S 1575OZ WF Z U as NZ F� �U 0 oz {Ice a � UOV. _ C) U U APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING -ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONMERMIT PI-UNUIING-MECHANICAL. BUILDING 1'Rt11FlCr IDEMI'IF'ICATIDY PF'�°°"°� 1575 NUILDI ADUHI!55.. (-/ ?///'Ci e 'e SAN1'TAHY NU. API'LIC61'ION SUBMITIAI. DATE `�—�-q _4,Y /N01-, R / ) 1 +�S1/ I�j 46,0 /`� Cr A `+5/NA ,: .`L.� ��YI%�J �1 y� T NIC ❑ CONTHOLp ARCHITECDENGINEER: LIC NO: A4, ?1 ir YtlJ1 ��- ^ `• S ria IIA I/�� t y /Tri `"�O�%'I It�VFZ �} - ( sfj'Q A/l I 010 �i•-h\u P� M �. fsl —L FSGG ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) 13LIILDINC I'CRMI'1' INFO BLDG ELEC I' PLUMB MEUH ❑ C� ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACfO 'S ECLARATION I hereby arum that I and licensed under pawlsfns of Chapmr 9 ¢nmmweing with Scction7(XXpof l�'I{ lot , Sol the Hu.incvsnnd Pllicenens Gxl• and my license is in full force anA effcu. ,s�h (f L� crn��.S.. v ll.... V Lin M -./ r��•- � Uatey Cmm.t ��^/�""'-"- r �— QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RBSIDP.NTIAL• I ❑ SPDWI. ❑ PLUM IiN III: EGULL PIPE [-]ADDITION ❑PLUMHIURAI IPE ❑MULTI -UNIT ❑MODWIATIh CHIMNEY REPAIR El INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY RIiPAIR IMPROVI!MENT DSWIMMING POOLS ENNUI REMODELIREPAIR ❑DEMOLITION ❑OTHER PI!I1MI'I' ISSUANCEKI APPLIANCES-RESIDIiNT1AL ARCHIH!LTS DECLARATION I undemmnJ my plans shall be used as public«cools PANELS Oil T02fg1AMPS LiccnsW Profcsaionnl OWNEmarc1.DER DEC, C....lRNI'ION o Iia the 1 hereby offend o nl I I.S.mcntpl (sant Ihn Canuacrnoc : Anyc city de soli Cndr. Any city ns county which its issrapermit recnre%the alsoimprove,such permit t or repair anytrucamm�T/ wh ch re reason (Section ID31 Ituaincns and improve, prior Iicusedp,aluanttso o ms the for ContranninLicensle ae aw(Cned hmmm�t 9 thathe is Iii.,, it pursuant m the provisions 3 me Commoues and Proe Law , Code) (cat be isienuithrenion9W0) of DiviainIt, he lluainesspton. Ad ilknionof that ha is 31.5 b tanyop li and the baafx it rbc alleged exemption. Any oinbninit nl Section 91UI S by any nppllwm It,,;, Immtit suniecm hm upplleum a+a civil penuby of nl mom than live hundred dollars ($50p, i]hmnwncr of thepropcny, ormyemployeeswishwagesa+heir salemmpenamioa will do the work, and the swemre is not intended or offered forsaly (Sec. 71X4, Business and Professions Code: The Cnmractor'% License Law d+ra not apply to to owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own empluyces, pco,o ed that such improvements rte notintended or a1IaaY1 for salcIf, howevei, the building orlmprnvmnem is sold within nuc ywrof con.pletiou,the nal -builder will hove the burden of proving that he Jia n I build or improve ❑ , pur- po", ofsan'). I] 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed mount in to construct the Tolliver (Sec. 7044,Business and Professions Code:) The Conductors Li moveLawdoes not apply a+ an owner of pmpeny who hulhb or improves thereon, and who contracts for such pori with a contmnor(s) licensed pursuant to the Conoucmr'x License Law. ] 1 am exempt under Site .B& P C for this reason 201-100AMPS OVER 000AMPS SIGNS ELELTRICAI. 51'IiCIALCIRCUIT/MISE. -of I - - TEM it MET ER OR IK)LE(NST. COMMERCIAL: El NEW Ii1.DG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION ] TENANT Q FOOD SERVICE TIiM13NT HER CI OTHER POWER DEVICH SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OU ILETS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES NEW RESIDENTIAL ELIiCTR SQ I'1'. SQ, PF. I71.00R AREA SISQ.171 't 'AL: - QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE -DRAIN & VTNp- WATER (PA) Owner priorALTER VALUATION WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: E] I have and will mvinnin nCenlficme of Comenun