02010031 .it h' ..if .., OF ';Cd:.IuvI Ev, '4BUmDINGDIrvtSION"' ' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: :. ' BUILDINGADDRES PERMIT NO. '20030 RODRIGUES AVE # 7E WALDRON CONSTRUCTION COM ANY ''" 02010031 7N'NER'S NA MC: t ..� I APPLICAt10N'SUIi DATF. , LAKE;BILTMORE.,APARTMENTS "' P 0; 2OX' 598 01/0"8/2002 ` HONG: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 377-8186 O-O ARCHITECTM-NG M-NGINEER: - BUILDING PERMIT INFO 0 BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH WE O Z6-W Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION ,lob Description 0 Z 1 ncrcM1y nliinn mhld 1 vat Iice,ucJ unJar pmvinlore"(Cbupmr 9lwnanuming ;vhh„ Section 7lgID)mDivi.don3 ofthe B.,inc,,.fd Prnleasion.,CoJc.and my license INTERIOR REMODEL KITCHEN/BATHROOM/WASHER- in fall m¢e ad neffect. SEo ` KITCHEN/BATHROOM/WASHER- is Lie.Of WALL A/C AND NEW FLOOR COVERINGS . Date, - ' I'Cunnncmr - , tl�'�Y NB�TaE� W a O G : ARCHI'fECI"S DECLARATION 5 .. .I undiestrnd my plans shall be used a,public recomi, pO Licensed Processional - Q Qt OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION MAR O OOT u s l he by R Ih I I exempt f the C tma License LaBerths 3 L G fll mgm (ScI n70315 B .- JP f .Cod Ay ry ly 0 which requinea it porintit toconstruct; h prove.demolish,(it reP any'st I prion.in intumme,id.reprithic,dic.pplicant forsuch Permit file gned statement Jwt nq medp my mq thcp .i snot t t r L eCT13Aer9 Sq. Ft. Floor Aiea- ation (eammX ,g Ins I 7011h1 fD"e 3 fthe Dis do f. a,Cd ) �A I*%t•i ^'�,k.. to yll' dr Area �',r'. `i,!,, or that Ire to ciitma Ineralh,m"ml the bine for theollrtgedadtl aa.A,yvWlatof of Section 703155 hY any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant in a civil pcnlilty Occupancy.Type . - afggmqmihapr.�hundred dolls.WWI. ,.., O I' f thepr Pc tyYemployer, inb. d I p f n ill do U k J the.t I . I interiked or offered for le(Sm.70,14, P' Bu,aas m1.Pmr si Cad no Contractor's LLaw does n t a,ply!oan 102 - PIER squired hispeclions '• v. 1 awnerofp ferly,Wn dd,nr np n nn anti who does wchwork himself 103 - UFER _. ! .. . l on lhmogh hit own employee,.provided that such improvements are ant inlendW or -'bRered farsale.IL however,the building or improvcttmnl is sold within one year of e 'pleinisthenwnennuilderwillhavemcbridenofpmvingthathedidnotbuld.1 104 - REBAR pat/eJm pmpa„e,a5,me.3:;lr 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS a,mon<ruf,Ihc Pm'perty.am cielusivcly comrocling with licrniW con ?`" construct me pmjml flee.7W4.1 me.,and Pmfcssions Cade:)The cnntmatnr. 106 - SEWER & WATER '• ,I. LimiocLowdoe, mapptyinauraw rnrprnncrtywhn land.nrimpn e,,merG,ll, 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING and,w'bn ommet far,.wch•prnjcils with a contractors)licensed puna oal to the Coatmotm's Lim e 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL Dlam c,cl and ler w "B&PCfnr lhis.,n n ower sale �!o Oa 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME', ORKER. Date • - 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION 11 by ff J pc Ity Tal y It,tl rII gd moral 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING :Ihave ant- n t -Cnfct arcn.cmt If tlworkcrs 302' _ TUB & OR SHOWER oI l u provided r by s t nn) f he I M1 ode for he 303 ROUGH MECHANICAL Performance nnhcwbkr wmn,nd,P,I I ,nm. 304 - ROUGH 'ELECTRICAL Ih d -II halm Wokc sComiscr t 1 . sic q dbySecton 305 - FRAME . 1f th L I Cat I II Pr,f 'c f d k f ti l d''p rnI Is ..oca Mywrkerxc pc I ninwro c ,nd Poly nbcr afa306 . HOliDCiWNS „ . y PdlcyN 30,7_, = kINSUliATI0 cI RTIPICAIION OI'I:XEMII ION IROM'WORKERS 1° af,' - COMPINSAI'[ONINSURANCEI ,' '3'O8 `- SHEETROCK w;1 '-309 .!