02060199 CITY OF CUPERTINO - ', '" � - - ` - 1. BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR EWORMATION ' 82°bRh'jTDPP6DRIGUES # 71 WALDRON CONSTRUCTION COMP Rh41T002060199 iWAIKTASILTMORE APARTMENTS P O BOX 598 APPuc01V78,y12002 PHONE: (408) 377-8186 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. seZ ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, BUILDING PERMIT INFO PoPat,O BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH y i m i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DI CLARATION ' ;i_� Iherel,yalfr;ahit In.lransedunaerp,oAkinarofChapter 9(commeacmg INTER.RENOVATIOZ 'ID�L1ED KITCHEN AND BA =tw is in full force and efffect.sinslldonslam, n3anheBaamtsaaarnfersmnsenae.anamr°""s` NEW WASHER/DRYER, NEW WALL A/C, NEW FLOOR Y j psr 1.0u O0u L...ew Class Lf,p i 3 y Dote - em,oaclnr ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION "°g 1 nnder,land a,y plans shall be aced as palsic recalls r 1E a O Licensed Proc,sionvl OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Is 411,, 1 hereby of inn;has 1 am exempt from the Cammem,'s License Law for the I—Z a following ' . 7031.5.Businessd Profession,Code:1 y any r county 3whPwhouln :, tae p demolish, memo, $34660 a - po it.. wgrcsm pprcit IP 'n nios atatement ........._...... ._._ __- _- _ _ min dp ant-p p nn t I r L C Sq.FL.F1 our Area a ,.f Valuation (commencing besex asci moo)ofDivision3 nn lBusiness,yaProfessions eae) r 369-03008 :'00. .V. �r... ,._s ' or that he,v 31.5 b therefrom and she hasis far the elldthe iemyt on.Any v stenos of antlnn]031:5iv anyapplicollfar apermit subjens ih<npplicam toacivil pen;eiy nr antennae moa rue nanarea donors(Ssno). APN Number Occupancy Type 101 - FOUNDATION ❑1,d owner of the progeny,ra hi mI,hot intended wages a theiredf axle compensation, 'Bc,,iao the work,and the Cod, The Coal.intended ore Law for sole apply 1.an — PIERS own,,ss and property Who ids The Coal theo's License Law dcee not apply m an 103 - UFER Required Inspections - own,,of property Who hands or tomatoes t ;hereon,and who encs wen work himself or through I'. aemployees,provided that such m,prmeme is are I leided)ear or 104 - REBAR.._ __. - .. . . . .. . _. ._._ _. _. ..._. .. ... ..offered for sale.o rte weveq the building or improvement's sola welt n nae build of ,_ s , „ •improv0on,meowne,"ifle.trwiunaa•<massa<anrprn.ingthatnedidnotbuuao, 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS . . . improve for purpose fevleJ. .,.106 .-- .SEWER &...WATER. _. nn n par m1 a iacmrsln 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING attainment thel J Ct(s 7041 Business a P f.. as Code:)TheC baerors License r t L LI tensnot L pply to an owner ofproperty who improves thereon. 203 UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL -.ad,wh.contracts f n P Jects w th. om,amors)licensed P oma bathe C _. 204 - UNDERFLOOR, FRAME . ❑1 pt nd s cmrfish,aran 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSUli.ATION r Own \ RKER S COh1PENSATION DECLARATION��y 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING -I het<by afrrm ander penalty nr perjury one of the foilnwing aedumtions: 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER 0 1 have and will c;ammam a Cenifcate or coastal in self-insure for Workers 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL N,za Compensation, as provided lar by section 370 of the Labor Cade, for the 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL permrmaa<e sant ware mr wmen mil p<m,it is t wed" 305 - FRAME 01 nave and will mulmliffm Worker',Comp,nizelich brilliance, - a ' dnys<lon 306 - HOLDOWNS 3700 of she Labor Code,for the lbarbormaricc of the rk for which this permit in issued My Workers Co g C 1 bur c me a J P 1 cy x e: 307 - INSULATION Carol 43wiaanevN :. 3.08, SHEETROC&. CE RTIFICATIONOFEXEMPTIONFROMWORKERS i .� ) s 1, COMPENSATION INSURANCE ' 309 " EXTERIOR LATH _ 310 INTERIOR LATH , a mrs c tlun need not be completed f the permit is for one hundred dollars - csioojpn<ss.) _ 311 - SCRATCH COAT 1 al lel r m Per aa& rm<wakr •n nmtsp<nniria{�ata,l 313 - ROOF NAIL. 'i1 II n t mpl y any pe n any manse 'o vs to become wb;en io the Workers' 5 01 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY C pe mtoni.aws 1 California.Date • .A'Plicnar NOTICE TO APPLICANT lrener ink gays cemfcare rEx<anran.yaa amara `502 - FINAL PLUMBING- ENERGY Z ntenmesabjetunmtWorkerscon,ptnaatanponisiom asoftheLahorCode.yhausl 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY O forthwith coli wiffstrall i.ocres or ths permit sold be occurred ok,d. Z . -,. 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY aAGENCYsa505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL V] L 'e add t CONSTRUCTION LENDING Ih p f,rmantt' i h by nfrrm m uh on wn led ' name rkf tick th pe,ml sl su date 3091 Ci¢C7Y yp L ar N _,. ,. 506 - GAS .TEST.. ... v:z507 - FINAL PLUMBING - J «rrmtln am ppb t d mt muss emm,mlronis 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL C`U to m 1gc t Pb beall authorize my d nesand Sate laws elating O;:U the building n.audb al binspection nspec representatives nM1 -tymemrupon 509 - FINAL GRADE the h e)agree reeIdpmpenyf instar eprp,e - 510 - FINAL PLANNING (We) g e to rue, tl emnify and keep hmml.s the C n f i n tli,io against fn:V1 liab,l t judgments.f t and expenses ib ch may in any any ace me,egoist said 514 - F NAL P WORKS V; Cty 'c 9 nh "ou'U h p s - T i APPLICANTU ER SAND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL YONPOINT'` I SOURCE Rccn 7 Issued by: Date s g.,; rapplmanucnnva<mr .: - '. Das Re-roofs Chili,S ct n 25532(a)?,AZARDOUS MATERIALS UISCLOSURL and Safety Type of ROOF - r :.•r _ a 8 oc gam i re or h ndl h e DYpe Cd Chapter 9,12,aache He . : odea dlbyhhe Cupertino Municipal PP .,, _ ft' ..ti . t. _ r .a1.' ., to, -.-.., 1 Al]roofs shall be inspected prior[o any,roofing,material being installed wpm pplc to r en lag p i' .q p ma at-'tea nrn If a roof is installedwithout first obtaining an`inspectiorliI agree'to-remove chair hd s main S�sns/Jf d by the ByA - Al Quality Management Diet c? I Y"'�` all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with YY all non-point source regulations. 1 have rend the hazardoes�nraternals Teiliircraznta under.Chapter 6.95 of mhe California Health'&Safely Code;Sections 25505,25533 and 25531.1 understand mat ififfelamidin apes o�curte,tl M1 m that i a,mresponsibility� the Signature of Applicant Date O c act/yq� Wursnissuance/ J" Date, g oc p nt f l u ar ss h mot be met p ,oyf'a enifcaie of o , Al] roof coverings to be Class B or better - vwhnrzeds c..a`, r.., : OFFICE._, .. .. .. .. , .. ..... __ .-_-. .. .. ..-