71671 7790 Robindell Wy. Building Permit Conf3rrgm!60@9� Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDJNG DEPARTMENT T APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT / Date- -?uv\� ----'2'Q----------------- 19.7"l. Permit No.------ 1 ......... The undersigned hereby e a 'ca ion }o the Ie }ric Spector of the City of San Jose fora permit }o install elec is d w' g 6 is n the revarso side. Exemption from requir a at al'or is tractor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: pUws.s 9. a owner/N , statement filed ❑ , Undersigned attests that his State of California CA�y,s�,i'-r'yactor's License # is in full force and effect and properly au}horizes }his tion . /� San Jose City Business License # �� �(� I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ Gyq,,_any persona - rnia- s OWNER M r ex- M rs As ±byy Ny ROShnP0 vkn ADDRESS 71910 Qo&t9- d Q if te.;t7 If USE OF BUILDING < i�c( , I V A FIRM 2S 5-64 5: 1 SIGNED ° 280-20 n 7729- 9ob-inae11 Wy. 9-4 zQ oy IiQ ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING New Old Outlets 9-- Panels, Cabinets Size Service Conduit _ Switches Z Switchboards Size Service Wires Receptacles—(O Panelboards Size Service Switch [00 Fixtures -----2Festoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Mercury Lamps Dryers KW Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Heaters KW Number of Circuits Signs Transformers Motors Number of Meters HP Phase Ampere Loads.6Q_Lighting Power _ Miscellaneous Rough Inspectionx.$=79 By - Final Inspection 2)�7 I BY Remarks: fs•i3-7q $E%�+ Rr� 280-201n