- EXTERIOR LATH (Thfor n +'0 s secuon octal nor be. aplcnd f the pernnl s ne hundred dollar, •y "ISIro)q len,) n310 -' INTERIOR LATH: 1 Litt in Orae perf imiini'abf the vvorVf6r which this Perini i,issued.1 - 311 - SCRATCH COAT' •_ ✓v I = n '3. shall not cmplay any person m say mdnncr'so as to became,ubject to the Workers' Cmip . ruaLaw..alc,11 t.Dmc' - ) - -' 313 ROOF NAIL App' ' 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL. ENERGY -' NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after not ki 6th C<dfnm of Lu snpton you should • z ben ramhI cm totheW k' Co pen.,al P snnheLaborCode you must 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY O man 1, a I,if - suchp n and D ly E.NCYbe cnmrena'kcd 503 _ FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY - V� �tI o I' •'t'•i, 'CO[them nONLFNDING AGENCY L.rr lfinereny llrhrm amt n,ek 1,:aca,n,nnndnn hlmding ageney'rar me performance 504 FINAL BUILDING ENERGY bf the work for wW6 this11 is iswul Sec.7W 7,Civ.C.) Pr'” 505 - .FINAL ELECTRICAL a•Q Isadcr3 Name :. Lender,Address -. - - 506 - GAS TEST U O . ^ 1 0ryttiflhaccaJth. ,plict `d,7llhnuhcalw f matami, 507 FINAL PLUMBING ;a, oire (g t amply In all city and county ordinances and state ramming O.V 16ba11 g, i ere do by ,fan p . If„e, flh.citytonterapnn 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL hc,pnwe-mcmum,cd prnPW,far m.pecnoo na'rP"es 509 - FINAL GRADE C~.0.' - (We)agreem, 'fad ryanJk pl Iesltl,eC'ty repcn aasaapt 510 - NA P NG Cn liabilities. iah rim c 1 dgu¢is costs ,t and q pcnscx which y n by Y accm. 8 Incl salt U' City nen . nenf lh g f y ,rdi pe mJ - /', Cit i NI UNUI?In'A g4 COA111YN'I'I'll NI NDNIt31N'T IsSUCd lT�141 N OAKS Date SOURCE REGULATI(lNh. 't, ,• SigniiiirgtA,ii)liit/Conir;iitor .. D t c Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,DISCLOSURE WII Ih ppl cat f t ku'Idng ,cc Ise l t vh dl ha N ,n tonal Type of Roof k. asJf dby th CPcn M 'c ryl G,W CI pm 9120 IIh-H hh vndR fcty - CurteScclo25{321tar All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. wRdc pPi ,t future humbling< P : equv I t de simwnch ' If a roof is installed,without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove Intl al at t. If 1 by the ID,Arco Air Quality Mnbeneat Di,m all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with DY , r ❑N, all non-point source regulations. t ift ''' "ho" `cuddbc ea doue nmolIs eys ren,,u I Av Cb gnir 695 nl the California Heollh'&S"fmy Cvdc;Semon,25505.25533 and 25534.I nndecaand that it the building doe,sol carmtnly have a nenam,thin it ie my mspan,ibil lly m notify the acapam of rhe'icquirentegd'which miu,i be fact Prior to issuance ora Certificaue of °c„app"`y';.,. . , . I Signature of Applicant Date ^ Dwa2rgraa,m,,d,nn a4ent Date All roof coverings to be Class `B•'or better r' OFFICE ' :• •Yr:KNll"1' •••• ` a""�"gAln.0\ivnL�gal7vty EUIL6U1rrADDRE55 - PERMIT NO. 20030 RODRIGUES AVE # 7E WALDRON CONSTRUCTION 3ANY 02010031 OWNER'S NAME: - - APPLICATION SUB DATE ;. LAKE, BILTMORE 'APARTMENTS P 0 BOX 598 01/08/2002 rr 1 PHONE: - SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 377-8186 ARCHITECf/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB NIECE LICENSEDCONTRACTOWSDECLARATION Job Description azm I hereby affirm that l am licensed under previsions of Chapter9(commencing pr3 {vitnfullfa e1andefect. on3oftheBuainexxondPrafessionaCode.ondmylicenxe INTERIOR REMODEL KITCHEN/BATHROOM/WASHER— once in Tito fame and effect. uanx aa& Liemr WALL A/C AND NEW FLOOR COVERINGS . 