01070140 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION:. BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 20040 RODRIGUES # 11E WALDRON CONSTRUCTION COM ANY01070140 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE LAKE BILTMORE APARTMENTS. 73 HERBERT LANE 07/27/2001 PHONE: ... _ _.._ SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 377-8186 pQ ARCHITECTBNGINEER: - BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH I _7J I� LJ 2 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION - z rJ y - -I hemb f(sm,Mt l am licensed under p g Job Description �i_� - y o provisions Professions Cha art and mmencin a,se tui,nfin ll force effect.DivisionJnf,hc business and Pmresaions Cme,and my license INTERIOR RENOVATION: �ex6 License Class and erten LIC.g (REMODELED .KITCHEN & BATH, NEW WASHER/DRY n°a°y °ate °'""'°'°' WALL A/C, FLOOR COVERING. ) ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION IJ 1 understand my plans shall W used as public records be p'O Licensed Profes,mal - _ - - OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION N��—'o, 1 hereby affirm tan,1 in esempt farm the Contractor's License Low for the following reosoa(Section 70315,Business and Professions Cade:Any city or county. Z D which requires it permit to consouct,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any stricture 63 _prim to itsalso araires the applicant fsuch Permit o file a signed statement. - - - m to I Ip ,t m pna,ofu c t t L Law Charter 9 r S,y. Ft. F1oorArea ( [� y.�JDation (commencing 0S i 7000)of Division 3 fthe Bush and Pwfiess'oa Code) J ) :, , , oA. ,, '_, -,, . fA`. $346ed o mut he v enip(mercfr m,and the nark far the al legea exemption.Any violation ' -ofon more th n iv anydreddollar, ollfornpeon rmlecs,rre opPlicvm,oacivil penin, Y 368 � P Y YP 1°fnm.more man rive hundred dnl�un'15.500L m I;r?�[:�. �` Occupancy Type 01 of the properly.OF my empty 'th w ages as their sale compensation, will do the work,and the e:Tstructure a t ,eLaw r e sale(Sec. to at,' 101 - FOUNDAT IlDAuired Inspections Business n0 Profess Code:The Cot , r.intended const t do nm apply t ' own f property Who holds or improve,. h a -d_h J h ' nnIor orthrough hiownempl employee,p dedm, himprovements not week - 102 - _PIERS.orr lei I If. o n avng p i la min no yearf 103 _- UFER. F ^ jtx � - f� 'coinpletion.the er huIJ ll haveth burden f prewingthat hdid notbuild !roputwef pP .=orxmel 104 - REBAR ! 7' I s rre nh p perry m<xdx ly w Ing ml sed n .t t-- . 1.05., .- ..AN�'HOR BOLTS' co t the j t(S 7BW B License Lodoes o,apply to ano Business non Cwud PG=s th � : 106 - SEWER & WATER (` `' ' - t o - : .-.aha who.tom a .f such Pro,e t .Ulm a c t t rtsl 1 m.p rk°ant m the _._._ .. 2.02.___._ UNDERFLOOR-PLUMBING -' C ntracml seta El]am t �. ; . . ' B�Pcr�mis _ 203 - UNDERFLOOR"MECHANICAL f� .. 7-v?D'—OC. 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME ,ATION DECLARATIONG;AtiJ _ 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION hereby aly. d x Ity fpe, rr6ripLm followingdedam,mn:.- 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING .� o'1 have m wul mdiinnfin a eerlihroexa of Canwrit t' kelr nxurc for workers 3 02 - TUB & OR SHOWER Continental-u-provided fair by'S , 3700-of the 9abor Cods, for the _ - p f Whewk far whitenaffs chml 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ' r ❑Inn: ugwill tilainianiwniker,congWimaioalndruneEaseeqpiiredby,Se<rion 304 - 'ROUGH ELECTRICAL c c 37W of 4he Lahr Code,for the,performance or the wofk'for which this permit is 3 O S - FRAME Carter, .0 Compensation Insurancee ndPl,ynumM ro is e Y Ph =rN - 3061....;'HOLDOWNS 1 ' -CERTIIICATIONOFEXEMMONFROMWORKERS-i, -' r '- 3O7 +' INSULATIONt- + «I no tie c,NSAcuJNf mcVRnN,tsfrane hundrcdd -308�-=n-SHEETROCK_._.. _t -_. ,.. CE R't •• allan l+1' 4 ITfi-s t Ic Yf'm, theIi', c Ith w kfr hthth 't TH I Islwl 1 I 309 EXTERIOR LA h , Y �- 310,-'•-"�I'NTERIOR�-LA TH r ih II s npWy'uny M n Y a to come b ct t the W kere I 311 SCRATCH BOAT rp tom onsnhnn Iyws, fC red U!ie - :__:. _ :_- .:.. ..._.._. __...3.13....- -ROOF -NAIL.-.-.-. ------ NOIICE TOAPPIICANIII Ifr,rktgth Cn'fica (Exempt y s Z be deep [lie W k c p p nl un cda y should 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL's ENERGY O )annw,d,=on,plywith sa=hpmvknnIo deemed -._.. 502...----F.I NAL....,PLUMBING._ENERGY ,._..__.. vi "CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL r- t - ' - ENERGY­" union that them is a onwt tdg Y rthPeroince ewIkn nhis a issued Set.3o97csc) Lender's Nam _ 504 FINAL BUILDING ENERGY LendersNess505_'__- FINAL ELECTRICAL O506 - GAS TEST1ccntf thmlheve reed Niroppl a and d,the bo information i fy"E. Io t I grc to comply with II c,Yed county ordinances d statelung 507 - FINAL PLUMBING QeO 1.building emstruelon oral herchy amn rie rcpmse,na(ve f this any to enter upon W thenp . tynedp penyr speer prpnke 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL F+ p. (W)iijan,m a d nfy and keepnrilesNe City of Cupertino against �� h Iiab t }, dgrnems cost J expense h ch may ny y g in.'said 509 - FINAL GRADE v z C,ty nagnmgneneeorthe j ri"g'rin perms, 510 - NA ING APPLICA2ITUNDERSTANDSAND WILL COMPLY WITHALLhON�POINT t SOURCEREGULATIONS!, f'' ., -. . , Issued�35�: Date $igwwrt of AppllcanVConuacmr ar .'a'. 'Y, v; ' Dam : Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE '- I will me apPl cat future Wlldng pain.taearrnamli hazvdo mat »t Typeof Roof ... - _ as d ImeJ by the C pemno Nam,p,71 Code.Chapter 9.12 J me Halm ad Safety Cede Section 25532ho 1.1 - _-.A1Lroofs shall be.inspected.prior to.any_roofing.material being-instal led. "tat Will th .pplicantn futurebuilding occupant . equipment rde is which If a roof Is mstalle'd'viithout first obtaining an mspectlon- I agree:to''remove em t h nl oat ta n t t J b theB A Ali alt Manageme t District?1 h ve'rcaJ me h" nano,mita-, require em,anaer°cna ar 69s all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and w111 tom I with r ,,. i all non poifitsourceregula[ions.,'1j" Cu'fo his HeLhh'&Safetyy CCadi.SSeelliions 2555.25533 and 25534...1 andermandf thatVVa6WR� bcI Luys p e I .-_. .___. _ .- -.. _ �cthe .. .. .. O t e a , a n t rre nl h m m th t 1 b i t t "t fy occ p t n n h h p f<m _ ° g I / _.-,Signature-., cant Date t .,. ofAPPlI . ... _ __... ._ �� All roof coverings to be Class B" or better - w thorlted 11 Da¢ t I '�. , 1 ._... . OFFICE ...... ._. ....