S 1143APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL � CITY ON CUPRRTINO BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PEN ONLY MECHANICAL. 1143 OFFICE 1`1~ bOre I1'Igr/e 1-I4 1l .. O 1' NA0, I po.i 6• 44 IWNE d I�f[4ti�AA]I:: ^�LIC�o rym I.i� T • NIC ❑ CON'GUILa ARCIIITECf/ENGINEER: LIC O: @Ss:F0,44t ` /' �L. �. q r,L3 �NTACT g/ PHONE: / �� N'+hAfh gZ.1��LZJ ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) BUILDING PHRMIT INFO BLDG eLecr rl.umu E ❑ pay I OUO yaw F D m zonz LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of chapter 9 (commencing �iJ� 7 Care. in ini fall fi�ltisnd effe,Ci`,13Oo[the Lesiness andh�ndcvi C:xle. undm tleenmia Dam—���Comrednr ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my Plans that 6e uxedts Public records QTY. HLECFRIC PERMIT FEE JOB DESCRI ION RESIDENTIAL ❑ SIDE ❑KI'I'CIICN RF.MODIeI. ❑ADDITION ❑I'LUMNING RGPIPE ❑ MULTI -UNIT ❑ STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONOZ—Q ❑INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT SWIMMING POOLS iNttAL nl'PLIANCrUA RESIDENTIAL I'ANI!IS UPT02IXl AMPS Licensed Professional 2111-INX)AMI'S 966'' Q JLy w U OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby from that I am exempt from the Com urinous License Law for the following masa.. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Cold Any city no county ❑BATH RF.MOUEIJRF.PAIR DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER OVIiµ HXXIAMPg SIGNS ELECTRICAL F�Oyr3 y C d£ w o C W m F Z i SI W W which requires a Permit to construct, alter, improve, Mmolish, or repair any structure prior m its issuance. also requires the applicant lmsuch perminn filo a signed statement that ho is llecnsei pmmnd to the,reeki esof life Contractor's license Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Saninn 7000) of Ui me.3Ill' Om ipomeas and Packs....... Codc)or ❑uu he ix exempt Ihciefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects tha applicunl to a civil penalty of not marc than five hundred dollars(3500). OLasill he owner k. the pmpeactur myemntended withwages rstheir soleale(Sec. compensation, Business will ProfesionsCde: not Licensnrnllined wdosnol apply to and Professions ha Code: The Containers License Is Idesstnsnmapplytolf owner of his o ny who build, or improves thereon, ass who rasa mph work himself ff through his own employees.flue provides that such mentis seed thin not intended or offered far sale. IL however, the huilJing orimprovemem is sold within one year of n:mpinion, the SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. TEMP. Mh I'Elt OR POLE INS'('. COMMERCIAL; EINEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOIXI ION ❑TENANT ❑FOOD513RVICIi IMI'HOVF.MENT []OTHER POWER DEVICES SWIMMING Iv)OLBLECTNIC ODTLLTfS-SWI'(C111i5-PoXTUN NEW NISIUIiNT1Ah ELEGfR SQ. 17. FLOOR ARCA USQ. FT. ser -builder will have the bufden of proving that he did not build or improve for put - qac If salcJ. ❑ 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors m T L: i- construct the protect (Sec 0044, Business and Professions Cadc:) the Contractors Li- initiatives thereon,and c se,Law does not apply to an owner of property who hudds or innpro came, whit contracts for. such prolene with a comr:acmgel licensed parsuaut to the province. MI QTY. PLUMBINGPERT PAI PERMIT ISSUANCE License Law. Ll 1 am exempt under Sec. . 