nd Professions Code: The Connor's License Law does not apply to an -' - - 103 - UFER Required Inspections ow fp peay Who bores or inarmsesundoetim, and who doe ch work himself m through his ply provided that such improommals are not infrared - - .._..—.._...1 O 4-,-,- REBAR offeredr c I1'h' hetb lain i sola tn' -- _L. 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS `''P' 'k' VI completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of provng that head not Wild or improve for omp°"oral`). 106 - SEWER & WATER t ---- - --- — -- .._.._....._ ...- ueenred oenwnotsto 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING ±ci-.::':c:.'i - - "''" emeinthepj., (Seenyam Business and Profession., conswd the pmjcct (Sec. ]044, owners and Professions Cade:) The improves does not applymanown« of thereon, who bana.arimpm.es.m.th : L_r 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL ' and-weow and --who thponary coUccuro a h Pr 1 ts.with o wnor(s).hcensed-purtuunt.+o the Canuacmrs Uccn .___. _ _ __._ ._ 2 0'4 "- "UNDERFLOOR" FRAME ' Clamesempt under Sec. t' I.,B&PCfor this reason '..a....L.. ''; 205 - UNDERFLOOR'' INSULATION owner`',•].' 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑"',i 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER hereby affirm sneer nae f ae otphe fouowin declarations: Yp` yo ,tny6 g 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL C I have sad will maintain a'Cenificma bi &msedi'm'sef-insure for worker's 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL .. , Compensation, as. provided for by -Section 37W or the Labor Code. for the m perforance ohne work for which this Permit is issued. 305 - FRAME - C I have and will maintain Woikers Compensation''Iniumnce,-aS rcgliited by Section 306 - HOLDOWNS ' _ I, 37W of the Labor CWt,, for the performance of the workfor which this permit is ax des ..c-ci erhndPolyd mbcra 307 INSULATION t ^^y Glc xI;C'mpensattnIt / nc4 sea a, G;pa1 y N." stA .- 3'0 8'''r ) WOR t l cr TK FJCATIONOFEXEMPfI PRQMWORKERSI 1DA;�e 4" X130`9°' ''EXTERIOR•LATH' _COMPENSATION INSURANCE` ' -- 31O,t ". `INTERIOR LATH �. ; C'k; 1. -I it ;i 0� hundred donut. "(lids Benton Bead not be eompleiw if me pent) is fm oneun (SIM] nes..(„ ... ,.•_ - 311 - SCRATCH COAT . "I nfY that in the pfS to (thew kr n'<b n Pem,t' is 3'13 ---ROOF NAIL—--- 1 ., t.jI� - -.--^ .hen not endilpd6y'any 'Period y mander so as to becoamsubjecttotheWokers 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL' ENERGY Compcovation Laws of C bf D it _ _ -:Apel c t- -.dno - '.. .'502'---' F-I'NAL -PLUMBING ENERGY---- - - Z nO C o you u mind NODCE TO AP Lhe Wms If oft making N o si T s o [of He Labor beco b)«notht ions set od you must fouhwnhcomply L - . 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL-"LNERGY sichprC thiscancul with oucherovstonaor th+s perms she. be deemed remked' 504----FINAL-...BUILDING_.ENERGY—.-..-.. ...._...-. i CONSTRUCTION LENpINC ACFNCY 11 crchy nffnn thank o co s in lend 6 6 CY f the perfnrmanc 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL., n 0 permitd si ..LendI'arkm -kali this rml`te e.yga(sen 3W] ov e) •._ Leaden Name- a ranedrc 506 --„ GAS _TEST__ 507 - FINAL PLUMBING leanfytha11ha1. Ve read this application and state land the above tofnionationls 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL t, correci.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and stale laws relating to building cm ouurtion, and heraby amhoriie'm represemmiv<s'of this city enter upon 509 - FINAL GRADE -W , L theaboemear.peny far inspection prop. es„ (W) agree no as e' ndemnify end keep hannl s +he Cdy of Cupenmo ata nxt SIO —'FINAL PLANNING V]' Imb I t e; Iudgm ms, cost d expenses which may in any ey mins said 514 - F INA P C WORKS 1 Z Cny m sequence of th gn ung of lhispennn ' - APPLICANTU Eke AND f PLY w'ITH ALL NONPO Sf unc Rp Issued by: Date O �Ajfftrm Ap icandC ntraciro! ^ i) a Re-rOOfS '-` HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE ;, Will the applicant o Tum bo Id np «dopant store or handle haxasdoos material _'type of ROOF. .._ __. ....�..._ .c. ._. ... _. .1 adef W by the Npen vo Munw put Cad CIts prat 9 l i a d th H I+h and Safety Code; ,1.. 2553.W ;- t t' t '.� ! .i .12,. ... 1 1 IT °Vci' t _-All-roofs shall-be,ins ected nor to an roorm material being installed. 1,1 N'illtneepplie tritium building«cupatnuse equip mentordevices which If a roof is installed'without first obtaining an inspecticoA agree,to remove ems haveNo r cam t vi defined byline Bay Are. A Q Y ty M..... stem( Diana new materials for inspection Applicant_ understands and will cornply_with °v h ,'” .; r " • .all all non=poinCsouce regulations - ' ' 1 hive.rted'lhe hazardous maicrinls ¢gmremnns under Chapter 6.95 of the Cabfomie Health & safety Code, Scctiotn 25505:25533 and 25534. 1 understand list -if building does not cumene se a that it is to responsibility lolimiel the "" __N , —" '-- - en t,a p Q _ anL (B CtnlflCata Of urine a rem met nm m ia� f Pct rice nc .., 177 1 Signature of Applicant Date -'- All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better a eeatent :.' '•' ' '; ' ' ..; t;;, Date, ; L�;