3 a° Dam' .'comracwr El p+7 ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION Y durWemmnd my plans ahlll be used os publi<rtcama � 0 Licensed Professional o0 j re OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION (firmexemptj a I hereby. that 1 Pmunexemnempt from @e Condos o License taw for the a followingueaua.(Section construct, t,Business and improve, demolish. Code:Any city or counre Q� E4 oe which its tam a permit re connmm,alrer,improve,h Permit t or repay any lmommen prior toitscensaiec,also requithe the Ipplicem for such come.Lfilessignedsmmment (courn i Bar,ea Pme n to 06)ofhe i,gona n 3 he of thememra Lind Pro few ons(Chapter 9 S F[. Floor Area (cohitthe_gvY{nth1Section]000) fDi Innis lof the Buser r and Rol yam Codel v q� i ) , UffiIOn or th t he I ! pr the ffo and the Innis for the alleged' pe pt"b A y yr I r of Sat 7431 5 by y pp1 ant f permit mbjecmihe&PPI c t t til penalty of nos core than five hundred dollma($500), Occupancy Type ' 01,as owner of the prOferty.Or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7006, Business NE Professions Case:The C°ntmcmr's Licenu law does not apply m sm 10 2 - PIERS equired Inspections owrmr of property Who Wild.,or improver thereon,and who don such wort himself or through his awn employees.provided that such improvements an not intended or 103 UFER 1 ofleered for sole.If,however the building or improvement is sold within one year of 'completion,the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or 104 — REBAR p/oSar1-fthpurpose orsalE.). ' 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS i as0 tther und.pmpeny,rte exclusively communing with licensed Coname m cohswat me proiero(sec.7006,OwnrEntire.and afty who core:)The Ca themons 106 — SEWER & WATER " a whLawton orsuch,ut apply aanaswthAcontrawhawlldcaripursntnt me 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING end who sLias for such,projemx with a comronor(s) licensed pursuant m Ne cal mcro/auce e w 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL n-pply ❑lam ase tar cr B&P C for this rwun Data 204 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME Owner ORKER OMPENSATIONDEC lRAra 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION _ I hereby affnm under Penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING ❑.1 he.arid wit[mairimin 6 CertiOeme of Consent to self-insure ter worker's 3 02 — TUB & OR SHOWER Compencalmo. as provided for by Section 37W of the tabor Cade. far the 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL peearnance or Run wall ter which this Permit is iaaagu.,' 304 ROUGH ELECTRICAL 01 have ad will maintain Worker'a Compensation Insumoce,n required by Amnon 3 0 5 — FRAME 3700 of the Who,Code,for the pei/ormaace of the work for which this permit is W,tied.'My Workers Compensation insurance camEr'and Policy number ini: 306 - HOLDOWNS Caide7,. . :r..PabcYNa.o .,'_ ..INSULATION CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' " COMPENSATION INSURANCE 3 08 SHEETROCK "('Kris Section need not be comPleled if the permit is for one hundred dollars 3 09 — EXTERIOR LATH 310 — INTERIOR LATH I certify'that in the perroorim a of he work for which this'pemul is issued,1 3 11 SCRATCH COAT 'shall not employ any person in any manner se am to become subject to the Workeri Compensation Laws o(Califamia.Date 313 — ROOF NAIL Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,Iter=king this Certificate of Exemption,you should 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY Z become aubjecuo the W"r,ces Compensationpnorknum, fthe Labor CM,you mud 0 0 fasrhwahcomply wimeach pmvidaasorthi.s .it&ha0bedeemedrtvoked. 