S 1330APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY « CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONIPERMIT PLUMBING. MECHANICAL PE IT NO. � 13 3 0 BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION BUILDING ADDRESS : - SANITARY NO APPLICATION Sum TEAL DATE ~ OWNERS NAME: PHONE: CONTRACT OR'S NAME: LIC NO, NIC ❑ CONTROL # SS - ARCHITF.CT/F.NGINEFIC LIC NO: ADDRESS'. -0 7 PHONE. BUILDING PERMIT INFO ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) BLDG ELEGYPLUMB MECH TICHNSCD CON'FRACI'OR'S DECLARATIONQTY amrm that 1 am Becnsed ander prnviciane ofehaptor 9 (eammeneing FidlSebtand Pudessions Code, mainly l ocatory effect. LichpPP1,lANCES-RESIDEN'T'IAL Contractor ARCHI'I'ECI"S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall he d useus public rewsms /N«YAY& b IAZ -ELEC'I'121CPERMfI' FEEny Z9W0)ofLumsion3oflheBusiness 14 �UUs W 'Doo 4 � 7Z �W S~y`2OWNER-BUILDER iAT0 0.� Q p U y a LL y 'A; 'ly pr JOB DESCRIPTION RPSIDFNTIAI;and ❑SFDWL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBING RF-PIPE ❑MULTI-UNIT El STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION O INTERIOR 0 CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT E] SWIMMING POOLS F1r BATH REMODEUREPAIR 0 DEMOLITION ❑OTHER �J y" PERMIT ISSUANCEW� PANELS UP TO 200 AMPS Liansul Pndcsvonnl DECLARION I much, affirm that I nm cxcmpt from the Contractor's Licensc Law f the following reason. (Section 70315, Business and Prear, sioms Code: An t t which requires t m unnstntet: alcor, Int p oi city ucco y quires a permi prove, Aemolish, or re air un wcfum 1i In it,': ce, also capture,tire oo,li'ardis,, "'ol"orno,f fif, o6gard ttetem did he licensed pursa the brovisinuoul he Contractors License'L (Chapter9 201-1000AMPS OVER 1000AMPS SIGNS 6LBC, RICAL SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC FL, ME ME I' ER OR POLE INS MPR IAL' (courancima, w ith Section Toro fDivieon3of the Business and ln5fcss itis Gdepn L q y k Y. ul^rn F IL N (.. that he is cxcmpt IhercGmn ;cod the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 9031.5 by any applicant race permitsobjectx the applicant Section penalty ul' to not more mvn Eve M1undrcd Dollars ($SOU). ❑ Lathework, ndthestractormyemployeacwithwacd fir h (Sec. coU,B lines, will Bothe work, mad the rot NEW HLUG/ADDITION 0 OHMOUTION ❑TENANT ❑FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT' El OTHER POWER DEV ICES SWIMMING POOL ELLC'1'RIC W0. not apply m if owner of he Contractor's Licerd, Law down apply,, an of and PnsPoshiob Colic improves Co s then' L rid w Luo s such pro,cally who builds or thereat, end who docs such work hlmsclf or through OUTLETS-SWITGIII?5-FIX 'C own his awn ew sided tho not iatmWN or altered for provided that such held cname NSW RESIIIF,NTIAI. F.LP.CTR SQ. FT. FLO RA EA 5/SQ. FT, tan,o ver, the the lthat lid noneyeafof wreve owner-budder ill have Havimpmvemenl r-builder will have the hurtlen of proving that he did not bdJd or Impmvc for poo- he for poseofrale.). ��� Oq E]1 f theproperty, exclusivelycontracting with licensed nl I to TOTAL. �j v �,9 controlthe protect (See, 0044 loursicessandPf Csd)lhContractor :f sen g Laos due, net r,,Y to goosocir olpDo,erl, hit buildsorna,usti, theme, d ' QTY PLUMBING PERMIT FEE,.y( wh t of vachp,ceswthu out t,rcaleensed pt v'muo the Cont-dors —.,- �111��a PERMIT ISSUANCE' ` Lecnec Lu ❑Ian em tund� c ,B&PC fe Ow Dm is rce t W RKER:S IIMPEN: DE ARATI _ - AI;FER-DRAIN & VENT- WA'III (BA) VALUATION 6 ,. � BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE Ihemby thinunderpenaltyofpr,my namof the followingdeclarations: � "JU�❑ TRAINS-FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND. Ihaveand will mmmmOtaCerti6caenf