47713 1128 Rollingdell Ct Building Permit Confirmed 1/ ,Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE L_��_-� b BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMITk-43 IZ`l �] a Date- ,Srpp.i..../;3-----------------.. 19.7 Permit No. �. ' `� �.................... The undersigned hereb ekes ap licef'pn t he Ewt i el I }or of the City of San Jose fore permit to ins }all el cfr' H n r7d'�(�jrd� fio reverse side. Exemption from requi amen r Sfate o Ca i orni. for Contractor's of is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner El statement til d Undersigned attests that his State of Califi a l) is in full force and affect and properly authoores }his pp c ion. San Jose City Business License # �7— 9 I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER i C D�OLrLD/�.ilfiVT ADDRESS ��a� �OLGic)� 4ELL �T'• USE OF BUILDING 5/O G �9/U/L L/ Atr�P / t itiJG FIRM Pyr ��� F f SIGNED 2 0-201n 1128 Rollingdell ct P&B ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING New Old Outlets 19 Panels, Cabinets _Size Service ConduitCr Switches _ Switchboards Size Service Wires Receptacles Panelboards Size Service Switch 160, _ Fixtures — �9 Festoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Mercury Lamps Dryers .' KW Size Sub Feed Wires / 6 Ranges�— KW Heaters KW_�Z._Number of Circuits _ Signs Transformers MotorsNumber of Meters Mi Era.c s ere Loads P Phase Am Lighting Power Miscellaneous Rough Inspection By._YNI vN�� Final Inspection B Remarks: iO— S— - ]_. �p�1 Lbw