aelhlnsure for Worker's Compw- .'tion, as pmvi icd for by Site no 3711(1 (it tile Labor Cndc, for the "'fin ounce, of the µor which thin puncta is i asund. [iYl have and will maintain Wnrkcr's Cnmperunlinn Irrsnnmre. av occurred by Section 37Wofthelaair Code,frthc •dimnancc of the wr,rk forwhich thin audit islsau.J. p My Wit2 _ Q, ds Cr u t n lose mtt carrier and Policy '51q11 Camec hG /L6 Policy Nn. (J CERTIFICATE OIr EXEMPGON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (IYtia.vnuicn "am nal be ounlem!ifine penult is Boone bundral Jul em is 1 O nr less) I certify that in the perfoddance of the work forwhich this permit is issued, l shall become subject , the W'ori Compos- not employ any perver in any noncar so as m a .anon Ldwx of California. Dam HACK FLOW PITCH ECT DTVICE DRAINS -FLOOR POR AREA, CONK ti'f0RIB3 'PTFE CONS'fRGCI'ION ^^ 1+1XTURHS "RAP InY GAS -EA. .TEA UTLIi'S GAS -CA. YS .M VER) s OCC. GROUP D ANN GREASHil ,'a -I ERCEPD) ID N) BUILDING DIVISION PEES ,". 6107ASETRAP DIY yr PLANCHHCK PTE SEWER - SANITARY -S'1OR A. PI', ENERGY 14,4E WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECIH GRADING PE FEE NGTIC1310 APPLICANT Rafter making this Cutilicare of Exemption, you should becume.vubird In the Worker's Compensation pmv'ninm Ido, Labe, Code, y,,u rmad fonhwithanutply with such pmvisiune in thio permit ehnll budermed revoked, CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY (hereby nffinn that there ixanmcwnion lending agency fonhe perfom,ance of the work for which this pormir is issued (See. 3097, Civ, C.) Lender's Name WATER SYSTEM/rlil!A'1'ING SOILST TI! WATER SERVICE PAID D Rcccipt« NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIL SQ. PC 'IOI'AL: 'TOTAL: landed, Address BUILDING Il1. 1 amity mal 1 race mad mice application and orae (hal the above Information is trent agrccm comply wdh all city odd coumy color e,i dandcluwsrclmingm building cmntmcoon, and bemby anbnriae mptesenavives of this city to emu upon the above-mentioned pmpeny for inN codon purposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep handless the City of Cuper inn against lmutinies. judgmmids.wsm and expertise, which may in any way accrue vguidst said Ciry umxeyuunm of the gusting nOhiv permit. APPLICANT ' UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOURCE REGULATIONS. - - QTY. MECHANICALPERMIT EHr SEISMIC]. .' FIRM IT ISSUANCE ACfER OR ADD1'1) M 17C1 I. El. C TE PLUMBING TP, AIR HANDLING UNIT (10 IIh000CFM1 NIECI IAN ICA . FEE AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of ApplicanVContrannr Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicmror forum hurdling occupant store indicate limardnu.vmmeriul r, defined by the Cupcnine Municipal Once, Chupmr 9.12, mW the Health i I tinlny Code. Section 255320)'1 L] Yes C1 No Will the app onta or forum building occupant use e,, Air Qu nr Nbar whish amid hazardous sir contaminants its defined by the Huy Arca Air Quality btanugemmar DistneR E] ye, ]Nu I have readmit loommiva ntatuials mquimmeno under Chapter 6.95 of the Cali- form. Health & Safety Code, Smrians 25505, 25533 and 255311 understand that if the building does act currently have a tenant, that it in my resrymsibilidy m notify the overpaid of rhe rcyuimttxmu which most M met 'nom issuance of a Cenificme of Occupaney. EXHAUSTHOOD(W/UUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION FEE HEATING ON] T('1011(1,1100 BTU) 1 BEAT ING UNIT (OVI!R 100,000 BTU) PAID Date Romps x TOIAC: VTMTILATION PAN SINGLE RESH)) BOILER -COMP (3111' OR I00,000 BTU) BOILER - COME (OVER 100,000 BU IJI AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE ll " L r � ISSUED IIT: �O/xr NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH, SQ. IT. 'PO'I'ALt Owns nr nwhor"alla"m Use OFFICE