Cnnsemmvalf-insurefor Workers Cnnipen- sation, as provided far by Section 3900 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the 'TORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION work for which thus permit is Issued. FIXTURES-PER TRAP 0 1 have and will maintain Worker's Gimpewatlon Insurmce, as retained by Section Tryst of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which thispermit is issued. My Worker',s CarKinsetwn Insurance currier and Palmy nmaber ere. Carrier: Po] icy So: GAS -EA. SYSTEM-I INC.! ETS OCC, GROUP APN GAS -EA.SYS TEM-OVER4(EA) AVN CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Phis scctianneed gat hcenntplemd INtupermit is fneunehondred della, ($100) or less) GREASIVINDUSTRL WASTE INTF,RCF,PTOR RULED 1 'DIVISION Pg,$, r GREASE TRAP PLANCHECK FEE LA V SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA. 200 IF C z % I certify that in the perfortnunce of Ilia work far which this pennh is issued, l shell not employ ary,coon in any manner ser es to become sobjea m the Workers' Conryen- true. Laweof Califuniu. Use Applicant ENERGY WATER I HEATER WNENTIELECIit GRA OfEE r.y h W NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after nmong This Certificate of P,senpllon, yon should bean.. cafjectw the Workers Compensation provisions of the Labor Cuda, you oast fotlhwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be Jcemcd revakoJ. WATER SYSTEM/TREATING WATER SERVICE SOILS - Q Uz C.) C W CONS9'RUGTION LENDING AOENCY Thereby affirm that lhereisaconstmction lending agency for the performmceof the work l'or which thin pcnnit ieisaucd (Sm:.3119), Civ. C.) PAID Date Receipt# NHW I<HSIDLNI'IAL PLMB. SQ.IW. ' IF C) Leaders, N 'IDEAL: OTAL: Leader', Address U W BUILDI ,FEE 1 certifythat lhave mad this application and state that the above inforreationis MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE to U � cam. t l agree in I IY with all city and county ordinances andot Iaw% relfiraig toQ7 Lr upon lM1e buildingconstruction. and hereby authorize o[n-n�tye nn SEISMIC FEE V PERMIT ISSUANCE ELECTRIC PE above-menioned property lonnspection pom,i (We) agree to save, indetnday and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against ALTEI2012 ADIJ'ID MECH. PLUMBING FEE Iizbilitme.judgmen6,c... orad espemes which mayartay wuyuccrue aga cel said City onnequence of the granting of this permit, AIIt HANDLING UNIT CTO 10,000 CPM) - APPLIC UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT STURP GU,ATIO X - MECHANICAL FEE AIR HANDLING UNI 'C(OVER 10,000 CPM) CONSTRUCTION Te �l Slgnaum of ApptunlCc.hmcwr Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) HOUSING MITIGATION P. HEATING UNIT HO 100,0011 BTU) Will the applicant or future building anapvm store or handle hazardous matrrial to defined by the Cupertino Municipal Gme, Chapter 9. 12, and the Hedur and Safety HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,0011 BTU) PAID Date Receipt# Code, Section 25532nd? ❑Yee %No Will the appliamt or future buildingocapam rose eyripmemor desire, which mit heramoue m Air Quality Manageen air conmiaanls ac defined by the Bay Ama m t District, E] Yes 5(N. VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RPSID) - , BOILERCOMP(3IIP OR IOo000 IF[ Of TOTAI BOILER - COMP (OVER 100,003 BTU) AIR CON DI'I'ION HR I have read the hazardous mamritJs mquirements under Chapter 6, 95 of the Cali- ISSUANCE DATE NEW RESIDENTIAL MSCII. SQ. Pf., htmiagdoesHealth &Safety Code, Sections 25505, it May end 2. itch to mad, ad thatifthe frunce tha;d the building does not currct tions 2 505, May anpoaeibl4. 1 understand of gatrenents a prior witoon"sofa Cetilic to of Oce rc� f- use ISSUED RY' UWVf OV anthill at Dam TOTAL: OFFICE