502 — .FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY WF Ihereby aRrmthat them i.sacondmnionlending agencyfor the perfumvnce 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY Q bndewark Nmrwhi<nlni,.p<,mltniwaw(sa.3o9],Ci..C.) 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL Lender's Name z Lender'snadm 506 — GAS TEST O I ocififY that I have mad this application and state that die above infoomation is 507 — FINAL PLUMBING E.. correct.Lagree to comply with all city and county ordinances and seem laws miming O V to Wilding mnaractme.and hemtiyauthorize representatives ofthiscity to enter upon SOS — FINAL MECHANICAL pro ase the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. rP.` (We)agree tosave.indemnify and kmpharmlcaause City ofCupertino against 509 — FINAL GRADE W liabilities,judgment&,costa and expenses which may in any way acerae against said 510 F City in eonuena quof thegamin,of perna, A P NG SOURCEURCE REGULATIONS APPCANT SAND\\'ILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued b�,14 r NNORKS Date Signature ofAMIic nVCommmor Dan, Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE wB the applicant err future Wilding°ccuponi,atom or handle Onionskins material Type of Roof n definepertin d by the Culotta Municipal Code,Chapter 9.13.and the Health and Safety Coda Section M532(a)7 nYes 0Na r All roofs shall be inspected'prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the oil iicmtarfmure building by he"O uu quip tmeat or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I a Tee to remove Emitict, atter conmminann mde0ned by the Bay Ami Air Quality Management g District, 0Yes ON. all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with t " all non-point source regulations. 1 have sound the hzaimlous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of Ne Cortisone Health&Set,y,Code,Sections 35305,25533 and 25536.1 understand that if the building docs no,cmmonly have a tenant,that it is my aspomibility m easily the ae<upont of the n quiremat5 which must be met prior m Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date Owncrm mmonmeal an Date All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better .1 OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO • BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM -`— Building Address: ZOD 3D Owner's Name: k � Phone N 59fo 5� Cont act r: License o: ' o CIONSf2uCTiU11 Nc. Contact: Phone N � PRo7�cT MNCsR. rb.. 596- 5�8 Architect/Engineer License No: lcllk STxwB� uc Ma- Applicant/Co trac or: 1. It E t�PA¢TMtfT wBuilding Permit Info: (circle one) Idg rElect Mech Job DescrI ti n:T44TVF40 VA'n011 IuC WG ?&'V .� E1�0 14l C314Th} NEW yjm* DR�lat N&w OKL, me", wVW M46M. C&Jt t#Zr Residential: L11� Commercial: Sq. Ft. Floor Area: $/Sq. Ft.: DDD s• APN # (Must provide): /q� D3 bOg Valuatio 1j (obi Type of Construction: Occupancy Group: ,z 7� 5 LUocl'-> Porno «as�dxp Qty. if Fee ID C/ Fee Description Fee Group Applicable BTEMPPERM Temporary Bldg Permit BUILDING BCONSTAX Construction Tax BUILDING BENERGY Energy BUILDING BENERGYADD Energy Add Multi BUILDING BOVERTIME Inspection Overtime BUILDING BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILDING BMITIGAT Housing Mitigation Fee BUILDING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BPLANCKADD Plan Check Add Multi BUILDING BPLANCKREP Plan Check Repeat Fee BUILDING BREINSPECT Reinspection Fee BUILDING BSCBLVD Scb Specific Plan IBUILDING BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILDING BSEISMICRE Seismic Fee Res BUILDING BSPECIAL Special Inspection BUILDING BSWIM Swimming Pool BUILDING ZADDCHG Address Change BUILDING