116 P C for this reason D ),. Owner Date ALI'E IR - DRAIN 6 VBN'I'-WATER (EA)N I Ilys'I'IQN 1 BACK FLOW PI GI'ECT. DEVICE WORKER'S COMPENSATION DIiCLARA'I'ION herchy land under penalty of penury one of the following declarations: A D C� (huve and will maintain aCertificamof Consenl lneelf-inmrefor Wodcr's Compen- come, as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Care, for the performance of the work for which this permit i. issued. DRAINS- FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, GOND.STONI ,g Uf-L/) TYPE CONSTRUCTION IOU FIXTURE4 - ITER TRAP ❑ 1 have and will maintain Walkers Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the lao,C,Ctjd�e4.for the performanre o(thc work( M1this pcmhit is issued My ''iY Carrier:re?JC:^ V ace came volley NiY OCC. GROUP MIN GAS - I SA. SYSTEM. I INC. 4 OUTLETS GAS- EA. SYSTEM OVER 4 TA) GRI!ASI%INUUS'1'NI. WASTE INTERCEPTOR CGRTIFIC OE EXEMPTION PROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE BUILDING DIVISION FI!ILq (T his section need not be completed if the permit is Lu mm hundred dollars(S1 W) tor Iwa.l GREASE TRAP I'LANCHECK ITS. I certify that in thepentormance nfthm work for which ild,unnd is issued.(shall nm wnPlny any parson in any manner sit us m hoconm antlers m the Workers' Comped- SEWER-SANT"fARY-STORM EA. 200 FI. ENERGYFEE WATER HIHNI'UR W/VENT/HICCTR ZAppl .Zs ti a 7 � Z LJ P. Fh V z cation laws of Califomin. Dnto lent, t GRADING PEE NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Cen t earn n1Elmaidien, you humid become subject ,o the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Calc, you must forthwith comply with such .... ione, or this permen lu ll he deentedoe,oked. CONSTRUCTION LENDINGAGENCY rwhich nnthat thereis.ad(Sedionle, Cis, agency limhePerformance of I far the work fur which this permit is issued (Sec. 3fY97. Civ. CJ lender's Name WAHi, SYS'I'HM/fIt BATING WATER SERVICE SOILS FEE PAID Date Receipt X NEW RISIDIiMIAL YLMB, gQ. Ff" A. 10 1.: L.endeex AdArees TOTAL: BUILDING FEE 1 cenify that 1 have read this application and state that the above information is correct. l agree to comply with all city and comfy onllnances and state laws relating to huildinglaentraction, and hereby authorize mpesentativex ofthis city menverugm the QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT EVE SEISMIC FEE PHRMIT ISSUANCE I I.ECfR1 ohne-mentioned Property for impaction parne'es. IW ng ce m xnse, indemnify and keep hurmles.. the City of Cupertino against liahllitie J. mnte, costs and expenses which may in anyway aceme ugairderid City in con yup cnf 0c gen' ofthis per 't. the ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. PLUMBING PEE AIN HANDLING UN if (TO I(1,(IfX) CFM) MECIIANICAI. ' APP( ;A f UN DS N ILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT SOI Cl BUD] I AIRIiANDLINGUNI'I'(OVER I0,000CFM) CONSTRUCT L TAX _/I � G 6 ` EXHAUST ]JULD (W/DUCT) HOI151NC Nr IGATION PBG Signature nl ApplicenOCon ne r Dam HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNI I'fro 1 00.0(i B' I' Of Will the applicant or future building occupant. store or handle humorous material u defined by the Cupenina Municipal Cale, Chapmr 9.12, end the Health and Safety Code. Section 25532nd?—/ ❑Yes IMfN'O Wil I dth, applicant orfumre building by lementme ., Air. Qu urdeviceswhich emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Hoy Amo Air Quality Management Di... cll/ ❑ Yee VTR PAID Date Benet"g HEATING UNIT (OVER BX).0X) BTU) VEs1HLA'I'[ON PAN (SINGLE RESID) BOILER-COMP(3HPOR 100,000BTU) 'fOTAI : BOILER-COMP(OVER 1,00OBTU) AIR CONDI'IIONIiR - el nd lite holadous mmennLs is under Cha lief 6.95of the Cali- requirenw I'O'S'. ISS DATIi NEW RESIDENTIAL M17 U. SQ. ET name e 11 I,b Sufuy Cn�Ip, Sections 305, 2.5.539 and 25534, 1 mrerstand that if the huilJin An (n Iy �nve Whot it is myrC ponnibility In nmify theoecupam of lib 'v rcmt h fj nusta et priori isnuuntt ol'u Ccn7act �nc TOTAL: ISSUED BY: Ow cr nr uuthnrireJ agent Date OFFICE